Hawkman movie

The Overlord

Mar 10, 2002
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If WB makes a Hawkman movie, should Hawkman be an alien or an ancient Egyptian? Who should play Hawkman? Who should be the villain? Should Hawkgirl be involved? Is there anything else you would like to see in a Hawkman film?
If WB makes a Hawkman movie, should Hawkman be an alien or an ancient Egyptian? Who should play Hawkman? Who should be the villain? Should Hawkgirl be involved? Is there anything else you would like to see in a Hawkman film?

I would prefer the ancient Egyptian, because Wonder Woman , Martian Man hunter, Superman, and Green Lantern involve aliens and Hawkman could be different by taking the other approach.
I would prefer the ancient Egyptian, because Wonder Woman , Martian Man hunter, Superman, and Green Lantern involve aliens and Hawkman could be different by taking the other approach.

what do aliens have to do with Wonder Woman?
Ancient Egyptians.

Its silly to have the "hawks" as aliens it just doesnt work.
Ancient Egyptian no doubt! The only problem could be it may be antagonistic to WB's Black Adam efforts. Two ancient egyptian superheroes may dilute crowd enthusiasm.

As for the cast...


Joe Manganiello as Hawkman/ Carter Hall


Evan Rachel Wood as Hawkwoman/ Cha-yara/ Shiera



Malin Ackerman for Hawk Woman if you're looking for someone more age appropriate!


Jason Momoa as Hath-Set
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How would that work?

Well, there'd have to be some kind of reincarnation connection, be it figurative or literal. There are all kinds of ways to do it.
Well, there'd have to be some kind of reincarnation connection, be it figurative or literal. There are all kinds of ways to do it.

I think it may be convoluted if they do both, I think it would be easier if they did one or the other.
Ancient Egyptian. Gerard Butler. And if they don't put Gentleman Ghost in it, I murder someone.
Either would work really, But I'd lean more towards Shadow Thief. Seems like a good one to start with. Maybe he steals the suit from Carter or whatever.

Also, as far as both he and Black Adam having ancient middle Eastern origins, well, I think that's a good thing. Always liked the fact that Kufu hung out with Naboo and Might Adam 1,000's of years ago. Back when they weren't *****.
Either Gentleman Ghost or Shadow Thief would work for the villain.
I would go with the whole Doctor Who alien thing. He is an alien who is reborn because that is what his species does, like the Time Lords. So he dies and gets reborn and so would Hawkgirl. But add in the whole Hath-Set thing. But instead of an evil sorcerer who has cursed them he is another Thanagarian who is also on Earth with them and is also constantly getting reborn only to kill them again and again.
So Hath-Set is sort of like the Master.

So the story would be about Carter Hall, an archaeologist finds an alien artifact made of Nth metal that opens his memories of his past lives (like the pocket watch on Doctor Who. He discovers he is actually Katar Hol, an alien from the planet Thanagar, and he has actually been alive on Earth in one form or another since Ancient Egypt. (There should be time spent on Carter coming to grips with this concept, maybe flashes of his memories of his various lifes in Egypt, the Old West, Germany, over the coarse of the 1st half.) He also is searching for someone he remembers from all his lifes, his love Hawkgirl. When he finally finds her she is Kendra Saunders and she wants nothing to do with him.
But then they are both targeted by the latest incarnation of their jealous Thanagarian enemy Hath-Set. It is revealed at some point, when Kendra touches the Nth metal, that Katar Hol and Shayera Hol were Thanagarian cops chasing the fugitive Hath-Set when they all crashed on Earth and were trapped. Hath-Set always finds them and kills them. But this time, in this movie, they are able to kill him first.
The movie ends with Carter taking a teaching job at a local school, and living at a museum. While Kendra starts to believe him, she is still hesitant to trust him and does not want to date him in any way... yet. Leave that for the sequel.

The first movie would have a lot to set up about the characters, about who they are as characters, that they are aliens, what Thanagarians are, about Nth Metal, about their many lifes. So Hath-Set seems like the best choice for the arch enemy in the first film. The multiple lives thing is one of the reasons I love the Hawkman stories. So that is what I would want to see. but to simplify it for the public I would make the rebirth thing part of their alien culture instead of part of a magic curse.

Gentlemen Ghost would be a good candidate for the sequel with it being revealed that Hawkman killed him in the old west in a previous life when he tried to kill a past version of Shayera. This would explore Carter's character more, about how he can loose himself in battle and anger and become a killer. Because then how would Kendra handle this?
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I would go with the whole Doctor Who alien thing. He is an alien who is reborn because that is what his species does, like the Time Lords. So he dies and gets reborn and so would Hawkgirl.

