Sequels How could this version of Superman support BIZARRO?


Feb 27, 2006
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I noticed that everyone is wrapped up in Brainiac, Metallo, and other villains. But no one has mentioned Bizarro!

What are some ways that you guys think they could introduce Bizarro into this movie universe?
I'll have fun with this.

I'd like a whole new imagining to the character. I'd like to see Clark explore more into the depths of the Fortress and collect pieces of his home world of the ships and death-ray technologies from Krypton that Zod would leave behind on Earth.

Instead of the original idea of having Luthor be the building block to creating the Bizarro character via cloning Superman, maybe Bizarro could be a product of Superman's experiments HIMSELF inside of the Fortress with some kind of duplicate ray or some kind of tool that he's trying to explore and dissect to become more familiar with (ala All-Star Superman) and it regenerates, somehow backfiring against him, cloning him backwards in the process using whatever Kryptonian technology it possesses.

Bizarro would then escape and vanish from the Fortress through abilities unknown.

The effects on Superman could be huge as he would struggle to locate Bizarro since he's designed to do everything backwards of how Kal thinks.

That could be a very neat and unique way to confuse Superman in the way he goes about trying to tame Bizarro while effectively being menaced mentally through Bizarro's backwards ways. Superman would then have to be FORCED to think how Bizarro would think, which could effect the cast around Superman and his peers, especially Clark Kent in his every day life and his co-workers within the Daily Planet.

This is where Luthor could come in. In a mindless terror through different parts of the world and vanishing without a single trace, Luthor, who had been obsessing over Superman for years, learns very quickly through pure evil genius that this creature is a dangerous and confused version of Superman that has NO IDEA the meaning of life nor can fully process what it sees.

Luthor teams with S.T.A.R L.A.B.S and discovers Bizarro while locking him down in LexCorp, finding a way to dissect every piece of backward Kryptonian genetics.

This could stretch out the story of the "Can we trust Superman" within' the public even further, led by Luthor himself.

The focus and twists could see the new and improved Bizarro from LexCorp be reprogrammed and traced back to find Supes genetically in Luthor's only chance to kill Superman off once and for all by killing him using Superman's mistaken creation, trying to prove to the military that they should have never trusted Supes to begin with and he's indeed an un-trusted alien afterall.

Givin' the time Luthor works tirelessly to reprogram Bizarro, we see an incredible chess match being played out where Superman is seen spending countless of hours in his Fortress where he eventually cracks the code within' the duplicate-ray within the cloning process.

Supes and Bizarro then battle for the final act and Superman disposes of him quickly knowing the true meaning of his creation.

The people of Metropolis applaud Superman's heroics by dismantling such a dangerous creature, proving once and for all his allience to the City of Tomorrow.

After tipping his hat to the people, Superman flies off and is seen hovering over LexCorp, scowling through the glass windows, looking directly through Luthor's soul.

Lex snaps and show his sadistic ways, cussing Superman out to be the true villain ala Lex Luthor: Man of Steel . The end will see a furious Luthor within' the windows of Lex-Corp staring right at Superman as he hovers over the Metropolis landscape. They stare into each other's eyes and Supes flies off into the distance.

Lex is seen reaching under his desk, pressing a button with a door slowly turning behind him revealing his battlesuit for the 3rd film, which would ultimately see his famous teamup and negotiations with the being from Colu, BRAINIAC himself for the finale.

That, would be pretty kickass with a Goyer/Nolan/Snyder effect to it. That's how I would do it.
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I like that!

Maybe while looking at artifacts or something in the Fortress, Kal-El can touch something and it have an adverse effect on him and that artifact slowly develops Bizarro from Kal's cellular residue.
Failed cloning attempt. That'd satisfy me, anyway.
I like that!

Maybe while looking at artifacts or something in the Fortress, Kal-El can touch something and it have an adverse effect on him and that artifact slowly develops Bizarro from Kal's cellular residue.

