World human on kryp


May 5, 2005
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Ok i got a question if supes traveled from Krypton to earth and got powers and his mulcular struction changed from a yellow sun what would happen if a human was sent to Krypton would theres change as well giving us powers there?...
We would prolly be crushed by the greater gravity of krypton,if not crushed,it would at the very least, be very difficult to for the red sun, i'm not sure.any one else????
Arnold was suffocating in Total Recall, because he got dumped out into Mars' atmosphere, where there is no oxygen, and didn't have a breathing apparatus. It had nothing to do with a Red Sun, because Mars is part of the same Solar System as the Earth, meaning it orbits the same Yellow Sun. The term "Red Planet" refers to the planet's reddish appearance, not the color of the Sun it orbits.

As for Krypton, I think it's pretty safe to say that Krypton's atmosphere had oxygen, based on the fact that Superman, who is Kryptonian, breathes oxygen, just like Earthlings do.

Aside from that, Earthlings probably wouldn't be able to stand Krypton's greater gravity. Also, I'm not sure if an Earthling's body would react to a Red Sun the same way a Kryptonian's reacts to a Yellow Sun.

I know of 2 stories that experiment with the idea a little. The first is the Pre-Crisis Superman vs. Spider-Man Crossover. In it, Doc Ock and Lex Luthor team up and trick Supes and Spidey into fighting each other. However, shortly before the fight takes place, they zap Spidey with some kind of Red Sun Ray, which temporarily enhances Spidey's strength and durability, bringing them closer to Supes' level. If I remember right, I think Spidey's enhanced strength also causes him to snap one of his webs, and he doesn't fall. The effects soon wear off though, and Spidey is then about as much trouble as a cloudy day to Supes.

The other story is an Elseworlds Tale called Superman: Last Son Of Earth. In it, Clark Kent was born on Earth, which appears to be doomed. Jonathon Kent places him in a rocket, which ends up on Krypton, and the infant Clark is found by Jor-El, and renamed Kal-El. I don't remember all the details, but I do remember that Clark couldn't go out into Krypton's atmosphere without a protective suit, because his body couldn't handle the pressures of Krypton's greater gravity.
Lightning54SC said:
Ok i got a question if supes traveled from Krypton to earth and got powers and his mulcular struction changed from a yellow sun what would happen if a human was sent to Krypton would theres change as well giving us powers there?...

No. We'd be pinned to the ground and crushed by the higher gravity, we'd succum to the symptoms of diseases that come from little exposure to positive sunlight, and we'd get radiation poisoning from the fact that Krypton has no electromagnetic feild around it that protects form radiation. That's why Superman has powers when on Earth. The environment on Kryptin is ****ing harsh.

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