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Guy Bavli - Can He Really Use Telekinesis?


Extra Terrestrial
Aug 6, 2009
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So I was watching Stan Lee's Superhumans last night and Guy Bavli was on. I never heard of him before, but apparently he can move objects with his mind.

This was demonstrated multiple times with multiple objects, most of which were given to him by the Host who would take him to stores he has never been to before with objects he's never seen before.

Apparently they had a Nural Scientist on to monitor his actions and could not explain what his body was doing, but showed fluctuation of brain patterns right before the objects would move.

Do you think that Guy is the real deal or is he just a crock pot illusionist?

I was just wondering what the Hypers had to say!
Probably not? I mean, I can't say for certain, but a weird talent show hosted by Stan Lee isn't the most scientific of circumstances for testing such a thing.
I call ********. Why is it that he can only move objects when they are placed on some other object so that it's rather easy and unnoticable to use air or whatever to make them drop? Telekinesis would be cool, but unfortunately not real.
I'm skeptical about this.
"A fluctuation in brain patterns," sounds suspiciously like pseudoscientific ******** to me. Those aren't actually all that difficult to produce. In fact, I'm sure you could produce such a result by actively trying to deceive.

If this were genuine, he'd go after James Randi's million dollar reward. There's a reason nobody's ever won.
So basically we have a new Uri Gellar


James Randi disproved Uri's claims and said using telekinesis would be "doing it the hard way"
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I'm pretty sure that anyone with any abilities would hide them. Kinda like they did with Heroes but less blowing up New York every year.
What if all you could do was bend spoons or move clock pieces. It's a unique gift , but kind of lame.
One day someone is going to make a leap. Like the first fish to come onto land millions of years ago. If it happens in our lifetime or a million years from now, someone or a group of people are going to be the next genetic step in our evolutionary journey as a species. I believe that very much.
That depends upon what you define as "the next genetic step." Also - and this is just a quibble - the first tetrapods to come onto land did so in excruciatingly gradual fashion. There was no leap.
It's completely fake. Skeptics have shown how this sort of thing is done. Probably the most famous is James Randi.


Its real. Wether that guy is real or not, I dont know. He did move a random object on the floor. It wasnt always something on something. Rubber boy is a skeptic and clever. He didnt allow air to be a factor.
Youll find eventually science will back up this claim soon enough. If we know anything,it that yesterdays science fiction is todays and tomorrows science fact. There are no exceptions. Just as our dna is programmed to imagine theses powers, it is programed to achieve them. :jedi
I call BS. Just like Criss Angel and David Copperfield. The difference is those guys admit it's a trick. Cross Angel showed how ridiculous Tarot cards are and warned people not to put too much store in fortune tellers. Good man.
I stand by my earlier statement of all of us them hiding their powers so they don't get carted away by the government.
how the **** do you guys find these old threads.....I forget even making this thread
Yeah.....very suspicious indeed. Was that sarcasm? Idk if you're being sarcastic you French bung hole.

Yeah.....very suspicious indeed. Was that sarcasm? Idk if you're being sarcastic you French bung hole.


I was not sarcastic. I find it odd that a newbie necro a post such as this one.
There is something fishy.

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