How do you end the saga?


Mar 19, 2006
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How do you end the third trilogy? One nice thing about the prequels, IMHO, is at least I knew the series had a perfect ending guaranteed (I don't mind the force ghost change at all).

Luke, looking on at Yoda, Obi, and his father (for the first time) with a smile. Anakin redeemed.

How can you top that?
Great question, great thread.

I honestly can't see Episode IX ending on a down note, a la RotS, unless they're thinking too far ahead, to episodes X, XI, XII. Which is unlikely and ill-advised, imo. So happy end. The question now is, do you end it on a revelatory note or in a more personal, contained one? Ie. RotS ended in the latter fashion, whereas RotJ ended in the former.
Great question, great thread.

I honestly can't see Episode IX ending on a down note, a la RotS, unless they're thinking too far ahead, to episodes X, XI, XII. Which is unlikely and ill-advised, imo. So happy end. The question now is, do you end it on a revelatory note or in a more personal, contained one? Ie. RotS ended in the latter fashion, whereas RotJ ended in the former.

That poses a great question as well. Both tones are good endings to their respective pieces of the story.

I definitely don't imagine it will end with a group photo, even though I love that bit.
Ben Skywalker on Tatooine looking at the suns set thinking about the grand adventure he just had and about his future adventures.
Luke Skywalker on his dieing bed looking at the suns set. Jar Jar binks inheriting his lightsaber and becoming the next great Jedi hero along with a pair of Ewoks
Luke Skywalker on his dieing bed looking at the suns set. Jar Jar binks inheriting his lightsaber and becoming the next great Jedi hero along with a pair of Ewoks
Excuse me while I e-mail this to George and Kathleen Kennedy.
With peace all over the galaxy the need for Jedi's as peace keepers would no longer be necessary that Luke can finally live in peace with his family and Han & Leia happily on their own.
It should definitely be a happy ending. If Luke is a central character then I like the idea of the film ending as he becomes one from the force after defeating the baddies and restoring peace to the galaxy.

The way I'm picturing it is like the end of Watership Down, with Luke looking at his celebrating family and friends from afar and walking away into a bright light (or some other less cliched device :o) to join Ben, Yoda and his father in the force. All set to a reprise of "Binary Sunset."

Fountains of tears would be shed. Mostly from me.
VII - Lando dies
VIII - Han and Chewbacca die
IX - Luke and Leia die. Their offspring surround one who has become the new Jed Grand Master. The surviving Jedi ignite their lightsabers over their heads. Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, Luke, and Leia materialize, looking on and smiling.
Well, it's hard to figure out at this point. Personally I'd make the Sequels more personal and slightly less "we have to save the Galaxy...AGAIN!"

Therefore you could have en ending where our lead, whoever he or she happens to be, walks of to furter adventures, rather than have his arc fully close all potential.
I love the idea of Luke dying while watching the twin suns set on Tattooine. It would be a great way to bring back the planet for the first time in the ST and for the last time, too. Amazing idea.

I would not like Luke to die a la ObiWan/QuiGon in Ep7. If he has to go, kill him off during the final battle of Ep9.
Luke in a cafe in Florence, leaving his lightsaber to Jar-Jar Binks.

Nah, but seriously, Ben Skywalker as the new Jedi Grand Master in a new Jedi Temple surveying artifacts from throughout the 9 films, beginning a new legacy for the Jedi, while at the same time Luke goes home one last time to watch the suns of Tattooine setting on both him and the story of the Skywalkers.
Sounds pretty epic.:up:

The first suggestion, I mean.:cmad::jedi:oldrazz:
I think Luke should die peacefully, he deserves that, Obi-Wan and Anakin died passing the torch with hope but they did so in a battlefield in places that later exploded. I think Luke dieing looking at the two suns set would be a great way to end his life story on a positive note.

I don't want him to die just to show how high the stakes are.
Anakin Solo takes out Luke in an epic duel. Just before he dies, he switches teams. Circle complete.
Chewbacca and Anakin dying were what made me stop reading the EU.
I was pretty damn close when Anakin died. Then I realized the tide of the war was turning and I said "what the hell". I'm glad I did, the finale was epic.
I think Luke should die peacefully, he deserves that, Obi-Wan and Anakin died passing the torch with hope but they did so in a battlefield in places that later exploded. I think Luke dieing looking at the two suns set would be a great way to end his life story on a positive note.

I don't want him to die just to show how high the stakes are.

Whatever happens he needs to have the classic Star Wars Jedi body vanish death!
I think the sst should be similar in pacing to Nolan's Batman trilogy in that the Jedi's rise to power then fall to a point where they're no longer needed:

VIII: Jedi's begin training again to become the ultimate power in the galaxy but have to take on a Hutt mob or some other crime syndicate.

IX: Chaos erupts and there is bloodshed and mutiny and treason and the Jedi counsel gets split in conflict.

X: The Jedi's defeat all the evildoers and throw away their lightsabers in a big peace ceremony on Tatoone, looking at the twin sunset.
I was pretty damn close when Anakin died. Then I realized the tide of the war was turning and I said "what the hell". I'm glad I did, the finale was epic.
I just realized I need to finish reading NJO.

It was the Force Heretic books that made me lose interest.

They were so ****ing boring, I wanted to cry.
The last 2 books are pretty satisfying closers to the story.
VII - Lando dies
VIII - Han and Chewbacca die
IX - Luke and Leia die. Their offspring surround one who has become the new Jed Grand Master. The surviving Jedi ignite their lightsabers over their heads. Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, Luke, and Leia materialize, looking on and smiling.

A slight change. VII - Lando and Chewbacca dies. This would put Han in revenge mode, setting up a schism between him and Leia. VIII - Han and Wedge dies. This causes Leia to go dark side, setting up a schism between her and Luke, even though Luke is conflicted as to how he feels about his friend Wedge dying. IX- Luke and Leia dies...while confronting the true source of their troubles. The next generation takes on the mantle of stewardship of the Jedi Council, knowing that the threat of the Sith Lords will always be present. It also sets up the next trilogy, if necessary. -Ocramed
I would bring back Hayden Christensen back as a clone of Darth Vader or Luke's son Ben.

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