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Sequels Ideas for the next trilogy (X4-6) - NOT spin-offs


Jul 16, 2005
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In X3, we get introduced to Angel, Psylocke, Juggernaut, the Morlocks, and some other characters that aren't in the forefront of this film (Multiple Man & possibly Omega Red to name a couple). The majority of these characters, if not all of them, have potential for future storylines. Angel and a relationship with Psylocke and his storylines with Apocolypse. Multiple Man with X-Factor.

Here's what I'm getting at. X4 with a Sinister storyline. Assuming Cyclops and Jean live through X3, they maybe get married and Sinister tries to use them for his experiments. X5 revolves mostly around Angel and a story with Apocolypse. X6 could possibly be a storyline similar to the 90's cartoon episodic series, "Beyond Good and Evil". Although that storyline needs Professor X and Oracle from the Shi'ar. I wouldn't mind a sequel that has to do with Genosha, but this story with the mutants in prison from X3 might be too close and would be redundant in a future movie.

Bottom line, I want "X" movies with Mr. Sinister, Apocolypse (and his 4 horsemen), Bishop, Cable, Mystique's crew of Pyro, Avalanche, & Blob, and of course Gambit. I'm sure these movies could be done in this realistic movie style that the other "X" movies have started. Somewhere at some point (real soon) I'd like them to give Rogue her powers and maybe explore the unique family tree of Mystique, Sabretooth, Nightcrawler, Rogue, and even Greydon Creed (with the Friends of Humanity). I also think X-Factor needs to get some screen time as well. There are definitely episodes of the 90's cartoon that I'd love to see made into movies, "Days of Future Past", "Time Fugitives" (with the Techno Virus, which I believe was the cartoon version of the Legacy Virus from the comics), and maybe even "One Man's Worth", to name a few.

I know there's going to be people who agree with me and people who disagree with me for a variety of reasons, but I just wanted to voice my opinion and have my voice heard. This kind of came out a little different than I originally planned. I was just going to ask if certain ideas were good ones and what direction the sequels should take in your opinions. Sorry this went on so long. So do you guys think some of the future movies should continue with Magneto or move toward the way I explained in my second paragraph with Sinister & Apocolypse? Or do you think they should just be 3 seperate storylines with different villains?
I'd like this four girls in the team:

Forgive me if I'm wrong, because I haven't been quite as up to date on X-Men as with some, but isn't X3 going to be the last movie in the main X-Men movie series? If you do an IMDB search of Avi Arad, you can see all upcoming marvel projects to 2009, which is as far as they've planned at this point.
There will be an X4, in a few months after the release of X3 we'll star to hear more coments about it.
armitage16 said:
Forgive me if I'm wrong, because I haven't been quite as up to date on X-Men as with some, but isn't X3 going to be the last movie in the main X-Men movie series? If you do an IMDB search of Avi Arad, you can see all upcoming marvel projects to 2009, which is as far as they've planned at this point.

I knew someone was going to come in here and say this at some point. Nobody actually believes that this is the last X-men. Fox and whoever else keeps trying to make us all believe that this is the last one. A couple reasons why they're probably doing this is to build up more hype and to try and get more money if they make people fear that this is it. It's kinda like with Star Wars Ep. 3, it WAS the last one so eveyone went to see it because SW will never have another big screen movie ever again. They're trying to do the same thing with X3. After they see how much money this movie makes, they will make more. They'll just take out a few characters and add others. If you watched the cartoon or read some of the comics, you'd know that not every character was in every episode or issue. It'll be the same with the next set of movies. If you keep the same cast/characters, it starts to get old after a while. The ideas for the next trilogy that I wrote in my initial post don't have every character/main character from the first 3 movies and they don't have the same main villain in every one (i.e. Magneto).

It's been said that Spider-man will have as many as 6 movies. That's easier to say because it's centralized on one main character, whereas X-men is an ensemble. Bottom line, there will be more, in one form or another. I just hope they call it X-men with some subtitle to go with it, like "X-men: Something Sinister" for example. Otherwise the general public might get a little confused or just not get it.

Besides, if that's what you and anyone else wants to believe (that this is the last one), then think of this topic another way. Think of it as, if they were to make more, what you/we would like to see or have happen.
Well depending on whos alive and whos not at the end of x3 i would use one of these ideas:

1.Sinister/Apocalypse: Its a little "out there'' in my opinion but it could happen.

