Hybride doing VFX for Dragonball!!

I like their work.
Well, if true...then I'm stoked! You don't hire someone like this unless you're planning some serious Kamehamehas and *crosses fingers* Special Beam Cannons!
Well, if true...then I'm stoked! You don't hire someone like this unless you're planning some serious Kamehamehas and *crosses fingers* Special Beam Cannons!

Actually, if you want the Special Beam Cannon, you put your fingers together. :cwink:
Uhhh piccolo didn't invent the special beam cannon till the "raditz saga" if anything we will see a masenko... that I would LOVE TO SEE
Their work is good.

I hope they get Hydraulx too because they are a great sfx company too.

I just found out that Imagine Engine, which is providing sfx for this movie is providing some sfx for the new Hulk movie.

Hydraulx too is involved in the new hulk movie.
Uhhh piccolo didn't invent the special beam cannon till the "raditz saga" if anything we will see a masenko... that I would LOVE TO SEE

I know, but I wouldn't doubt seeing it.
Masenko for sure, if they're keeping true to the Ki-attacks and what not. We'll definitely get Kamehameha. Even if the movie sucks out loud, seeing a live Kamehameha would be worth it.
They would be true idiots if we didn't get a kamehameha
We'll get a Kamehameha, don't worry.
I would **** my pants if they did a 300 style film. Then they could do Goku's hair right. ;)
Yea snyder is the next big director.... I would have lovd if he took on this film but I am not sayin wong isn't gonna do a good job just that snyder is bad @$$!!
yeah the first 10min of dawn of the dead was amazing..

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