How Sweet Are These!?

Salmonella is gay.
If you choose to get one, make sure it's the deadliest one there so as to not be metaphorically castrated.
I now know where all my valentine's day shopping will be done.....
If you choose to get one, make sure it's the deadliest one there so as to not be metaphorically castrated.

I'd be more worried about that damn irony.
Give me streptococcus pyogenes please [/colbert]
chlamydia is rather cute looking....but so is's so hard to decide what to give you're freinds sister...
Chlamydia is staring at me with love:


See, now I just want to go out and get a burrito. Thanks a LOT Spoons! :cmad:
For marching band we had a yanky swamp, I gave someone herpes
I have one of these already :p

I bought the Flu before Christmas
i love how herpes is like a sun!
Those are really sweet!
I saw Red Tide at the National Aquarium Gift Shop a month ago, it truly took me by surprise sitting there with the penguins and sharks.

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