Hey bro, let's get something to eat... BRO-DATE!!


Apr 13, 2002
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More often than not, I'd rather go to lunch outside of my workcenter than bringing my lunch here and sitting in cubicle hell for any longer than I have to... eating... alone... *gack*. So, I'll go to my workcenter bro and ask him if he wants to grab lunch... or vice versa and we GO! It's always an adventure,

"Where do you want to eat today?"

"I dunno, I picked last time"


"**** YOU! Let's just go to Burger King"

"I'd rather eating a dying prostitute"

"Fine... Panera? Quiznos? Hooters?"

"Uhhh... let's just go to Burger King"

Then... I met someone who mocked our lunch excursions. Coming back from lunch he queried, "How was your bro-date? Are you guys going to the movies tonight too?" I was floored, bro-date? Hmm... what's wrong with that? When I go on a business trip, I'll have lunch/dinner with whoever I'm with, be they male or female. Outside of the workcenter, I've been on quite a few "bro-dates" with my friends, we laugh, tell stories about women and plan our next victims.

All fun guy stuff...

but this person was disgusted by the idea. He said something to the effect of, "I'd never go on a bro-date, that's gay".


Bro... a bro date is not gay. A bro date is something that tightens the bonds between brothers from another mother. It works towards a goal, a goal of the opposite of gay, for whatever sense that kinda makes but really doesn't make. I think that a person who doesn't go on bro dates and ONLY hangs out with his wife is worse than us... he is wifey-whipped... and that's truly a shameful situation to be in. I'm going to buy him a ball gag.
Yeah that person is a ****ing moron. If you can't get something to eat with a fiend of the same sex without it being gay, what can you do?
I used to do that all the time with my previous roommates.

My first roommate and I lived about 2 streets over from a bar and 3 streets over from a plethora of fast food places. 3 chinese places, kfc, mcdonalds, burger king, pizza hut and many more.

We had a routine since we worked different times. On Saturday we'd head out to KFC and get a huge meal then bring it home and veg out in front of our shared purchased 61" tv.

We never had a problem with it. We had a great time. Usually on sunday we'd cruise the pawn shops looking for games or movies we wanted.
More often than not, I'd rather go to lunch outside of my workcenter than bringing my lunch here and sitting in cubicle hell for any longer than I have to... eating... alone... *gack*. So, I'll go to my workcenter bro and ask him if he wants to grab lunch... or vice versa and we GO! It's always an adventure,

"Where do you want to eat today?"

"I dunno, I picked last time"


"**** YOU! Let's just go to Burger King"

"I'd rather eating a dying prostitute"

"Fine... Panera? Quiznos? Hooters?"

"Uhhh... let's just go to Burger King"

Then... I met someone who mocked our lunch excursions. Coming back from lunch he queried, "How was your bro-date? Are you guys going to the movies tonight too?" I was floored, bro-date? Hmm... what's wrong with that? When I go on a business trip, I'll have lunch/dinner with whoever I'm with, be they male or female. Outside of the workcenter, I've been on quite a few "bro-dates" with my friends, we laugh, tell stories about women and plan our next victims.

All fun guy stuff...

but this person was disgusted by the idea. He said something to the effect of, "I'd never go on a bro-date, that's gay".


Bro... a bro date is not gay. A bro date is something that tightens the bonds between brothers from another mother. It works towards a goal, a goal of the opposite of gay, for whatever sense that kinda makes but really doesn't make. I think that a person who doesn't go on bro dates and ONLY hangs out with his wife is worse than us... he is wifey-whipped... and that's truly a shameful situation to be in. I'm going to buy him a ball gag.

Hmm......If I were you I would avoid going to get a hotdog with any of your Bro-fellow in this scenerio as it may henceforth make an akward scene....not to mention you risk it stirring something in the back recesses of your mind.......and perhaps more so in your loins...
I've gone on plenty of "Bro-Dates" then. That guy was just a *****e who probably hates himself because he is gay and doesn't want to face it. Nothing wrong with eating with someone of the same sex if you are hetero. Or gay for that matter.
I don't know how many times I've told my friend "Hey lets do dinner and a movie" and he responds with "Ok, it's a date." Now you gots me wondering bro.
That guy is moron. Bro-dates are not gay. Now bro-brunch, that takes some intestinal fortitude.
I went to go see Skyfall with my bro-friend, and we got lunch afterwards.
This reminds me. Last Sunday I went to a Sports Bar with a "Bro" of mine to watch the games. We sat at the bar. One of the bartenders was a really sarcastic women. She was a blast though. But she made gay jokes about us the entire time. It was fun. LOL!
Hmm......If I were you I would avoid going to get a hotdog with any of your Bro-fellow in this scenerio as it may henceforth make an akward scene....not to mention you risk it stirring something in the back recesses of your mind.......and perhaps more so in your loins...

I thought everybody derives oral pleasure from hotdogs. :huh:

I don't know how many times I've told my friend "Hey lets do dinner and a movie" and he responds with "Ok, it's a date." Now you gots me wondering bro.

Listen bro, just because he announces it as a date doesn't mean you should get your panties in a bunch. He's probably just testing your manhood as a bro, if you bend over to his advances... that will just show how easy you are... trust me, you don't want to give it up that easily.

That guy is moron. Bro-dates are not gay. Now bro-brunch, that takes some intestinal fortitude.

I've never done bro-brunch, I'll have to put that on my bucket list.

See, now I don't know what's worse... bro-dates or eternal friend-zone dates. Either way, you're not getting any.
Re: the original posting, I always question the character of people who so often and so rigidly cite so many "unwritten rules" governing social behaviour, like the jerk making fun of knowsbleed's "bro date."

I've never done bro-brunch, I'll have to put that on my bucket list.

Lol, just check yourself if you start ordering drinks with little umbrellas and fruit salads in them.
I rather eat alone to be honest, but I'm anti-social and kinda a loser...


I have eaten with friends long ago, well co-workers, who I became friends with. Cool times. Mostly at Hooters.
a bro-mance is a beautiful thing, never let anybody tell you different.
Listen bro, just because he announces it as a date doesn't mean you should get your panties in a bunch. He's probably just testing your manhood as a bro, if you bend over to his advances... that will just show how easy you are... trust me, you don't want to give it up that easily.

The thing you did there? I see it.
Why do you need to call it a date? Whatever happened to just hanging out with your friends?
This whole thread reminds me of a funny joke from Family Guy last night:

:dry: you mad I'm in your thread bro. I'll leave then.

You astound me.

The thing you did there? I see it.

Take it in bro, take it all in.

Why do you need to call it a date? Whatever happened to just hanging out with your friends?

I never initially called it that... but the moniker just kind of stuck and now even my friend's wife asks him if he is going out to lunch with her or his girlfriend today... why I gotta be a girl, yo? My breasticles don't break any necks.

This whole thread reminds me of a funny joke from Family Guy last night:

All of my exes have been loners because of the way women are "friends" with each other. It's like a who's more passive aggressive contest.
All of my exes have been loners because of the way women are "friends" with each other. It's like a who's more passive aggressive contest.

That explains pretty much why straight girls tend to value gay male friends; that's the friendship combination that is lease fraught with peril for them.
Why do you need to call it a date? Whatever happened to just hanging out with your friends?

Why do you need to call it hanging out? Why can't you just be in the same place as people you've classified as being capable of being next to each other?
I've never done bro-brunch, I'll have to put that on my bucket list.

Just make sure that's the only bucket that is getting something put in it while on that date.

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