Defiantly. I like the new idea of Bizarro being a mistake and sheer accident of Superman himself that eventually got into the wrong hands of Luthor and THEN letting the original story take place in the Luthor/Bizarro story by Luthor reprogramming turning the monster into his own lab-rat.
Now that I think about it, bringing in Bizarro could be used as a means of also bringing in a second villain in the same film WITHOUT having to involve Luthor again. Just have CADMUS obtain a sample of Superman's DNA following the climactic battle of MOS and use it to create their own Super-clone for their own purposes, but it manages to escape before it can be programmed with any permanent safeguards and it starts lashing out and causing damage that the public attributes to Superman, whom the mentally-stunted clone believes itself to be. In response, STAR Labs, believing Superman to have gone rogue, deploys one of Zod's robots to capture him, reconditioned with an Kryptonian-based thought-control system operated by military liaison John Corben that threatens to fuse control of the robot directly to Corben's mind.
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I think a failed genetic experiment would be best for Bizzarro, but I agree, Hamilton would be better than Luthor, and if Superman is personally involved, all the better.
I noticed that everyone is wrapped up in Brainiac, Metallo, and other villains. But no one has mentioned Bizarro!

What are some ways that you guys think they could introduce Bizarro into this movie universe?

I thought Bizarro should be introduced in the following manner (based on All-Star Superman, and Luthor: Man of Steel):

Following the Kryptonian attack on Earth, Lexcorp takes samples of Superman's blood.

From that they clone their own Superman, physically different enough that he could be played by a different actor, designed to serve Lexcorp interests. He would be a corporate Superman, his replacement and competition.

As the two compete to save people around Metropolis the clone becomes awestruck with Superman, who becomes his mentor almost and the two strike up a genuine friendship. Considering his less than natural origins, Lois calls him "a Frankenstein bizarro Superman" and the name Bizarro becomes used amongst the Planet staff.

However, the clone is slowly failing. His mind slowly decays as the genetic imprint of Superman and his memories assert themeselves upon him. But the memories are twisted, fractured like a broken mirror.

(This isn't relevant to how Bizarro would be approached, but would be essential to the plot, so it needs to be included:

Bizarro would converse with Lex who berates him. He chides the clone who has developed his own mind as he was only created to serve as a host to the Brain InterActive Construct. Upon the first attempt to merge their minds Bizarro sees some of the plans of BrainIAC. But after the failures, the clone is no longer seen as viable and they no longer try to preserve his life.)

The clone begins acting increasingly erratic, as his body turns stony, until he reaches the point where he requires putting down by Superman himself. He runs away from his friend feeling betrayed, his mind now in the final stages of decay.

Deciding that the rest of the world is wrong, he takes it upon himself to be a better Superman and whilst staring into a mirror he burns Superman's symbol into his own chest.

Bizarro feels that the best way to prevent crime is to force people to live in harmony, remembering some of the first words "he" ever heard his father say "he'll be a god to them". However, his plans fail consistently as people constantly reject their saviour. Once again turning to his father he remembers the plans of BrainIAC, who intends to destroy Earth, while the clone intends to rocket himself offworld, in the reversal of Clark's birth.

Superman and the clone battle and the clones body finally gives out entirely as he suffers cardiac arrest. The clones dies thinking he is assured of victory. Superman places a letter from the clone addressed to him and places it in the Fortress.

(btw- in the rest of the plot, Lexcorp manufactures a cyborg body for Brainiac, who summons his Skull Ship to Earth, intending to draw all knowledge, take samples and then destroy the planet. Superman battles and defeats him and discovers that he has Kandor on his ship [Kandor would be shrunk on the basis that 99% of everything is empty space, Brainiac can remove space from those atoms] and places that too in his Fortress).
I don't mean to be a pessimist and ruin the positive tone of the thread and the wishes to have Bizarro, but I just don't see how he could really fit into the world set up by Man of Steel. I mean in the 1st Man of Steel you have the ultra badass General Zod who is just killing it as a good first villain and fits with the tone Snyder/Nolan are going for.(which is what people seem to be liking)

The only villains I could possibly see fitting in with that tone could only really be Lex Luthor of course(with Metallo as a henchman), Doomsday, Brainiac and Darkseid(Although I think both Darkseid and Brainiac are better for Justice League, but using them as a way of setting up the JLA movie would be nice) as well as possibly the Eradicator or Mongul or Intergang might be cool if they are going for an Apokolips story line for Justice League later.

