I also want to see a new Punisher game. Maybe Marvel and Capcom could make a 360 sequel to the 1991 arcade classic The Punisher. The original had The Punisher and Nick Fury who fought The Kingpin of Crime, Jigsaw, and many of New York Citys population of scum and supervillains. A sequel should also include The BattleVan and Frank Castles supersuit with white gloves and boots should be unlockable. Microchip should be included as a character you see inbetween missions. Including The Punisher and Nick Fury, other heroes that specialize in fighting street crime that should be included in any Punisher game are Daredevil,Luke Cage Power Man, and Iron Fist. Like the arcade original, there should be weapons power ups, it should be either a 2D side scrolling game or a 2D game with 3D backgrounds as in Street Fighter IV. Weapons should be picked up after defeating various bad guys, or maybe there could be a weapons shop inbetween levels as in Capcom's Dungeon and Dragons games.