2.Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch: If Magneto is dead or missing these two could revive and recruit a new brotherhood(with Blob and Avalanche). The story would follow the same "humans hate mutants/Prof.X v.s. Magneto pilosiphies and you can through the Sentinels in there too. You can do a Empire Strikes back climax(Magneto: Pietro I am your father! Peitro: No no no thats not possible!)

3. Emma Frost/Hellfire Club: The whole movie could be about guessing if Emma is good or bad. Maybe even use the recent Cyclops relationship with her. The Hellfire club could try to revive The Phoenix(but wouldnt).
See the thing is that Vinnie Jones spilled the beans by saying he had a contract for two more films and Kelsey Grammer has one more as well (I highly doubt he'll appear in a prequel when we've seen him as a human in X1). The thing about contracts is that if you decide not to use that actor, it is a hell of a loss because you have to pay that actor as if they did the movie which is money lost unless you get work out of them. Hopefully though Juggernaut and Beast won't be the losses that we expierence with every film (we have lost Sabertooth, Toad, and Nightcrawler).
as long as they focus on a new team other than the one used in the first 3 movies im fine.
If they were to focus on a different team, then I certainly wouldn't go and watch it unless if they kept central characters (Jean and Storm for example).
Matthias said:
In X3, we get introduced to Angel, Psylocke, Juggernaut, the Morlocks, and some other characters that aren't in the forefront of this film (Multiple Man & possibly Omega Red to name a couple). The majority of these characters, if not all of them, have potential for future storylines. Angel and a relationship with Psylocke and his storylines with Apocolypse. Multiple Man with X-Factor.

Here's what I'm getting at. X4 with a Sinister storyline. Assuming Cyclops and Jean live through X3, they maybe get married and Sinister tries to use them for his experiments. X5 revolves mostly around Angel and a story with Apocolypse. X6 could possibly be a storyline similar to the 90's cartoon episodic series, "Beyond Good and Evil". Although that storyline needs Professor X and Oracle from the Shi'ar. I wouldn't mind a sequel that has to do with Genosha, but this story with the mutants in prison from X3 might be too close and would be redundant in a future movie.

They could use Genosha. It hasnt been a mutant-prison island for years now. Its been a prison, a regular island, then a mutant haven, then a wasteland (roughly).

Matthias said:
Bottom line, I want "X" movies with Mr. Sinister, Apocolypse (and his 4 horsemen), Bishop, Cable, Mystique's crew of Pyro, Avalanche, & Blob, and of course Gambit. I'm sure these movies could be done in this realistic movie style that the other "X" movies have started. Somewhere at some point (real soon) I'd like them to give Rogue her powers and maybe explore the unique family tree of Mystique, Sabretooth, Nightcrawler, Rogue, and even Greydon Creed (with the Friends of Humanity). I also think X-Factor needs to get some screen time as well.

Which X-factor?
Matthias said:
There are definitely episodes of the 90's cartoon that I'd love to see made into movies, "Days of Future Past", "Time Fugitives" (with the Techno Virus, which I believe was the cartoon version of the Legacy Virus from the comics), and maybe even "One Man's Worth", to name a few.

T-O is in the comics but its so silly I dont want to see it in the movies. DoFP would be great but it has to be a one-shot self contained story.

Matthias said:
I know there's going to be people who agree with me and people who disagree with me for a variety of reasons, but I just wanted to voice my opinion and have my voice heard. This kind of came out a little different than I originally planned. I was just going to ask if certain ideas were good ones and what direction the sequels should take in your opinions. Sorry this went on so long. So do you guys think some of the future movies should continue with Magneto or move toward the way I explained in my second paragraph with Sinister & Apocolypse? Or do you think they should just be 3 seperate storylines with different villains?

No, I dont know if another trilogy can be made without a massive decline in quality, but 3 separate movies would be worse.
i think they have said it is the last one and they want 2 make x men a trilogy. But u no people when X3 brings em the cash they will make more most likely bringing in new mutants cause i dnt reckon sum of the actors would come back , e.g. rebecca romjin stamos(mystique), James Marsden(cycolops)( maybe)etc but Hugh Jackman will most likely end up going on 2 do more
Genosha hasn't even been mentioned in the movies. Though you know, with Beast being so close to the President, I wouldn't be suprised if it would be mentioned in X3.
FieryBalrog said:
Which X-factor?

