White Club

I actually mentioned the white club thing to several white coworkers today, and each of them laughed and said it was a stupid thing to even consider. Now if even white people are saying it, you know it must be crazy. Or that could be the evil P.C. brainwashing that gave them white guilt. :o

And if this was the other way around, and a white person said a "black club was a stupid thing to consider," how do you think some would respond?

For example, there is a thread in this forum that has a poll which states: "Black" or "Other."

Imagine if I started a thread and made a poll which stated: "White" or "Other," I imagine said thread would not get a positive response.

I type this with an open mind. I hope I am not mocked; but, rather, spoken to with open intelligents.
^Yes, that is true. However, I mentioned that there was a black club there as well, and they didn't even bat an eye. I think people know why there are certain clubs for ethnic backgrounds, but can't really bring themselves to say why.
^Yes, that is true. However, I mentioned that there was a black club there as well, and they didn't even bat an eye. I think people know why there are certain clubs for ethnic backgrounds, but can't really bring themselves to say why.

And why do you think that is?
And if this was the other way around, and a white person said a "black club was a stupid thing to consider," how do you think some would respond?

For example, there is a thread in this forum that has a poll which states: "Black" or "Other."

Imagine if I started a thread and made a poll which stated: "White" or "Other," I imagine said thread would not get a positive response.

I type this with an open mind. I hope I am not mocked; but, rather, spoken to with open intelligents.

Agreed, I think we're getting racist towards whites. This is just like affirmative action, we fell bad about one of Americas darkest moments (slavery) so we react in a form that is racist to counter act any left over racism.
Agreed, I think we're getting racist towards whites. This is just like affirmative action, we fell bad about one of Americas darkest moments (slavery) so we react in a form that is racist to counter act any left over racism.

I've said that for the longest time.

In all respect, no one can win.

I said something to this effect in another thread. If a black person purposes equality in a new, fresh, understanding form, he or she would be mocked and titled an "uncle tom." See Bill Cosby for reference.

And if a white person purposed equality in a new, fresh, understanding form, he or she would be mocked and titled a rasicist.

As sarcastic as Chris Rock is, I think his comical-theories hit the nail on the head, for both groups.
I've said that for the longest time.

In all respect, no one can win.

I said something to this effect in another thread. If a black person purposes equality in a new, fresh, understanding form, he or she would be mocked and titled an "uncle tom." See Bill Cosby for reference.

And if a white person purposed equality in a new, fresh, understanding form, he or she would be mocked and titled a rasicist.

As sarcastic as Chris Rock is, I think his comical-theories hit the nail on the head, for both groups.

Yep, you have to either have to be a white hating racist or a black hating racist in these people's eyes.
Yep, you have to either have to be a white hating racist or a black hating racist in these people's eyes.

And with that, I am going to listen to "Sad but True" by Metallica and go to bed.

Keep up the good fight, fellows.

Hopefully, for our sake, and our children's sake, our, combined, generation will make this place a better one.

Well, one can hope and pray.

Good evening, then.
i think comments like that are a big problem.
... No disrespect, but could that be because your perceiving this only from your point of view, instead of walking a mile in my shoes.

basically, my point was that i did not commit those crimes. i did not have slaves, and i did not rape, murder or oppress anyone. that said, i'm apologizing for any of it. it's a damn shame that that's our country's history, and i wish it was different, but i am not my father, so to speak.

i just think that when you keep the attitude that people like me owe you for something some people did before i was born, then you're wrong. you're just dead wrong, and you're somewhat promoting segregation. by seperating yourself from a race of people, you're segregating yourself.
*Sighs again* I don't see why this is so hard?

Let's try this:
Do you think the repercussions and consequences of HUNDREDS of years of slavery/discrimination EVER go away for me? Do you think I just don't try to MOVE on? Do you think I can just try NOT BEING BLACK? Do you think that's FAIR? Do you have any idea of what I'm talking about?

Great you apologized, but I don't want an apology. I don't want your pity, and I don't want you to 'feel' bad. I want you to recognize your responsibility by showing RESPECT for what you've done. Just like I have to shoulder the after effects, you have to shoulder this thing along with me, DAILY. THAT IS ONLY FAIR!

Unfortunately, some do 'negatively' segregate themselves, they've taken the worst aspects of segregation and lost the true purpose of it's intentions. But like most things, there are two sides to everything, and my people (actually NO people) should have to lose their heritage, or customs completely just to exist in the majority's society. You don't suffer from this problem because your heritage/customs ARE the mainstream/masses...they are everywhere.

why can't we be just PEOPLE, for God's sake?

why do we have view each other by race?

just my opinion.
We should always endeavor to be people first(that's what real political correctness should be about). But just as man is very different from woman, so are we (cultures) all very different from each other. There CANNOT be one big happy race without tons of cultures sacrificing everything from their culture/ society/heritage. And although we often get 'hung-up' on the many bad things that come from these differences, consider the HUGE amounts of contributions and advantages we've gained from them as well.
Nobody ever said the world was smart.

Same way people can bash everything but Scientology and Islam (too bad those are in the top five dumbest).

I hardly see Scientology being at all comperable to Islam. And I really don't think it's right to bash entire religions at all. Except for Scientology, which is a scam.
... No disrespect, but could that be because your perceiving this only from your point of view, instead of walking a mile in my shoes.

*Sighs again* I don't see why this is so hard?

Let's try this:
Do you think the repercussions and consequences of HUNDREDS of years of slavery/discrimination EVER go away for me? Do you think I just don't try to MOVE on? Do you think I can just try NOT BEING BLACK? Do you think that's FAIR? Do you have any idea of what I'm talking about?

Great you apologized, but I don't want an apology. I don't want your pity, and I don't want you to 'feel' bad. I want you to recognize your responsibility by showing RESPECT for what you've done. Just like I have to shoulder the after effects, you have to shoulder this thing along with me, DAILY. THAT IS ONLY FAIR!

Whoa whoa WHOA! Keanu Overload!

He Hasn't done anything! I havn't done anything! You are perfectly fine in saying that the crimes of the past will never go away for you, of course they wont.

However The new generation has no business feeling responsible for it because we had nothing to do with it and you sir have no right to tell us that we should accept any responsibility, that being said I do respect what your people have been through. However I personally will not shoulder this thing with you daily as it is nothing to do with me.

I'm not asking you to forget who you are, your past and what has been done to your people. Just stop claiming we have to shoulder the responsibility of it. We had nothing to do with it. I wouldn't ask my German friend henry to shoulder the responsibilty of what his ancestors did all those years back? Not all germans were nazis, and not all whites where slave driving racists either. He is ashmed of them and thats how it should be, as I am ashamed of my peoples past but that is all.

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