Wilhelm-Scream said:
Erm...for those who said he wasn't irrationally optimistic...how many times do you need to participate in this
This appears to be a different thread with the same title...What's up with
Well, overall I think it's a thread title that's just going to attract problems.
So I'm aginnit after this here post.
highguard said:
And one more thing, can the mods try to clean up all the foul language. IT IS TOTALLY UNECESSARY AND HAS BEGUN TO BUG ME. I know I am only one person but I think a lot more kids will be coming to these sites AND THE CRASS LANGUAGE IS BECOMING A DOWNER.
You are
not the only one.
Plenty of us are irritated by the gratuitous vulgarities that have been popping up lately.
Most of us seem to understand that this is and should be a "PG-13" environment. There's a lot of kids out there reading SHH.
I recently had to stop letting my kids accompany me to a local comic book shop because of the unending clubhouse language by the gamers, comic book customers and yes, even by the lame-brained store manager. Somewhat to his credit, this doofus acknowledged he needed to watch his mouth and he even cautioned the gamers while me and my kids were in there a few times. But it never really stopped, and I could never browse in peace waiting for the next vulgar outburst from the gaming table, or some variation of "Yeah, Wolverine kicked the <bleep> outta that m<bleeeep>."
To be honest, I often use language far worse than most of what I've seen on SHH...but I have enough cognitive forethought, if not plain self-control, to lay off the cussin' around the kids.
And there
be kids here, y'all.
So please watch yer ******** mouths and take all that ***** to the ******** PMs and ******** private chats.
Would that be so ********** hard t'do?