Gotenks said:Who said Gogeta was a SSJ2?
red-five said:maybe this fight will be more even
ssj2 gogeta and vegetto vs thor and glads. they fight in dbz hell,
no sprit bomb attacks so dont bother speculating if gogeta or vegetto can do it
Jplaya2023 said:gogeta was never a ssj2.well seeing as goku AND vegeta are capable of it its reasonable to assume he can
but we dont know how powerful he would be
CBG said:Depends on which Thor.
Mistress Gluon said:Didn't I say that?
what version of thor would it takeWarhammer said:I agree with you and CBG, but otherwise, definitely Vegetto and Gogeta.
saiyan jedi said:what version of thor would it take
for glads and him to win?
well with trunks' time travel machine, they could easily arrange for two sets of gokus and vegetas to exist in the same time frame allowing for such a battle to occur if desired.Sloth7d said:Question. How would Vegitto and Gogeta be fighting them at the same time?
Eitherway, I think either one(vegitto or gogeta) could handle this by their selves.
Its actually more even with no fused characters.
November Rain said:as for the actual fight, complete and utter overkill for the dragonball characters...
complete and utter overkill
it's not even funny.