Handicapping Hulk & Hellboy

interesting indeed. Thanks for the post AD!

Hopefully the movie isn't in any kind of trouble with post and we will start getting our Hulk fix before we know it.
Damn... The guy has brought up some good points.
But I expect Hellboy to be a totally different experience in the first place, so my expectations are different for each.

But I'd have to agree after seeing Pan's Labyrinth I see how the man is a much better director the Leterrier.

In any case, I like having my hopes dragged down for a movie rather then the other way around... With no expectations you bound to enjoy it.

Hell I even liked GR up until half an hour after I walked out of the theatre and I came to my senses.
There are two things I have no doubt about:

1) Hellboy 2 will be an awesome film.
2) Incredible Hulk will be an awesome film.

I think both will be fun, and wildly entertaining. The two franchise are completely different from one another which is a good thing.
Yikes. I forgot they haven't even announced a composer for this flick yet. That's...wow. What is going on over there? This is not a small film. You can't be so secretive with it and get away with it. Where'd the press? I used to be more excited about this film than Iron Man but now...:csad:

Oh and I'm looking forward to Hellboy more than any of these other flicks by the way. :woot:
At this point, i am looking forward to HBII SO much more, i think it is pretty much certain the movie will be great, which is not the case with TIH for me.
The article is just grasping at straws due to the lack of knowledge out there on the hulk.

Anyone can make a comparison about two things and make one sound better if they have no info on the other.

He may or may not be correct but only time will truelly tell.
Some intrigueing, and worrying, points made in that blog.

Hopefully, it's just worrying for worrying's sake.
I hope this news will propt Marvel and Universal to get off their butts and Market this film a bit more. It's getting bad word of mouth due to NO word of mouth.
The article is just grasping at straws due to the lack of knowledge out there on the hulk.

Anyone can make a comparison about two things and make one sound better if they have no info on the other.

He may or may not be correct but only time will truelly tell.


The article is just grasping at straws due to the lack of knowledge out there on the hulk.

Anyone can make a comparison about two things and make one sound better if they have no info on the other.

He may or may not be correct but only time will truelly tell.

I agree with you, more or less. Not sure that Mr. Horgan has a "lack of knowledge" on the Hulk, but it sure sounds as if he's entered his article with a predisposition/slant toward Hellboy. If you count up the number of references to Hellboy, del Toro or anything that pertains to that movie, they probably outnumber those of the Hulk, 3-1. Reason if Mr. Horgan does have knowledge on the Hulk, anyway, then he certainly doesn't do us, the readers, any favors to indicate that he does, since his article is so deficient on details regarding the strengths of TIH. It's easy to make a case for something when all you do is isolate what you perceive to be the strengths of one thing and ignore those of the other. Ah well. He's entitled to his opinion. I just don't think he makes a very good case.

I, for one, remain stupefied by the hype that Hellboy gets anyway. That first movie was just not very good IMO and the character himself is utterly boring to me. He's the equivalent of a lumbering Hulk with a few good one-liners and that's about it. I can promise you I will not see that movie until maybe, MAYBE, it comes out on DVD. I've no interest in it, otherwise.
Well i liked the first Hellboy. It didn't blow me away, i never read the comic and after the movie i still had no desire to...but it was cool. Ang's Hulk OTOH i was seriously pumped up for and couldn't believe the boredom i felt waiting to The Hulk to appear. (Repressed memories? Giant dogs? A 60 lb Betty Ross? Failure on all counts) But i love everything Ed Norton has done so i'm once again hyped for TIH. Nothing else i can say that hasn't been said already.
I agree with you, more or less. Not sure that Mr. Horgan has a "lack of knowledge" on the Hulk, but it sure sounds as if he's entered his article with a predisposition/slant toward Hellboy. If you count up the number of references to Hellboy, del Toro or anything that pertains to that movie, they probably outnumber those of the Hulk, 3-1. Reason if Mr. Horgan does have knowledge on the Hulk, anyway, then he certainly doesn't do us, the readers, any favors to indicate that he does, since his article is so deficient on details regarding the strengths of TIH. It's easy to make a case for something when all you do is isolate what you perceive to be the strengths of one thing and ignore those of the other. Ah well. He's entitled to his opinion. I just don't think he makes a very good case.

