High School Theater


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Dec 25, 2002
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One of the biggest mistakes of getting into a relationship with my girlfriend, was not recognizing the fact that she is in, nay, loves being in the drama club. Naturally as the boyfriend, I am required to see these acts of horror upon mankind.

For instance, a Sleeping Beauty wtih a great script that had the prince get on a boat to find the place he just left from. (Yes)

Has anyone heard of the Leremy Project? It's a film about a homosexual man who was murdered in a hate crime. It consists of interviews in a documentary style, Ive heard it was very very good. Well my girlfriend's drama production decided to conduct rape to art once more.

Using 10 kids for interviewing 200 (Again yes) people on stage was one of the worst ideas I've witnessed since the Japanese pissed off America in World War 2. To top it off, it was 2 1/2 hours long. 150 minutes of high schoolers who didn't know their lines and over done acting. For instance the grand finale consisted of some Asian dude ranting about the penalty for one of the murderers. All he could've said was "Life" and I wouldn't have missed Silent Hill with my friends.

The sad part is, when my girlfriend comes to me and asks how it is, I'm going to have to say, "It was great."

Weep with dear old Clerk, and I may deliver a comic unto thee.
I feel bad for you. High School Drama kids are sad, because they put their heart into it and don't realize how campy their work is. Do you think Adam West and Burt Ward ever took themselves that seriously?
Tangled Web said:
I feel bad for you. High School Drama kids are sad, because they put their heart into it and don't realize how campy their work is. Do you think Adam West and Burt Ward ever took themselves that seriously?

Oh man I know, I mentioned to her at one point that I wasn't fond of Sleeping Beauty (which up to this point was the ****tiest piece of **** that was ever shat out of a **** hole), I got a rant from her about how much energy is put into those plays, like lighting, learning lines, etc.

Though perhaps I'm being spoiled by Quentin Tarentino and Martin Scorsese.

Am I being too harsh for a production that has been in the works since December for 3 hours every week day?
Clerk said:
Oh man I know, I mentioned to her at one point that I wasn't fond of Sleeping Beauty (which up to this point was the ****tiest piece of **** that was ever shat out of a **** hole), I got a rant from her about how much energy is put into those plays, like lighting, learning lines, etc.

Though perhaps I'm being spoiled by Quentin Tarentino and Martin Scorsese.

Am I being too harsh for a production that has been in the works since December for 3 hours every week day?
You aren't being harsh. Someone needs to tell those kids that they aren't going to be successful in a career in acting.
Tangled Web said:
You aren't being harsh. Someone needs to tell those kids that they aren't going to be successful in a career in acting.

She's coming over...... sigh..... I feel like such an ass for telling her what she wants to hear. :(
Clerk said:

Man. What gets me the most is how seriously these kids take their crappy campy productions. They act like they just acted in the Lord Of The Rings movies, when in fact they just made a horrible rendition of Footloose or 1984.
Show her my posts! I need her, and all the other drama kids to know.
Clerk, you should do stand-up comedy.
High School Drama is part of the Liberal Arts Machine that is destroying America.
I hate these productions with a passion. I went to one thinking i had no life. Then left feeling a lot better about myself.
They get better in college. I just got back from The Diviners and it was pretty good.
I'll have you know I was in a high school musical production, and...

Okay, most of us pretty much sucked. I got a part in the play because I had the deepest voice at the auditions, not because of talent. That's gotta be telling you something, right there.
Clerk said:
The sad part is, when my girlfriend comes to me and asks how it is, I'm going to have to say, "It was great."
In my youth I was going out with this hot ballerina. A few weeks into it, she was going to perform. Of all of the dancers, she was the only one who severely f***ed up, they were supposed to run across with this huge bar with streamers attached to it, it took four people to carry it and she tripped on one of the streamers which made everyone drop the bar and she hit her face on something really hard.

She pretty much ruined the show. So afterwards, she comes out bawling with this hideous red mark on her swollen cheek and all I could think was, "Wow, you sucked."
We broke up shortly after that.
I really like drama but in college we started all this surrealist drama which consisted of us pretending to be birds :o
Have you ever watched T Ball, or pee wee soccer (football), or pretty much anything where its a bunch of Newbies? Of course it sucks, what do you expect? What this thread is really about is how p-whipped the author is. Enjoy beeyauch
Hey you're right *Shrug*

But I detest the newbies thing - 4 years is good enough to get a decent script out there and know your lines.

Anyone ever seen that Family Guy where Brian goes to see his old friends one man show, and all his characters, even his grandma, sounded like Danny DeVito? It was like that.
Ha that sucks. In my high school the english teachers used to offer extra credit to people who would go (I never went because my grades were already good enough and 1 point wasn't worth it). The plays were so bad even kids parents wouldn't go. At least the actors weren't afraid of messing up in front of a big crowd.
My school has a good drama department.

We watched that film in a diversity class I took last semester. I would imagine it sucking as a play anyway, but performed poorly by amateurs? May God have mercy on your soul, man.
I'm essentially one of those theater geeks, but from what I've seen of me and the drama program we have, it's probably one of the good ones.

I feel for you on the bad ones, though. Unfortunately, those seem to get the most credit. High School stuff is a lot like the Oscars--as long as you can play a ****** half-way well...:o
I was in one. We did Alladin a few weeks back. It was so diorganzied but in the end I had fun the last two night preforming.

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