Help with poses etc...


Mar 23, 2001
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I'm getting a whole bunch of new figures.. and I'm gunna have limited space So.. I was wanting some help with different poses etc. so the figures dont look crappy and tacky on my wall/shelf. I'm gunna post some pictures of stuff that have half done/not done at all when I get back from work tonight.
I sent you a PM. I'll try to remember to see if you respond tonight, but if i dont remember i'll check tomorrow sometime. good luck with the poses.
Am I the only one who has a hard time gettin' some of the ML's to stand?
i really doubt it. mystique, captain america series 1, sometimes series 4 punisher, urban legends daredevil, series 3 thor, and a few others are the hardest to stand in my case. even galactus likes to fall over.
I'm trying to get my digital camera to upload pics onto the pc... but its being a little bastard
mystique will never ever stand
took along as time for me to get mullet bishop to stand
but bald bishop stand alright,nowhere near the troubles i had with mullet
every one else is pretty good
oh and i guess angel will never stand either
hes always on a flight stand
and his left leg is kinda warped, so he wouldnt stand anyways
Alright Ive got all of the pictures on my pc.. after an exhausting procedure >_<..without further adue Here they are in all of their cluttered glory :p








Now keep in mind this is by far not all of them... I had to put away alot of my Spider-man 2 movie figures just because they didnt really go with the style of the other figures.. I only kept spidey ock and Green goblin.. I still have a bunch more coming in this week from rough and ebay things.. Any suggestion???
OK well here is what i think should be fixed if you are looking for new poses
venom-ive never read a single comic, but that figure always looked cooler to me if he had his legs bent kinda like spiderman when he was swinging

iron fist-again, never read a comic, but he looks cooler in a crouching kung fu pose

carnage-does he even have webbing?

movie goblin-make him crouching on his glider, looks cooler

storm-it looks alot better if you put one foot on one of the outside pegs of the storm, and one foot on the lower inside peg of the storm

youve got an odd choice or two on your wall, and if anybody should be on a wall/in flight, it should be human torch, its tough to get a good natural pose with his base, but it looks good when you figure it out

id put nightcrawler in more of a crouching spiderman type pose

id put bishop in a ready to fight stance with his guns drawn

id put magneto on a flight stand with one hand extended

and if you are gonna be crunched for space, take the green goblin and hobgoblin and use fishing string to hang them from the ceiling of a shelf to look like they are in flight, i noticed you had tacks on the shelf, might as well use them

kudos on the ghost rider pose, it looks really cool

and dr doom looks silly,id make one arm at his side and one up in the air

and battle ravaged spidey would look cooler laying down in from of rhino or lizard, or fighting them
HCpride said:
OK well here is what i think should be fixed if you are looking for new poses
venom-ive never read a single comic, but that figure always looked cooler to me if he had his legs bent kinda like spiderman when he was swinging

iron fist-again, never read a comic, but he looks cooler in a crouching kung fu pose

carnage-does he even have webbing?

movie goblin-make him crouching on his glider, looks cooler

storm-it looks alot better if you put one foot on one of the outside pegs of the storm, and one foot on the lower inside peg of the storm

youve got an odd choice or two on your wall, and if anybody should be on a wall/in flight, it should be human torch, its tough to get a good natural pose with his base, but it looks good when you figure it out

id put nightcrawler in more of a crouching spiderman type pose

id put bishop in a ready to fight stance with his guns drawn

id put magneto on a flight stand with one hand extended

and if you are gonna be crunched for space, take the green goblin and hobgoblin and use fishing string to hang them from the ceiling of a shelf to look like they are in flight, i noticed you had tacks on the shelf, might as well use them

kudos on the ghost rider pose, it looks really cool

and dr doom looks silly,id make one arm at his side and one up in the air

and battle ravaged spidey would look cooler laying down in from of rhino or lizard, or fighting them
Heh, for the most part they are all just sitting there I figure I wont start trying to pose them until the bulk of them are all there :p.. And as for human torch... I have no idea how i could do that.. But i will try. Oh and carnage doesnt have webbing :p its a temporary thing.. I think im gunna have a chase scene on my ceiling between venom spidey and carnage since he does have the symbiote stuff to swing with. and biship is a major female dog trying to stand up :p
some easy tips for posing*

-Dynamic, the more pushed pose your fig is in.. the more spectacular it will be

-Comics, refer to comic pics for classic dynamic poses

-Emotion, the body has its own language, use it

-Life, pay attention to human anatomy and poses.. and dont put your figs in poses that no human could do

-Detail, if a leg is twisten the wrong way... a head tilted another... toes pointing up when there standing flat footed, etc.... you must pay attention to detail, these figs are HIGHLY articulate.. use it.

if you need any more help, refer to my link... theres plenty of pictures where you can get some ideas
SpiderHulkThing said:
i really doubt it. mystique, captain america series 1, sometimes series 4 punisher, urban legends daredevil, series 3 thor, and a few others are the hardest to stand in my case. even galactus likes to fall over.
balance.... you have to move them around a bit to balance a few... none of mine have been falling lately
yeah spideyboy :p i was looking at your pics a few days ago.. theyre friggin awesome. Big thing is I dont have alot of time to fiddle with them.. Tommorow im gunna try and work on them after I finish the yardwork. I got a cool collage of the X-men figures going. Right now I'm really waiting for all of the figures to come in and then I'm gunna decide what to do there. like a spidey collage a spidey rogues collage an avengers collage F4 collage ETC.. I'm gunna go to the hardware store tommorow and get some invisible wire and tacks etc...
awsome, glad to be of some help, and ya.. it does take time... but i kinda have an OCD with my figs... i feel the need to make time ... lol hell i cant sleep if i get new figs and havent set them up yet... lol
Yeah... IM OCD about buying stuff... probably why i just spent like 500 dollars on figures etc...I'll def want to consult with you on figure poses spideyboy though :p oh.. and please excuse all of those dragonballz dvds :x
spideyboy_1111 said:
balance.... you have to move them around a bit to balance a few... none of mine have been falling lately

most of them are fine now. mystique hasnt fallen in a while. Thor will always fall though cause his legs are loose, but at least i'll be getting the WM one soon, at least i hope so. once i get my own house, i'll be putting some on walls etc.
SsM said:
Yeah... IM OCD about buying stuff... probably why i just spent like 500 dollars on figures etc...I'll def want to consult with you on figure poses spideyboy though :p oh.. and please excuse all of those dragonballz dvds :x
haha :p

ya ne time u need help.. lemme know
SpiderHulkThing said:
most of them are fine now. mystique hasnt fallen in a while. Thor will always fall though cause his legs are loose, but at least i'll be getting the WM one soon, at least i hope so. once i get my own house, i'll be putting some on walls etc.
ya.. my thor use to fall often... but i have him flying now...
My Suggestion to SsM. When dealing with limited wall space...don't space the figs. As you get more and more you will need more room. Fill those gaps.
SsM said:
oh.. and please excuse all of those dragonballz dvds :x

I don't think I can! :mad:

One quick Q. Why do you have so man " :p " and " :x " all over the place in your posts?
XwolverineX said:
But they don't work, sooo, stop using 'em. :)
:x is something That i started doing on IRC like ten years ago... and I can't stop now... its a habit ;x

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