I, for one, remain stupefied by the hype that Hellboy gets anyway. That first movie was just not very good IMO and the character himself is utterly boring to me. He's the equivalent of a lumbering Hulk with a few good one-liners and that's about it. I can promise you I will not see that movie until maybe, MAYBE, it comes out on DVD. I've no interest in it, otherwise.

I think the point he was making is that there's a whole lot of info available about the Hellboy 2 film but the same level of detail about TIH is not available at this point in time, so it's a bit of a pointless exercise the writer of the article went through as his comparisons are terribly lopsided and laced with wild guesses and disinformation if not completely uninformed.

Well i liked the first Hellboy. It didn't blow me away, i never read the comic and after the movie i still had no desire to...but it was cool. Ang's Hulk OTOH i was seriously pumped up for and couldn't believe the boredom i felt waiting to The Hulk to appear. (Repressed memories? Giant dogs? A 60 lb Betty Ross? Failure on all counts) But i love everything Ed Norton has done so i'm once again hyped for TIH. Nothing else i can say that hasn't been said already.

That's aight dude. Welcome aboard.

I think the point he was making is that there's a whole lot of info available about the Hellboy 2 film but the same level of detail about TIH is not available at this point in time, so it's a bit of a pointless exercise the writer of the article went through as his comparisons are terribly lopsided and laced with wild guesses and disinformation if not completely uninformed.


Yeah, I kinda realized that after I made my post. My thrust was slightly off. lol Regardless - and hence the reason I didn't edit my post - there's still a wealth of info out there on TIH. If Mr. Horgan had only taken the time to do his homework (i.e. interview an actor, producer, etc.), he might've found it and hence provided us with a more balanced review. So, in the end, I agree with both you and November Rain, whom I said I'd agreed with "more or less" anyway. I just said it in a more roundabout way than you or NR did. lol
I agree with you, more or less. Not sure that Mr. Horgan has a "lack of knowledge" on the Hulk, but it sure sounds as if he's entered his article with a predisposition/slant toward Hellboy. If you count up the number of references to Hellboy, del Toro or anything that pertains to that movie, they probably outnumber those of the Hulk, 3-1. Reason if Mr. Horgan does have knowledge on the Hulk, anyway, then he certainly doesn't do us, the readers, any favors to indicate that he does, since his article is so deficient on details regarding the strengths of TIH. It's easy to make a case for something when all you do is isolate what you perceive to be the strengths of one thing and ignore those of the other. Ah well. He's entitled to his opinion. I just don't think he makes a very good case.

I, for one, remain stupefied by the hype that Hellboy gets anyway. That first movie was just not very good IMO and the character himself is utterly boring to me. He's the equivalent of a lumbering Hulk with a few good one-liners and that's about it. I can promise you I will not see that movie until maybe, MAYBE, it comes out on DVD. I've no interest in it, otherwise.
Just so you know I received this email today from an high-up at Marvel regarding the Hellboy/Hulk handicap and the Elfman article and I quote: "This makes me chuckle...I'm not worried. They can hype up Hellboy all they want. Its needs the push. I'd rather peak at the right time with the perfect campaign. I love Danny Elfman (he scored the first HULK) but no one says "I have to see that film because I love the composer". Or if they do, they're in the minority..." So that being said they are plotting the "perfect campaign" to hit us with the Hulk. They are not late or panicking. Its like an old battle scene with the General going: Hold it...hold it...steady....hold it....GO!!!
Just so you know I received this email today from an high-up at Marvel regarding the Hellboy/Hulk handicap and the Elfman article and I quote: "This makes me chuckle...I'm not worried. They can hype up Hellboy all they want. Its needs the push. I'd rather peak at the right time with the perfect campaign. I love Danny Elfman (he scored the first HULK) but no one says "I have to see that film because I love the composer". Or if they do, they're in the minority..." So that being said they are plotting the "perfect campaign" to hit us with the Hulk. They are not late or panicking. Its like an old battle scene with the General going: Hold it...hold it...steady....hold it....GO!!!

