White Club

Exploding Boy

Jan 3, 2006
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At my school this girl tried to start a club for white people, they denied her and said that it was racist. I dont get how this is remotely racist. There are tons and tons of asian clubs, african-american, islamic and any religion/race club but we cant make a white people club? What the hell. Just making a white people club doesnt mean its the ****ing KKK :cmad::cmad::cmad:
Nobody ever said the world was smart.

Same way people can bash everything but Scientology and Islam (too bad those are in the top five dumbest).
At my school this girl tried to start a club for white people, they denied her and said that it was racist. I dont get how this is remotely racist. There are tons and tons of asian clubs, african-american, islamic and any religion/race club but we cant make a white people club? What the hell. Just making a white people club doesnt mean its the ****ing KKK :cmad::cmad::cmad:

What the heck would you all do in a white club?
*walks into thread, look around sees title* oops Im not touching this thread *walks out*
At my school this girl tried to start a club for white people, they denied her and said that it was racist. I dont get how this is remotely racist. There are tons and tons of asian clubs, african-american, islamic and any religion/race club but we cant make a white people club? What the hell. Just making a white people club doesnt mean its the ****ing KKK :cmad::cmad::cmad:

tell her to start a "European-club" ... that was her misstake..
The first rule of White Club is - you do not talk about White Club.:cmad:
the difference was, the other clubs are based on religion and background of the people, not their skin colour. Thats what i think anyway.
what would ppl do in white clubs talk about? the latest Jack Johnson cd? cnbc?
I dont know :huh: What do people do in all of the Asian Alliance clubs? I wouldn't be in it but I think its a stupid double standard to say its racist just to have it.

Explore there culture. relate to one another, so that they don't feel so alone. White people are every where. Minorities aren't. Sometimes it can be very lonely. Forming club can enable them to no feel so alone.

I mean god forbid there be one thing whitey can't do.
They already have a white club, its called the FBLA.
At my school this girl tried to start a club for white people, they denied her and said that it was racist. I dont get how this is remotely racist. There are tons and tons of asian clubs, african-american, islamic and any religion/race club but we cant make a white people club? What the hell. Just making a white people club doesnt mean its the ****ing KKK :cmad::cmad::cmad:

:cmad: :cmad: :cmad: ?? Why so mad?
Its sort of like how black folk have black history month but white folks dont have white history month.
fight the power :o
Explore there culture. relate to one another, so that they don't feel so alone. White people are every where. Minorities aren't. Sometimes it can be very lonely. Forming club can enable them to no feel so alone.

I mean god forbid there be one thing whitey can't do.
At my school, theres less white people than Asian people.
this reminds me of that old eddie murphey skit where he pretends to be white
Just out of curiosity, what would happen if you tried to join African American club? Just say you want to learn about their culture and talk about how much you suck.
Just out of curiosity, what would happen if you tried to join African American club? Just say you want to learn about their culture and talk about how much you suck.
I thinks theyd prob hav to let u in or u could call them racist :dry:
I think all these white clubs, white entertainment tv comments are basically just about principle. You could never do anything with a club or channel like that, its basically "I want it because the blacks or latinos or asians have it". It's a moot point. You can be white and italian or white and german, I'm just black. That's it. No little extras to my ancestry. Some people like to take for granted their background and disregard it, but those people can look it up anytime they want.
the difference was, the other clubs are based on religion and background of the people, not their skin colour. Thats what i think anyway.

Really? Black isn't a colour? The school doesn't need clubs based on race and religon. It will only lead to trouble.

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