Hype! Fedora Club

fedora = BADASS!!


i wish i have a fedora right now
I have a black fedora, it's awesome. They're hard to find in blighty.

Trilbys, however, are lame - as girls keep telling me, a little bit more length makes all the difference.
Babs Gordon said:
i was actually referring to you w/in the realm of the hype :o ;)
:O excuse me, I am not used to comments, but thank you.
I've been doing the Fedora thing apparently from longgggg ago, so I win! :mad:


I could swim in that fedora.
Anti-Bacterial nodules have already been deployed.
and a big **** you to youse-all.
Kipobe said:
I've been doing the Fedora thing apparently from longgggg ago, so I win! :mad:


I had a cylindrical-shaped cranium when I was 3-3rd Grade. :confused:
I had a fedora, but it got all crushed and destroyed. My dad gave it to me so I could be Indana Jones when I was 9 or so.

And that is something else Comedian. Did you use one of those Flash character-creator programs floating around the internet, or did you make it yourself?
So both. Cool. That one's alot better than the one I've used on Newgrounds.
I can't usually wear hats because I typically wear my hair up, does that make you happy, Hudson? :mad:
TheAlmightyFuzz said:
I can't usually wear hats because I typically wear my hair up, does that make you happy, Hudson? :mad:
YES, then bask in the glory of MY fedora-awesomeness!
Mostly because I'm really tried right now so my brain is kinda weird like I've been smoking weed.:eek: :down
oh freakin a! great thread! I myself an a wearer of the 'dora (a nice, black Bogart fedora), although I dont have any pics on hand.
I just replaced mine after my last one shrunk in the rain. I like it, it's a nice balance between a Run DMC and a Joey Jeremiah.

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