This is pretty much what I have in mind.
I would go with the whole Doctor Who alien thing. He is an alien who is reborn because that is what his species does, like the Time Lords. So he dies and gets reborn and so would Hawkgirl. But add in the whole Hath-Set thing. But instead of an evil sorcerer who has cursed them he is another Thanagarian who is also on Earth with them and is also constantly getting reborn only to kill them again and again.
So Hath-Set is sort of like the Master.

So the story would be about Carter Hall, an archeologist who discovers he is actually Katar Hol, an alien from the planet Thanagar, and he has actually been alive on Earth in one form or another since Ancient Egypt. (There should be time spent on Carter coming to grips with this concept, maybe flashes of his memories of his various lifes in Egypt, the Old West, Germany, over the coarse of the 1st half.) He also is searching for someone he remembers from all his lifes, his love Hawkgirl. When he finally finds her she is Kendra Saunders and she wants nothing to do with him.
But then they are both targeted by the latest incarnation of their jealous Thanagarian enemy Hath-Set. It is revealed at some point that Katar Hol and Shayera Hol were Thanagarian cops chasing the fugitive Hath-Set when they all crashed on Earth and were trapped. Hath-Set always finds them and kills them. But this time, in this movie, they are able to kill him first.
The movie ends with Carter taking a teaching job at a local school, and living at a museum. While Kendra starts to believe him, she is still hesitant to trust him and does not want to date him in any way... yet. Leave that for the sequel.

The first movie would have a lot to set up about the characters, about who they are as characters, that they are aliens, what Thanagarians are, about Nth Metal, about their many lifes. So Hath-Set seems like the best choice for the arch enemy in the first film. The multiple lives thing is one of the reasons I love the Hawkman stories. So that is what I would want to see. but to simplify it for the public I would make the rebirth thing part of their alien culture instead of part of a magic curse.

Gentlemen Ghost would be a good candidate for the sequel with it being revealed that Hawkman killed him in the old west in a previous life when he tried to kill a past version of Shayera. This would explore Carter's character more, about how he can loose himself in battle and anger and become a killer. Because then how would Kendra handle this?
I really like this. It's kinda like Indiana Jones + Doctor Who + Superman.
And as a bonus, it's also kind of like Hawkman.
There's already a thread for this. Why not use it? Why start a new?
I thought this was the old one.

You also get the Highlander flashbacks too. You get flashes of their past lives, in Ancient Egypt, in the old West, in Germany, in Thanagar, a lot of past lives where they can look different too (different bodies), but if the audience is told that this is the same guy and girl they will get it.


I really like his character, Hawkman's/Carter's. He is this guy who has lived hundreds of different lives, has been everywhere and seen everything, and is very sophisticated and cultured, but is also this angry barbarian who is trying to restrain himself. Also love the idea that he lives above a museum full of artifacts from his previous lives, and that he goes out searching for artifacts from those lives too as well as being Hawkman and fighting bad guys.
And Kendra would be the Hawkgirl I'd use, maybe call her Hawkwoman though, because her story is very interesting. She barely remembers Carter or her past lives and doesn't know if she fully trusts Carter. Plus he tells her they used to be in love for thousands of years. Its a lot for her to take and would make an interesting arc for her movie.

I don't know what the New 52 Hawkman is like, but the Johns/Robinson vesion from pre New 52 would be the one I would choose.

Oh, also you get the built in out for the actors. If the guy playing Carter wants out or the woman playing Kendra you can have them killed off and replaced with a new character. Maybe just use the idea that they did with Kendra. A descendant of Carter Hall died around the same time and his spirit went into him. Or something. But like Doctor Who you have built in outs for the actor that allow the story to keep going.

So you have the
Superman theme: alien from another planet on Earth to save it
Indiana Jones: Archaeologist and ancient artifacts and the past themes
Doctor Who: rebirth and regeneration + built in out for actors
and Highlander: flashes of past lives in different setting around the world.

I think that would help the studios see how valuable the movie could be if those themes are pointed out. Movies and shows that have already been out and worked with the audience. Themes they already know. Studios wont worry that audiences will be lost.
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I'd say Hawgirl has bigger marketing value to the public than Hawkman does, most people who know who he is, probably just know him as "that crazy guy that stalked Hawkgirl"..

That said, a solo film about either is pretty far away, considering not even Flash or Wonder Woman seems to be going anywhere.. :whatever:
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I always thought Darren Aronofsky's The Fountain would be a cool template for a Hawkman movie. It is a love story that takes place in 2 different eras (sword-and-sandal/modern/futuristic) if you didn't know. You could sync up Egyptians worshiping their Thanagar "gods," the archaeologists uncovering these Egyptians remains, and the advanced alien Thanagarian civilization that comes to Earth.

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