Hillary Caught Cheating On Questions

Memphis Slim

Nov 30, 2006
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SIOUX CITY, Iowa — For the second time in as many days, Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign has had to deal with accusations of planting questions during public appearances, FOX News has learned.
In a telephone interview Saturday, Geoffrey Mitchell, 32, said he was approached by Clinton campaign abworker Chris Hayler to ask a question out how she was standing up to President Bush on the question on funding the Iraq war and a troop withdrawal timeline.
The encounter happened before an event hosted by Iowa State Sen. Gene Frais on a farm outside Fort Madison, Iowa.
Clinton's Iowa campaign confirmed to Fox News that one of its staff discussed questions with Mitchell before her April 2 event, but denied attempting to plant a pro-Clinton question.
Mo Elliethee, spokesman for Clinton's campaign in Iowa, told Fox that Hayler and Mitchell "had a previous relationship" and that a discussion about Clinton arose out of a normal conversation between two people who knew each other well.
"They had a previous relationship and were talking before the event and the topic of the senator's position on Iraq came up and Geoffrey said he had some questions," Elliethee said. "Chris suggested Geoffrey ask a question."
Mitchell, however, said that he and Hayler did not know each other personally before the event.
"I had no previous relationship with him," said Mitchell. "I knew his name and by name only as some who worked for Sen. Evan Bayh. But we didn't know each other and I had never met him before this event."
Mitchell told Fox the Clinton campaign wanted to contrast Clinton to Sen. Barack Obama who had recently said the president would probably prevail in the Iraq funding battle with Congress.
Mithell said he refused to ask the question.
"I told Chris I had other issues I wanted to raise with Sen. Clinton," Mitchell said.
Asked what those were, Mitchell said, "I wanted to ask her why she voted for the Iraq war and why she didn't consider that a mistake."
Mitchell told FOX News, for that Hayler, the Clinton campaign worker, was unhappy and moved on to others.
"I know he tried to have others ask that question," Mitchell said.
Asked if the Clinton campaign denied Mitchell's unequivocal assertion that Hayler tried to plant a question about Clinton trying to stand up to Bush on Iraq war funding, Elliethee declined.
"I'm not going to comment on what he said," said Elleithee said, referring to Mitchell. "I'm going to discuss what our interpretation is. They had a previous relationship, the subject came up and there's nothing more to it tha that. It's not newsworthy. It's innocent. It's not yesterday."
That was a reference to Clinton's campaign admitting, first to FOX News, that it planted a question on global warming at a Newton, Iowa, event on Tuesday.,2933,310316,00.html
Ultimately, Clinton took no questions from the crowd at the Fort Madison event that Mitchell attended. Elliethee said the campaign ran out of time to take questions.
Mitchell told Fox News he is an Obama supporter but cannot participate in the Iowa caucus.
Mitchell is a minister in Hamilton and said he was reluctant to come forward because of the scrutiny he and his congregation might receive.
"But I thought this was important to get out and I want people to know what happened."
When contacted by FOX News and read Clinton's interpretation of events, Mitchell said: "I stand by my story. Completely."

Wow........the Clintons are at it again.....even before getting in the White House. :woot:
Way to go, Hilary.:whatever:

O.T.: Slim, d**n good avatar.:word:
You mean like Bush and his Administration has done for his entire Presidency in Town Hall Meetings.
Wow, way to catch a politician doing what all politicians do while running for a office. This really isn't a big deal.
Another Question Planted by Clinton Campaign

Illinois Minister Tells ABC News That Clinton Staffer Asked Him to Pose a War Question


The revelation about a campaign-prompted question comes just one day after the Clinton campaign admitted to planting a question this week in Iowa. (Joshua Lott/Reuters)

One day after Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign confirmed that a staffer planted a question for the presidential candidate at a recent campaign stop, another person has come forward with a similar story.
Geoff Mitchell, a minister who recently moved to Hamilton, Ill., from Iowa, told ABC News that he was approached this spring by Clinton's Iowa political director Chris Haylor to ask Clinton a question about war funding.

Mitchell, 32, said that the request "did not sit well with me in the tradition of the Iowa caucus."
"I grew up in Iowa and I value the tradition of the caucuses of answering the questions of the people," Mitchell said.
Mitchell said he introduced himself to Haylor because he had heard of him before and knew that he had worked on Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh's campaign.
Before the campaign event, Haylor asked Mitchell if he would pose a specific question about Iraq. The question was about how Clinton would be tough on President Bush about funding the Iraq war, Mitchell said.
The event, however, ran out of time before reaching a question-and-answer period.
Mitchell said he figured that the Clinton campaign was looking for an opportunity to highlight the difference between her position on Iraq and her Democratic rival Sen. Barack Obama's position on the war.
The Clinton campaign confirmed to ABC News that Clinton's staffer and Mitchell did speak about a possible Iraq question.
"Chris Haylor and Geoff Mitchell knew each other and they started talking and the subject of Iraq came up," Clinton spokesman Mo Elleithee said, "and Chris suggested that he ask a question about Iraq."
The revelation today about a campaign-prompted question comes just one day after the Clinton campaign admitted to planting a question this week in Iowa.
That instance involved an unidentified Clinton campaign staffer who approached a female student from Grinnell College and asked her to pose a question about global warming at a campaign stop at a biodiesel plant in Newton, Iowa, on Nov. 6.
Wow, way to catch a politician doing what all politicians do while running for a office. This really isn't a big deal.

But getting caught, is a different matter. This is not good for her.
If this gets much press, you will see people coming forward talking about staffers for all candidates trying to plant questions.
But getting caught, is a different matter. This is not good for her.

At the moment, no it is not, though she's got bigger problems then this. This is just nit-picking.
The source is FOX NEWS. I stopped reading after that.
John Edwards is already pouncing on this. :woot: He ain't gonna let up.
I won't be voting anyways so it doesn't matter to me.
That's just stupid.

But that's why I posted the ABC News too..........

is that one okay with you? :yay:

What's stupid, the fact that I don't trust FOX NEWS?

ABC is a step up. It's acceptable by me.
John Edwards is already pouncing on this. :woot: He ain't gonna let up.
That's one of the things I like about him currently. He's on the attack, meaning when it comes time to face the Republicans he's not gonna let them push him over like they did to Kerry.
You mean like Bush and his Administration has done for his entire Presidency in Town Hall Meetings.

Hehe! Too true. I don't like Hillary, but when the neocons cry foul over someone like her using the same tactics that they have been for the past decade I can't help but roll my eyes. :whatever:

It's all part of the Conservative agenda. When a Republican does it, you don't say anything. You can't have it both ways. etc.
Hehe! Too true. I don't like Hillary, but when the neocons cry foul over someone like her using the same tactics that they have been for the past decade I can't help but roll my eyes. :whatever:


Was Bush caught doing that or are you just assuming?

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