Hulk: The End???


Sep 7, 2003
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Just curious, whats Hulk: The End about? And is it any good? I just got kind of curious about it a while ago when someone mentioned something about some kind of bugs eating off all of the hulks skin everyday or something like that. Thanks ahead of time...
Hulk: The End is a story telling the "last days" of the Hulk. The story takes place in the future as Banner and the Hulk continue their Jekyll/Hyde-love/hate relationship. It's a good read, highly recommended.
Thank you..I appreciate it.
Hulk the end is quite possibly (in my humble opinion) the best hulk comic written. It answers all questions reguarding the hulks life and struggle with the monster that he is. The art is fantastic and the story follows the marvel time. Not only a fantastic read but a must for any hulk fan
how far in the future are they?

It's been a while since I last looked through it, but I think it's a couple hundred years in the future; Banner (and the Hulk) narrate the story and show the reader a glimpse of how they reached that point.

How does it end??


The conflict between Banner and the Hulk ends when Banner dies. The Hulk knows that reverting into Banner would kill him, so he lives the rest of his life as the Hulk.
Originally posted by Hulkophile
It's been a while since I last looked through it, but I think it's a couple hundred years in the future; Banner (and the Hulk) narrate the story and show the reader a glimpse of how they reached that point.


The conflict between Banner and the Hulk ends when Banner dies. The Hulk knows that reverting into Banner would kill him, so he lives the rest of his life as the Hulk.

Thats Fu*king great ending.
I can't believe I've never read The End. It sounds great. Is it just one issue?
Originally posted by STINK-E
I can't believe I've never read The End. It sounds great. Is it just one issue?
"The end" is a series "hulk the end" was the first. Hulk the end was a one parter, but marvel universe: the end and wolverine: the end are six parters.
I've looked for this particular read myself and it's hard to find...any suggestions where I could find a copy online?
Try ebay from time to time, or

The End was the comic adaption from Peter David's The Last Titan short story from The Ultimate Hulk novel, a collection of short can probably order that through your local book dealer...:hulk:
How long is Hulk: The End anyway?
I'm not sure which one I read but


Where Hulk was saying how "Hulk needs no one, Hulk strongest there is. .........Hulk.. feel lonely".
I'm definitaly going to pick up Wolverine: The End, to see if they explain how he outlived the Hulk.
Originally posted by Godlovinspidey
I'm definitaly going to pick up Wolverine: The End, to see if they explain how he outlived the Hulk.

What :confused:
I think they did but not sure.
Hulk: The End is DEFINITELY a comic to have in any hulk fan's collection. Seriously the best Hulk comic I've read (yes, including Future Imperfect) with also the best artwork I've seen by Keown.

The ending leaves open to a lot of interpretation and I'll post my thoughts down below in the spoilers part of this message. But you owe it to yourself to try and find a copy of this! I got lucky and found a seller on ebay who was selling a brand new, unopened copy. Anyway, spoilers below....


What is this Wolverine outliving Hulk crap? Banner was visited by that recorder guy and he said that Banner was the LAST person alive on the earth. Not second to last, THE LAST.

As for the ending, earlier in the book that Banner said that Hulk never felt cold, he never felt anything. Banner went out of his way to portray the Hulk as an unfeeling, uncaring monster. But at the end, when Hulk finally got his lifelong wish and was truly alone, he said he felt cold. Which, to me, means that he does have a lot more feelings than Banner thought. And that, to me, also shows that Hulk did get his wish but he was lonely and unhappy once he finally got it. I think he's just a big kid putting on a brave, angry face when deep down he really did care about not being alone and missed everyone once they were gone.

Personally, I think the Hulk will eventually let himself "die" by reverting back to Banner after a while (probably a long while) because the lonliness he feels will only get worse as time goes on.

Truly a great, awesome story.

Originally posted by gniketariP
That confused me too. Pardon my ignorance, but did Wolverine and Hulk ever cross paths?

Yeah they crossed paths on several occasions. Wolverine's first appearance in comicdom was in a Hulk issue, in fact. Hulk was in the Canadian wilderness battling Wendigo when Wolverine showed up. Wolverine was sent to try and kill the Hulk.

Wolverine quickly learned his claws couldn't even penetrate Hulk's skin and so decided to focus his efforts on taking out Wendigo (so he could concentrate more on Hulk). Hulk thought that maybe Wolverine was his friend since he was helping him fight Wendigo, and Wolverine evilly played along with that thought.

Once they took down Wendigo, Wolverine took a cheap shot at the Hulk while the Hulk wasn't suspecting it (thought Wolverine was his friend.... what a friggin' honorless coward that Logan is!). Still, it didn't phase Hulk much and Hulk once again became pissed off. The fight ended with Hulk throwing a punch that "could shatter a mountain" and Wolverine dodging most of it, but took a glancing minor, minor portion of the blow. It knocked him out. Cold. Completely cold cocked! In fact, one of the frames shows Hulk talking to someone else with Wolvie's blue boots in the bottom frame showing he's still out cold!

Another time they met was when Hulk was Gray. Gray Hulk goaded Logan into a fight when they were trying to work together to stop the Leader. Wolverine quickly gave into the goading and the fight ensued. It resulted in a tie (but Wolverine was clearly the one more battered) when the fight was stopped.

They also met in the "6 hours" miniseries by Bruce Jones. A little kid got bit by a snake and was in the middle of nowhere with no antivenom to save him. Bruce decided to try a blood transfusion hoping it would regenerate the damage done by the poison and save his life. It didn't work, so Wolverine ticked Banner off to turn into the Hulk, hoping that mid transformation the semi-hulk blood would do the trick.

Well, Hulk appeared and of course, a fight ensued. There's no way in hell a savage Hulk could be around Wolverine without smacking him around. :D The fight went on for a bit, and Logan was clearly losing (the last frame had his entire head encased in hulk's fist as his body hung limply down) when the little boy came awake and said he was ok. Hulk turned back into Banner.

So yeah, they've met a few times. :D
Has hulk and wolverine ever crossed paths? I am guessing that was actually a joke.
Originally posted by suicideking15
Has hulk and wolverine ever crossed paths? I am guessing that was actually a joke.

It's bad luck when a black cat crosses your path. It's really bad luck when a Hulk crosses your path!


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