Green Lantern Corps


May 7, 2006
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Is the book any good? I've been tempted to get, but just haven't. Is Guy featured in it alot?
Well it isn't out yet.

The mini was fantastic much better than Hal's solo book has been. It featured Guy a lot he's really the main character (if you can have a main character in a team book).
yenaled said:
Well it isn't out yet.

The mini was fantastic much better than Hal's solo book has been. It featured Guy a lot he's really the main character (if you can have a main character in a team book).

and yes its good.
planning on picking up the TPB and the new title that starts soon, i'm glad that each lantern as his own title at the moment, except john....and that's rasict :(
I tend to think that's just because John sucks. :p

He did have a cool moment in GL: Rebirth, though. The part Batman starts hassling him about Hal again and John finally loses it and tells him to shut the hell up before he pwns his cracka ass!

Or, y'know, something like that.
I cant wait for this title. I think the most interesting part about the Green Lantern is this intergalatic police force side of it. Even though the super hero Hal series is cool, I'm pretty pumped for the corps series. Especially to see Guy and Kilowag. I wish Kyle could be in it just like in the mini, he worked well with Guy, but I dont see that happening with Ion on the shelves. Maybe after the Ion mini (it is a mini right?)
GLC is great. Far better than the Green Lantern solo book.
cerealkiller182 said:
I cant wait for this title. I think the most interesting part about the Green Lantern is this intergalatic police force side of it. Even though the super hero Hal series is cool, I'm pretty pumped for the corps series. Especially to see Guy and Kilowag. I wish Kyle could be in it just like in the mini, he worked well with Guy, but I dont see that happening with Ion on the shelves. Maybe after the Ion mini (it is a mini right?)
It's 12 issues with the promise of more if it sells well. I'd prefer to see Kyle remain as Ion and only get called in to the Corps for special things, but that's probably because I'm a Kyle fan. I think Guy, the Wogster, and maybe Soranik Natu would be good as the main characters of GLC, with the rest of the Corps shifting back and forth between background and fore.
In brightest day, in darkest night
no evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil might,
beware my power, GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!
cerealkiller182 said:
I wish Kyle could be in it just like in the mini, he worked well with Guy, but I dont see that happening with Ion on the shelves. Maybe after the Ion mini (it is a mini right?)

Yeah, Ion is listed in the solicits as being only 12 issues so hopefully he returns as GL after that. They can't keep him being all-powerful over a long period of time. It's just to hard to create new stories with heroes that are too powerful.

I would have prefered that Kyle stayed in the GL Corps title with Guy. The Ion thing has been done before and I don't see how they can make it interesting for another 12 issues.
He's not all-powerful. He doesn't even seem to be much more powerful than a GL, based on the first issue.
TheFalcon said:
Yeah, Ion is listed in the solicits as being only 12 issues so hopefully he returns as GL after that. They can't keep him being all-powerful over a long period of time. It's just to hard to create new stories with heroes that are too powerful.

It would suck if after Ion he didnt return at all.
TheCorpulent1 said:
He's not all-powerful. He doesn't even seem to be much more powerful than a GL, based on the first issue.

How so? He looked to be in two places at the same time. On Earth and going nuts in Space. With all the death and destruction, if he's responsible for it, then that looks pretty damn powerful to me.
He's definatly not all-powerful but he is certianly more powerful (Ron Marz has said he has no interest in writing an all powerful onipotent character).

Hpefully Ion will sell well and go onto an ongoing.
TheCorpulent1 said:
I tend to think that's just because John sucks. :p

He did have a cool moment in GL: Rebirth, though. The part Batman starts hassling him about Hal again and John finally loses it and tells him to shut the hell up before he pwns his cracka ass!

Or, y'know, something like that.
But he's so cool on the cartoon....:(
He kind of annoyed me in the cartoon as well, actually. He's better there than he is in the comics, but I'd still take Kyle over him any day.
Anubis said:
How so? He looked to be in two places at the same time. On Earth and going nuts in Space. With all the death and destruction, if he's responsible for it, then that looks pretty damn powerful to me.
Or it was a flashback. That's what I thought, at any rate: he was flashing back to what had happened in space when he woke up on Earth, and now the events from space are going to hit him on Earth when the Corps starts looking for him. Granted, the one issue that's out hasn't done anything about all the questions regarding Ion beyond raising more.
I'd like to see what's up between the scarab and the Lantern tech.
If the GLC series is anything like the mini I'm definitely picking it up.

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