I Do Not Care


Jan 11, 2006
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I am definately excited about X-Men 3.

I do not care that Gambit will not be in the movie - Why should I ? Would his presence suddenly make a bad movie good ? or a good movie great ? No. There is really no reason to be upset as to boudmouth the movie just because Gambit is not in it. There are so many mutants too choose from, that it didn't matter which ones were used, 100% of the comic fans were not gonna be happy.

I do not care that Rogue will be cured - This is the movie version, not the comic version. What, do the people who are unhappy about this not care about the movie character ? Or is it a case of hoping that eventually the movie version will run into Ms Marvel, absorb here powers, and suddenly become like the comic version ? Ridiculous. The movie version is a sad, lonely girl who only wants to be able to touch other people.

I do not care that there are no Sentinels - If there were, this movie would have been ridiculous. Giant robots stomping all over the country, hunting mutants. Sounds great on paper, but in reality would have made such little sense that no one except the comic fans would turn out to see the movie.

I do not care that Cyclops dies - It's unfortunate, but the truth is, the movie Cyclops has really been nothing more than a second string character and his death is the ultimate way to show the general audience just how evil Jean has become. Plus, what better way to add turmoil to Jeans character ? It's bad enough that she's become a crazed, out of control mutant...but now when she does regain control, she must face what her other half has done.

I do not care that there will be no fiery Phoenix - Why should there be ? Because there's one in the comics ? Well, in the comics Phoenix was actually an entity that took Jeans place here on earth. In the movie, it appears as if Phoenix will be a second personality that has finally emerged as the dominant psyche within Jean. So why would there be a fiery bird ?

I do not care that Singer is not the director - Obviously he did not care enough about the project to stick around for the final movie. He knew it was coming, but instead decided to do Superman. Sorry, I would rather have someone who wants to make the movie, making it.

The movie may be bad. The movie may be great. Either way, I plan on judging it after seeing it, not before, and certainly not based on some of the garbage reasons I've seen given on this board. Facts are, the movie was made to appeal to wide audience, not just the comic fans. For those of you who are bashing the movie based on who is not in it, or based upon what happens to certain characters - that is just plain pitiful. Everyone certainly has a right to there own opinions, but atleast see the movie before bashing it.
Uh well, the reason there should be a fiery Phoenix in X3 is because there was one in X2! Continuity people!
Here here!

What a thought, judging a movie AFTER you've seen it?! Almost unheard of.
I dont care that jesus hates you:(
i liked it to. We haven't seen the movie yet after we see it we can judge if it good or bad and I don't why people are alredy bashing it if they havent seen the movie.
People pre-judge movies all the time. That "don't pre-judge the movie" stuff is BS, because all the people who say that have done it themselves, even if they won't admit it.
Well, I commend this post. I'm all for judging the movie after I've seen it rather than *shlock horror* Cyclops is dead this movie can't possibly be good.
Your saying that the movie is bad alredy because one character is going to die.
Calling a movie good before seeing it is also pre judging. Just thought you might want to know that.
PhoenixRising said:
Calling a movie good before seeing it is also pre judging. Just thought you might want to know that.

Yes.. and when did he ever say that it was a good movie?

He simply stated that he didn't care about all these issues that people have problems with and that he is gonna judge the movie after seeing it.
P. S.

Close this ******ed thread. Whats with everyone starting their own new moronic pointless spam threads?

Shut up.
PhoenixRising said:
Calling a movie good before seeing it is also pre judging. Just thought you might want to know that.

I am not saying the movie is good, I hope so, I haven't seen it how can I say if it is good or bad.
Interesting thread, we all have our own opinions. Though I do think its silly people are not seeing the movie do to some reviews and such, but that's there opinion I guess. Glad your still seeing the movie, I'm still seeing it as well.
OldSkoolNWA said:
I do not care that there will be no fiery Phoenix - Why should there be ? Because there's one in the comics ? Well, in the comics Phoenix was actually an entity that took Jeans place here on earth. In the movie, it appears as if Phoenix will be a second personality that has finally emerged as the dominant psyche within Jean. So why would there be a fiery bird ?

Some fair points, yes... but remember that Jean did have an energy aura around her at the end of X2 followed by a firebird in the water at the very end. Forget the cosmic entity stuff, the phoenix is her symbol of life, death and rebirth; an energy signature that expresses who she is. Her powers are so strong that her TK is 'exciting' the air around her and making the molecules of the air emit energy and glow (similar to the northern lights) and she consciously/subconsciously shapes that into a firebird to represent who and what she is... The phoenix also has the appearance of a raptor (=bird of prey) and that element (the beak, and talons) show the destructive, barbaric side of her nature.

The movie could have found a way to work that in somehow.

Magneto might have said 'You have risen, Jean; not even your own sacriifice could hold you back. You are a Phoenix, Jean...a beautiful and terrifying bird of prey that rises again...take that as your name, it is your destiny.'

Then, when she manifests her power in extreme ways (such as the destruction at the end of the movie), we could see the energy from her shaping into a Phoenix bird...
X-Maniac said:
Some fair points, yes... but remember that Jean did have an energy aura around her at the end of X2 followed by a firebird in the water at the very end. Forget the cosmic entity stuff, the phoenix is her symbol of life, death and rebirth; an energy signature that expresses who she is. Her powers are so strong that her TK is 'exciting' the air around her and making the molecules of the air emit energy and glow (similar to the northern lights) and she consciously/subconsciously shapes that into a firebird to represent who and what she is... The phoenix also has the appearance of a raptor (=bird of prey) and that element (the beak, and talons) show the destructive, barbaric side of her nature.

The movie could have found a way to work that in somehow.

Magneto might have said 'You have risen, Jean; not even your own sacriifice could hold you back. You are a Phoenix, Jean...a beautiful and terrifying bird of prey that rises again...take that as your name, it is your destiny.'

Then, when she manifests her power in extreme ways (such as the destruction at the end of the movie), we could see the energy from her shaping into a Phoenix bird...

A movie that supposedly has Phoenix in it but doesn't have the actual Phoenix bird...that's really weak.
Kurosawa said:
A movie that supposedly has Phoenix in it but doesn't have the actual Phoenix bird...that's really weak.
This isn't the comic book. There is no cosmic entity know as 'Phoenix'. No reason for a firebird.

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