Bizarro seems a little too cartoony and doesn't fit with the overall tone. Better for an animated series though. I don't want to see something like Venom in Spider-Man 3.
Eradicator is no more ridiculous than Bizarro. One is an organic clone of Superman's tissue, the other is a bio-mechanical clone.
Eradicator is no more ridiculous than Bizarro. One is an organic clone of Superman's tissue, the other is a bio-mechanical clone.

They could twist him into become something more translatable. How about an advanced version of a Fortress of Solitude robot/android that is combat capable?
The same can be done to Bizarro. Especially considering the groundwork has been laid with Man of Steel featuring Kryptonians as a genetically engineered race.
The same can be done to Bizarro. Especially considering the groundwork has been laid with Man of Steel featuring Kryptonians as a genetically engineered race.

True, but I feel that if they do bring Bizarro, it would be jumping the shark a bit introducing alien clones to was was initially a realistic "2012/2013" world(as producers called it) before Superman and the other Kryptonians showed up. I mean people are just getting used to the concept of aliens, no need to put cloning and alien clones so soon in the sequel or any sequel, in my opinion.

I mean can you imagine how ridiculous things would get, if they introduced someone like this:

True, but I feel that if they do bring Bizarro, it would be jumping the shark a bit introducing alien clones to was was initially a realistic "2012/2013" world(as producers called it) before Superman and the other Kryptonians showed up. I mean people are just getting used to the concept of aliens, no need to put cloning and alien clones so soon in the sequel or any sequel, in my opinion.

I mean can you imagine how ridiculous things would get, if they introduced someone like this:


I don't think anyone would seriously expect a Snyder-Nolanized version of Bizarro to actually look or sound like that if they really did introduce him into this franchise. Or at least I couldn't take them seriously if they did, anyway.

And IIRC Bizarro on "Smallville" was almost a complete departure from the traditional portrayal of the character, yet still had traits that could easily be identified as being a version of Bizarro. And isn't the whole creative thrust of a reboot to put a new spin on things anyway?
In fact, I'd go a step further than just going down the "fully-grown Super-clone" road again...I'd probably put a different spin on the the Super-Soldier/Extremis threads of the MCU by having CADMUS develop their own program to imbue Kryptonian DNA into select human subjects, highly-trained and capable soldiers, to create a deterrent force against any further alien invasion attempts, which, with a little brainwashing and post-hypnotic suggestion on the sly, they believe they can control. But one of the specimens goes wonky on his keepers, is left amnesiac by the unfinished/interrupted mental reprogramming, leaves his dormant fellow would-be super-soldiers comatose (thus to potentially keep them 'in storage' for a later film) and flees on the Smallville/Fortress/Metropolis path trying to piece together who and what exactly he is...and taking down pretty much anyone who stands in his way with powers and abilities that, far beyond those of mortal men though they are, are almost the exact opposite of Kal-El's due to a quirk in the genetic process. And if delivering super-powered smackdowns upon mere mortals is what it's going to take to get the attention of a certain other super-being who can probably come up with the answers with one peek of X-ray/microscopic vision at the new guy's biological makeup, than so be it...and if Kal-El dares try to stop the guy from evening the score on the ones responsible, all the better. Sort of a darker twist on the whole Clark/Kal-El "Who Am I?" Personal Quest bit; I wouldn't mind reading a little more personal tragedy into it too, to give it further echoes of Shelley's Frankenstein or even Harvey's arc in TDK.
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Bizarro would absolutely fit into the Nolan/Snyder world if you made him similar to the evil twin in Superman III.

