Halloween III, so misunderstood.


Mar 5, 2007
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People say the same thing over and over again, "Where's Michael? where's Laurie? and where's Loomis?". Well you see folks, Michael died at the end of "Halloween 2" and so did Loomis as John Carpenter and Debra Hill came up with a concept to make the franchise into a big screen yearly horror anthology of different horror movies (ala, "Creepshow" or "Tales from The Crypt") under the "halloween" banner each telling a different halloween themed horror movie each year.

Unfortunately the concept blew in Carpenter's face when it bombed in theaters and fans demanded Michael back, yet so he did in 1988 and the anthology idea was scrapped. I thought this was an interesting Sci-fi horror thriller with ideas and a nifty twist ending.

I just wish they would have continued the idea of different halloween themed horror movies each year instead of the same old mindless rehashes of the first two movies. Maybe for Rob Zombie's reinvention of the franchise he and Carpenter can try this idea again.
I'm sorry, but Michael or not, this movie was terrible.
It would be easier to look at this film objectively if it had a different name...
Not really, but it sounded like a fantastic idea. :up:
I'm sorry, but Michael or not, this movie was terrible.

Agreed...I mean seriously he was a slasher movie icon. He can't be killed so why have a movie without him. It's just ******ed.
This movie was awful. It wasn't even scary. All it did was get me pissed off about that damn "silver shamrock" song they kept playing over and over again.
3 more days till halloween, halloween, halloween. 3 more day till halloween, silver shamrock
I really disliked Halloween 3. It was that bloody advert with the pumpkins and that hideous song
Michael is a laughable villain except in the original Halloween where he was truly menacing and scary then in the sequels he becomes some sort of Jason Voorhees wannabe that can't die. They should have made only one Michael movie which would be the first one then have part 2 with the rest as Carpenter's idea to make them into different halloween themed tales with a PLOT much like the first movie and not like the other killathon sequels (ala, the Saw sequels) with the exception of H20 which should have been the last Halloween movie and Michael should have stayed dead. It was stupid of John Carpenter and Debra Hill to make Halloween 2 as a straight sequel to the classic masterpiece with Michael again rather then the anthology idea that he intended for the series but good thing Carpenter burned him.

I believe it was bad marketing that killed the idea of this movie without telling the audience the concept behind it, well since Rob Zombie's Halloween reinvention is coming out perhaps Zombie should kill Michael once and for all so there won't be anymore Michael movies and should consider trying to do the anthology idea like Carpenter wanted and do better advertising and marketing on the idea to let people know the concept.
Its one of those films that is interesting on first viewing but thats about it .... The idea of the masks hiding chips linked to a sacrificial stone had promise but you can really tell that the budget was tiny.

Liked the ending mind you ...
Halloween III, named Halloween III or not would have flopped. Why? It was a terribble unscary idea that was just...wow. It's one of the worst horror movies ever in my opinion.

Carpenter's idea to make an anthology of tales that happened on Halloween wasn't a bad one, but he should have known after the success of the first two all people wanted was Michael.

Do I think Zombie should try this idea? No. Besides Zombie has pretty much said this one remake is it for him. Tyler Mane, Scout Taylor Compton, and Malcolm McDowell are a whole other story though.
I liked it. It was far from a great movie but it at least had an original plot which probably what made it watchable for me. I think it gets alot of unnecessary hate because of the title. It is the worst idea ever to continue a successful franchise and not even have the character that made the movies great taken out. It is like making Spider-Man 3 and making the movie entirely focused on Peter Parker.
Even though it wasn't a direct Halloween sequel, on its own merits, the movie just stunk. The plot was ludricious, the acting was laughable and overall, very unsatisfying. They should've retitled the movie and left it at that, at least it would have some dignity.
the anthology idea was smart, and i wish it would have worked. I think the problem came with doing halloween 2 using micheal again. It makes it harder for general audiences to get the whole anthology idea when the first 2 movies (episodes etc..) use the same character/storyline. maybe if they would have made another movie about micheal as the 4th or 5th halloween movie it would have worked.
The idea of a commercial that kills its viewers is brilliant. That said, Halloween III is terrible. This was one of those times where the original concept was outweighed by the sheer lack of cerativity in any other arena.
Lordy, this movie was an incomprehensible mess. The whole Stonehenge/Robot men/killer mask stuff was laughably bad. The hero was pretty lameass, and the his relationship with the girl was kinda creepy. When she went all roboty at the end it was just a perfect capper to an utter crapfest. I also loved how the title has no relation to the film itself. "Season Of the Witch"? Where the hell were the witches??? BAH!

Frankly this movie made me sad in the pants.
I love Halloween III, say what you want about not having Michael but I love the idea of having different Halloween stories with each film. The film itself has all kinds of cool moments. It just recently came out on Blu ray fyi, I might pick it up by Halloween. :up:


I didn't love the movie, but I too think it gets too much heat. It was cheesy at parts, yes. Mediocre to bad acting for the most part, yes. The Halloween name put many off, yes. But the idea, as Kane said, was brilliant. I view it as a proto-They Live, and the ending is amazing.

The music is also great, easily rivalling the classic Halloween theme, imo.
^That scene use to creep the **** out of me.

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