You know I really love SS and Galctus, and the Coming of Galactus is one of the best story arcs in comc history but thinking about it more and more i would rather see them left in the pages of the comics. FOX is going to royally phuck and alter both SS and Galactus. Am I over reacting? With FOX? no.
As much as I hate to sound like Harry Knowles and start bashing a film before it even hits theaters or before I even see a frame of it I just have no faith in FOX. Tim Story isn't a bad director and honestly speaking he's going to do what FOX directs him to do and just shoot the movie. No one with imagination is on the creative team of F4. As far as i know it's the same crew from the 1st one. The first F4 was mediocre and the only saving grace was the comidic element and the costumes. I don't mind any of the actors, and the spirit was there, but there was nothing fantastic about the movie. Not one ounce of imagination went in the movie. So I think my fears are justified when i hear they are going to use galactus and the SS.
Another bad thing is that the F4 made money despite all the fan backlash and terriable reviews. The ego of the FOX execs will be to ignore the fans cause we are a small demographic and they know better and the small success of the F4 will give them more incentive to alter things with no reason for doing so other then the fact that some writer don't like something about the character that they had no hand in creating or some pinhead exec think their idea will be better or cost effective. I've given up on marvel. they appear not to have any power or say and sadly Avi Arad may be another Hollywood exec looking to make money instead of trying to make the best movie, which in almost all cases will ensure a good profit. My only spark of hope is that FOX may have learned their lesson and will put quality into the sequel because despite the movie making some money the execs weren't happy with the nearly uniamous bad reviews the f4 got.
Even though it hasn't been confirmed officially that Galactus will be part of the movie and the SS for that matter I'm really hoping they stick with Doom and some of the less grander villians. Galactus i think is to important and to big for a director like Story. Galactus should not be watered down one bit and half assed. Also the first f4 in my opinon didn't make enough to justify FOX giving F42 the budget to handle all the F4 powers, the SS, and Galactus. I've been worried before about comic films before being released, but the F4 with SS and Galactus has honeslty got me the most fearful. I do not see this film being pulled off with FOX in control.
As much as I hate to sound like Harry Knowles and start bashing a film before it even hits theaters or before I even see a frame of it I just have no faith in FOX. Tim Story isn't a bad director and honestly speaking he's going to do what FOX directs him to do and just shoot the movie. No one with imagination is on the creative team of F4. As far as i know it's the same crew from the 1st one. The first F4 was mediocre and the only saving grace was the comidic element and the costumes. I don't mind any of the actors, and the spirit was there, but there was nothing fantastic about the movie. Not one ounce of imagination went in the movie. So I think my fears are justified when i hear they are going to use galactus and the SS.
Another bad thing is that the F4 made money despite all the fan backlash and terriable reviews. The ego of the FOX execs will be to ignore the fans cause we are a small demographic and they know better and the small success of the F4 will give them more incentive to alter things with no reason for doing so other then the fact that some writer don't like something about the character that they had no hand in creating or some pinhead exec think their idea will be better or cost effective. I've given up on marvel. they appear not to have any power or say and sadly Avi Arad may be another Hollywood exec looking to make money instead of trying to make the best movie, which in almost all cases will ensure a good profit. My only spark of hope is that FOX may have learned their lesson and will put quality into the sequel because despite the movie making some money the execs weren't happy with the nearly uniamous bad reviews the f4 got.
Even though it hasn't been confirmed officially that Galactus will be part of the movie and the SS for that matter I'm really hoping they stick with Doom and some of the less grander villians. Galactus i think is to important and to big for a director like Story. Galactus should not be watered down one bit and half assed. Also the first f4 in my opinon didn't make enough to justify FOX giving F42 the budget to handle all the F4 powers, the SS, and Galactus. I've been worried before about comic films before being released, but the F4 with SS and Galactus has honeslty got me the most fearful. I do not see this film being pulled off with FOX in control.