I know I know. Superman III was one of the worst movies ever made, of any genre! But Christopher Reeve did a pretty good job as "*******" Superman. Bizarro in Nolan/Snyder universe can be similar. An evil/angry/mean version of Henry Cavil. Period.

He doesn't have to be all "stupid" or "slow" or anything. Doesn't have to be like Bane from Batman & Robin. Just make him "evil" and paint his skin extra white/pale. Boom! You have a perfectly acceptable and believable Bizarro!

And yeah, I'd like to see him born of an attempted cloning experiment. Perhaps by Lex Luthor himself. (Hey, it's better than sending a bunch of genetic material into the SUN and creating a Nuclear Man with a blonde 1987-style mullet).

P.S. - a weird batch of kryptonite, followed by a weird body-splitting metamorphosis, is also not that bad of an idea. I think it was Richard Pryor, the snobby Wall-Street villain, the fighting "weather" and mother nature, and the cheesy music that really killed Superman III. Not the evil superman part, which was pretty cool.
"You can't control me, and you never will." Well, the military can't have that, can they? Better create their own Superman that they can control... At least that's what they'd think.
A failed cloning attempt is Nolan style real world realistic. DO IT!!!!!
I feel that having Bizarro in the sequel would, in a way, be similar to having General Zod again. Both of them are similar to Superman in that they have the same strength, speed, and powers and opposite to Superman in that they're evil.
The villain needs to be different from what we saw in MOS. I'm thinking of more intelligence based villains such as Lex Luthor or Brainiac for the sequel.
First, MOS rocked ! Best super-hero film of 2013 !

Okay, now to business.

Here's my theory, interestingly a few of you have posted similar stuff, but
this is my variation.

MOS 2 (not Batman vs Superman, that's a different movie altogether)
anyway, MOS 2 is Superman, Luthor (probably Mark Strong at this point, anybody else want to weigh in on that one?) and Bizarro (probably have to be played by Henry Cavill)

Luthor harvests some tech from the crashed scout ship (maybe it actually landed on that building with the LexCorp sign, which would give him proprietary rights to it's a law thing, forget about it)

Anyway, Luthor salvages some of the tech including the damaged genesis chambers. Using these he tries to grow his own superman. The chambers are damaged so the product is flawed, and the result is Bizarro !

Now I reckon to work on the big screen Bizarro would have to be quite a sympathetic character, or at least not simply a mentally-******ed version of Superman (which is essentially what he is in the comics). That's just going to come off as dumb. Sort of he's got Clark's memories, but knows he's not Clark,
could be an interesting scene between Bizarro and Diane Lane, as Martha,
if Bizarro tries to go "home"

Naturally, Supes and Bizarro eventually come to blows. Could be interesting seeing Superman literally fighting himself. Might end up something like the John Byrne version of Bizarro back in 1986), with Bizarro's form being unstable
and Superman reluctantly having to destroy him. If you haven't read the comic, it's cool.

Anyway, I see a nice juxtaposition of the sympathetic Bizarro, with a
really nasty Luthor character.

Thoughts people ?

On a separate note, Benedict Cumberbatch as Braniac ! Come on people, feel the awesomeness - he does cerebral characters better than anyone and was balls nasty as Khan, imagine him as Braniac.
Bizzaro is basically Superman. Maybe the flip some powers. But because of that it comes off as Zod 2.0.

I'd probably merge Bizzaro with Parasite or use Bizzaro to create Superboy.
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Bizarro is in that 3d DC rendering they showed at comic con.
Well I was thinking in order to differentiate themselves from marvel, DC would have an overarching plot like Civil war but with each movie as spin off issues of it. So we know flashpoint is going ahead. Either we have Bizarro as a version of superman that got mutated by science or they do red son as rumours have said and work off that.

So other dimensional stuff is what I'm saying

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