The Dark Knight Graphic Novels you would like the next movie to have elements from


Forever guarding Gotham
Apr 1, 2006
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for me:

1.The Long Hallwoeen
2.The Dark Knight Returns

you guys?.

Ps let me know if there is a million other threads like this and i will get rid of this one.
This topic has been brought up numerous times, but to my knowledge there has yet to be a specific thread on it.

I think the consensus is that everybody wants TLH and The Killing Joke. Unfortunately for me, I have only read part of TLH (of these two) so I'll abstain from opinionating.
The Man who Laughs, with some of The Long Halloween injected into it.
The Long Halloween was good but to be honest I dont want to see another thing like that, I want something original.

But if I had to choose it would be tlh.
THL is drama thriller and Nolan's vision was like that mixed with action so it would be great if some elements came from THL.
"The Long Halloween", definitely.

I haven't read "The Man Who Laughs" so I don't know about that one. As for "The Killing Joke", that's something I'd save for a later installment of the series. I like the whole idea of The Joker kidnapping Gordon and trying to make him go mad in order to prove his point about what a bad day can do to you. Great Joker plot. I think The Joker has to be more established, though, before they use any story elements similar to that of "The Killing Joke".
The Man Who Laughs is about Batman and the Joker's first meeting. It is a great read.
I must say that I recently read TKJ and was slightly disapointed - but thats beside the point.

I think the Long Halloween would be a great story to base BB2 on. Change Holliday for Joker, save the scaring for BB3 (or very end of BB2), take away Catwoman but keep the frustrating romance between Selina and Bruce, just change Selina for Rachel (I like continuity). You will have to replace the villians randomly used in the story, but you could still have Mob Boss X (Falcone in TLH) employ a "freak" (Penguin?) Also use the theme of Freaks v. Organized Crime (Black Mask v. Maroni/Thorne?).

Of course add the Gordon-Dent-Batman greatness, really build the character of Harvey Dent - who was easily made my favorite character while reading TLH.
The Killing Joke

The Man Who Laughs

The Long Halloween

Dark Victory

Arkham Asylum
Well, BEGINS used a few things from TLH......I'd like to see more too.

Some more of YEAR ONE would be nice.
You know, I have heard that Begins used some things from TLH - but for the life of me I cant tell what they were. I certainly saw the Year One influence, but TLH not so much.
Man Who Laughs, Killing Joke, Arkham Asylum.
Arkham Asylum

No TLH, we don't need a rehash of a subpar mystery.
Sandman138 said:
Arkham Asylum

No TLH, we don't need a rehash of a subpar mystery.

BLASPHAMY! Long Halloween is one of the geatest Batman graphic novels ever!

Bring on the Long Halloween for the sequal!
The Long Halloween- Holiday
Dark Victory- Sofia Gigante running Falcone, Two-Face
Bruce Wayne: Fugitive- Bruce framed for murder
StorminNorman said:
I must say that I recently read TKJ and was slightly disapointed - but thats beside the point.

I think the Long Halloween would be a great story to base BB2 on. Change Holliday for Joker, save the scaring for BB3 (or very end of BB2), take away Catwoman but keep the frustrating romance between Selina and Bruce, just change Selina for Rachel (I like continuity). You will have to replace the villians randomly used in the story, but you could still have Mob Boss X (Falcone in TLH) employ a "freak" (Penguin?) Also use the theme of Freaks v. Organized Crime (Black Mask v. Maroni/Thorne?).

Of course add the Gordon-Dent-Batman greatness, really build the character of Harvey Dent - who was easily made my favorite character while reading TLH.
that all sounds great.:up:
replace Holiday with Joker i agree.then do a "DARK VICTORY"-ish third movie maybe (has'nt read Dark Victory but knows some of the story).
Not to sure about using the main Dark Victory story - however introducing Dick Grayson and Robin at the very very end could work very well.

I think the introduction of Dick Grayson at the end of the 3rd movie is important for this reason if none other - the future of the Bat Franchise. Say the Batman franchise ends with Nolan and the third movie, if you introduce Dick Grayson you can bring a Nightwing movie a few years down the road - in this movie you can tell the story of how Grayson was a great sidekick to the Dark Knight and then moved on. It would prolong the money making franchise.
I have FINALLY purchased and read The Long Halloween, and I loved it. HOWEVER, Falcone and Maroni were way to Godfather-inspired to ever function in a hollywood production. I did think the way they treated Harvey woukd translate well to screen.
I think the Two-Face story would be a good time to introduce Robin, like in Dark Victory. The whole reason Batman revelead himself to Robin was because of what had happened with Harvey. He was contemplating revealing his identity to Dent before he got scarred, and part of him thought that if he had done it, Harvey wouldn't have gone insane like he did. That's why he opens up to Grayson, to make up for not doing so with Dent.
Ronny Shade said:
I have FINALLY purchased and read The Long Halloween, and I loved it. HOWEVER, Falcone and Maroni were way to Godfather-inspired to ever function in a hollywood production. I did think the way they treated Harvey woukd translate well to screen.

Ronny has lost his V-Card - congrats :up:
Hey, i'm thinking of buying Long Halloween. Is it worth a read or not? I don't want to waste my money.

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