Ha, I like his confidence. Notice how he artfully defends the Hulk without going too much on the offensive. "I'd rather peak at the right time with the perfect campaign" just about sums it up. Game. Set. Match.
I hope this news will propt Marvel and Universal to get off their butts and Market this film a bit more. It's getting bad word of mouth due to NO word of mouth.

If Hulk doesn't do twice the box office of Hellboy, I'll ban myself from these boards. Hellboy is a minor blip of a nitch movie that won't be half as big or half as good as Incredible Hulk. Guaranteed!
If Hulk doesn't do twice the box office of Hellboy, I'll ban myself from these boards. Hellboy is a minor blip of a nitch movie that won't be half as big or half as good as Incredible Hulk. Guaranteed!

You sure about that? I'd like to hear your reasoning behind this, actually.
If Hulk doesn't do twice the box office of Hellboy, I'll ban myself from these boards. Hellboy is a minor blip of a nitch movie that won't be half as big or half as good as Incredible Hulk. Guaranteed!

Can we hold you to your word?
You sure about that? I'd like to hear your reasoning behind this, actually.

I'm confident in the box office for two reasons.

1) Hellboy has an awful release date. One week directly between Hancock and Dark Knight is a money sapping slot. Hellboy is doomed.

2) Hulk is 100 times more popular a character. Given proper incentive, general audiences will flock to the character. The trailer and first images will remind everyone why they flocked to the first film's opening weekend in the first place.

Can we hold you to your word?

You betcha!
I'm confident in the box office for two reasons.

1) Hellboy has an awful release date. One week directly between Hancock and Dark Knight is a money sapping slot. Hellboy is doomed.

2) Hulk is 100 times more popular a character. Given proper incentive, general audiences will flock to the character. The trailer and first images will remind everyone why they flocked to the first film's opening weekend in the first place.

Or the audience can remember how awesome the first Hellboy was and flock to see it anyway and connect this Hulk with the past Hulk and figure "screw this.". Possible outcome is all. The first Hellboy may not have made much but once it got to DVD it sold like hotcakes. Word of mouth for it has been great while when people think Hulk they think Ang Lee's.

I hope both movies are great and major successes but I'm just saying, don't count Hellboy out just yet because he's a Dark Horse comic book character and not Marvel or DC.
I'm confident in the box office for two reasons.

1) Hellboy has an awful release date. One week directly between Hancock and Dark Knight is a money sapping slot. Hellboy is doomed.

2) Hulk is 100 times more popular a character. Given proper incentive, general audiences will flock to the character. The trailer and first images will remind everyone why they flocked to the first film's opening weekend in the first place.

You betcha!
I don't know BH, I kinda think I got this kids back on this one. Hulk will smoke Hellboy at the BO.
Are we really having a TIH will do better than Hellboy discussion? :huh: What's the point? They're both great, if very different, characters. Just because some uninformed fanboy jackass with a blog did a ******ed comparison of the two films and said that Hellboy 2 would do better than Hulk doesn't mean jack. There is no reason both films can't do well and I would hope that we, as comic fans, are going to go out and support both of them so that the studio pukes get the message that these films do make money and will want to make more of them. 'Nuff said.

Are we really having a TIH will do better than Hellboy discussion? :huh: What's the point? They're both great, if very different, characters. Just because some uninformed fanboy jackass with a blog did a ******ed comparison of the two films and said that Hellboy 2 would do better than Hulk doesn't mean jack. There is no reason both films can't do well and I would hope that we, as comic fans, are going to go out and support both of them so that the studio pukes get the message that these films do make money and will want to make more of them. 'Nuff said.

It wasn't one of us that started this mess. It was a jackass writer from some site that generated this fiasco. See for yourself: http://www.filmstew.com/showBlog.aspx?blog_id=1300

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