I got an idea on the best way for Harry to be the GG.

Peter B. Parker

Apr 28, 2002
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I know this is right out of Ultimate Spider-Man but if Raimi wanted to make Harry into the Green Goblin, he could make him literally turn into the GG. Just like in Ulimate Spider-Man. This gif image, composed together by orpinock, illustrates this idea perfectly.


Wouldn't Peter be surprised, if not horrified, to see the lengths that his best friend goes to inact revenge on Spider-Man? I bet it would. Plus, it would be a fresh twist for Harry to become the Goblin this way. It worked pretty well in Ultimate Spider-Man. Why not do it in the movies as well? What do you guys think?
Peter B. Parker said:
I know this is right out of Ultimate Spider-Man but if Raimi wanted to make Harry into the Green Goblin, he could make him literally turn into the GG. Just like in Ulimate Spider-Man. This gif image, composed together by orpinock, illustrates this idea perfectly.


Wouldn't Peter be surprised, if not horrified, to see the lengths that his best friend goes to inact revenge on Spider-Man? I bet it would. Plus, it would be a fresh twist for Harry to become the Goblin this way. It worked pretty well in Ultimate Spider-Man. Why not do it in the movies as well? What do you guys think?

First off, huh?

Second, Harry found all of his fathers stuff including the formula. Obviously that is the way they are going. They made a point of showing Harry holding the formula.
Yeah but don't you guys think that it would be Spider-Man 1 all over again if Harry is the same exact Green Goblin as his father? Granted, I would like to see Peter go "WTF?" but I want a bit of a twist to end this trilogy.
I would just want Harry to be in the suit. But hey, good theory.

On a quick note, in SM1, Mr. Osborn takes the green whatever thing it is, but it has the number 009. Now in SM2, Harry takes the one that has the number 010. How interestingis that? Now you know for sure that Harry will be the next GG, plus, did you see the smugness on his face at the end, at the wedding? He probably already did it.
CrypticOne said:
I would just want Harry to be in the suit. But hey, good theory.

On a quick note, in SM1, Mr. Osborn takes the green whatever thing it is, but it has the number 009. Now in SM2, Harry takes the one that has the number 010. How interestingis that? Now you know for sure that Harry will be the next GG, plus, did you see the smugness on his face at the end, at the wedding? He probably already did it.

Good find. I missed that. Also remember that in the formula trials, not all the lab mice went insane. Harry might not suffer the same fate of his father.
haha he was also wearing a green tie at the wedding :gg:

It may play out like in the comics, everyone (well not familiar with the comics plot) will think he will become the second GG and try to kill spidey (which he does) but in the end he chooses what is right.
Reikowolf said:
haha he was also wearing a green tie at the wedding :gg:

It may play out like in the comics, everyone (well not familiar with the comics plot) will think he will become the second GG and try to kill spidey (which he does) but in the end he chooses what is right.

I can't imagine it playing out any other way.
Peter B. Parker said:
Yeah but don't you guys think that it would be Spider-Man 1 all over again if Harry is the same exact Green Goblin as his father? Granted, I would like to see Peter go "WTF?" but I want a bit of a twist to end this trilogy.

No, it wont be like spiderman 1. Because this time Although having to deal with a Gobby on hand, Ol' Petey has to deal with his fair share of other villians just as eager to rip him a new one.

Essentially, it's not a Goblin-centric movie. So it will be quite different

Is this another "Harry should be a monster goblin" thread?

i want harry to wear the gg outfit, but i mostly want harry to be a villian just as harry. you know, playing mind tricks on peter and m.j and others. and giving evil comments to peter. towards the end is when the gg suite should be doned by harry. just what i think.
Here is my idea

He uses his dads formula, sticks on a suit, grabs a glider and starts attacking Spidey
wolfsfang said:
Here is my idea

He uses his dads formula, sticks on a suit, grabs a glider and starts attacking Spidey

straight and to the point...and they say your crazy wolfsfang.
See this is exactly one of the reasons I left for a while. The constant repeats of ideas (some good but most dumb) and no real new ones.

I wonder how long I can stick it out this time before I need another little break.

Oh and thanks for the compliment Sean...I'm crazy and I'm proud
I wouldn't mind that, Just as long as it goes smoothly. If it goes really bad then i hope it doesn't happen.

Btw nice manip =D
As far as we know, he's probarbly gonna be exposed to the super soldier gas, he's also gonna have a snowsuit so he can snowboard downhill into adventure of winter fun and revenge.
venom4life said:
As far as we know, he's probarbly gonna be exposed to the super soldier gas, he's also gonna have a snowsuit so he can snowboard downhill into adventure of winter fun and revenge.

Sean Adisano said:
i want harry to wear the gg outfit, but i mostly want harry to be a villian just as harry. you know, playing mind tricks on peter and m.j and others. and giving evil comments to peter. towards the end is when the gg suite should be doned by harry. just what i think.


Yeah totally agree-the film will be better if harry doesnt wear a mask...he doesnt need to really....
I want to see him in some form of Goblin getup, NOT this "snowboarder outfit" crap that's going around. :down
cmill216 said:
I want to see him in some form of Goblin getup, NOT this "snowboarder outfit" crap that's going around. :down

i would also like to see him in a goblin outfit.
cmill216 said:
I want to see him in some form of Goblin getup, NOT this "snowboarder outfit" crap that's going around. :down

That could be just a rumor (dear God, I hope it´s just a rumor). There are too many rumors going around right now, let´s keep a cool head, remember that Harry has found the Goblin lair so it would make sense for him to be in some kind of Goblin getup. I believe more in what I saw planted in the last movie than I believe in what some anonymous poster writes on a messageboard.

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