Oh, sorry, I forgot about all the different members they've gone through. Since I'm a big fan of the cartoon, I'd say: Forge, Havoc, Polaris, Wolfsbane, Quicksilver, Strong Guy, & Multiple Man. I don't know too much about all the other versions of X-Factor from the comics, so please forgive me. There's probably a better, movie type cast of characters, like the one with Cyclops, but the group I mentioned was the one I was thinking of.
Overall Trilogy:
Keep the human-mutant tension subtext, but explore the natural consequences of mutancy and evolution. Including experimentation, mutant societies and omego-powerful mutants. Keep a few X-Men but in general focus on a different team.

Core Team:

4 -- Uncanny X-Men --Sinister rears his ugly head, never revealing his true identity, but remaining Nathaniel Essex and along with John Bastion and the sentinel program are capturing mutants, for Essex to experiment on. Three way battle with double crosses. Cyclops returns. Sentinels, including Bastion, Nimrod and Master Mold are defeated.

5 -- Astonishing X-Men -- Magneto gains Genosha as a soverign nation. Gambit and Rogue surface there and cause a mess. The X-Men, baited by experimented on mutants in the sewers fall into a trap and greivous defeat. Beast is killed. Iceman ices up and is cracked. Colossus ends up sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Rogue and Gambit end up saving them. The X-Men manage to put Genosha onto the mutant rights issue with the morlocks, putting the government on their side for once as they face off against disgruntled mutants with minimal forces.

6 -- (New or Ultimate) X-Men -- Magneto has his coupe de grace move ready. Stopping the planet on it's axis. On top of this, Apocalpyse is coming, as per Sinister's mission. Storm takes the kids: Iceman, Shadowcat, flight/strong Rogue and Gambit against Apocalypse and Cyclops goes and finds Colossus on the ocean floor, helping Ice-Man recover. Recruiting Angel and with Psylocke put Magneto to rest.

Meh... I could've done better... not too bad...
GL1 said:
Overall Trilogy:
Keep the human-mutant tension subtext, but explore the natural consequences of mutancy and evolution. Including experimentation, mutant societies and omego-powerful mutants. Keep a few X-Men but in general focus on a different team.

Core Team:

4 -- Uncanny X-Men --Sinister rears his ugly head, never revealing his true identity, but remaining Nathaniel Essex and along with John Bastion and the sentinel program are capturing mutants, for Essex to experiment on. Three way battle with double crosses. Cyclops returns. Sentinels, including Bastion, Nimrod and Master Mold are defeated.

5 -- Astonishing X-Men -- Magneto gains Genosha as a soverign nation. Gambit and Rogue surface there and cause a mess. The X-Men, baited by experimented on mutants in the sewers fall into a trap and greivous defeat. Beast is killed. Iceman ices up and is cracked. Colossus ends up sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Rogue and Gambit end up saving them. The X-Men manage to put Genosha onto the mutant rights issue with the morlocks, putting the government on their side for once as they face off against disgruntled mutants with minimal forces.

6 -- (New or Ultimate) X-Men -- Magneto has his coupe de grace move ready. Stopping the planet on it's axis. On top of this, Apocalpyse is coming, as per Sinister's mission. Storm takes the kids: Iceman, Shadowcat, flight/strong Rogue and Gambit against Apocalypse and Cyclops goes and finds Colossus on the ocean floor, helping Ice-Man recover. Recruiting Angel and with Psylocke put Magneto to rest.

Meh... I could've done better... not too bad...

No Wolverine, I like it. Although I think he could show up in the last movie. And they should ditch Storm if they cant get a recast. Let Cyke lead, because he hasn't had the chance yet.
I think the main new characters of X4 should be Gambit and the new villain (Emma/Hellfire Club or other, don't don't exactly who could be). But I will have Juggernaut and Bill Duke too, to give some continuity, of course, now secundary characters.

And the new brotherhood member should be Avalanche. (I'm not sure of Fox and the writers adding Erik's sons, it would be great, although).
and about the team, I'd like this five more the return of Nightcrawler.

I'll show you it in images:

The team since the beggining of X4:

Gambit will join it at the end, more Psylocke)

the villains (three sides: brotherhood, Callisto more the morlocks, and Juggernaut by his own):

Avalanche and Emma Frost will be added to them.

Don't know you guys, but for me, this is such a perfect and sufficient cast for next sequel.
Your cast listing is really lackluster of any real characters, in other words its mainly full of supporting cast.
Ok, thought a little bit more about it. Here's my new ideas.

X4 - Main villain, Mastermold. Secondary villain/subplot, Friends of Humanity. Maybe throw in a bit about Greydon Creed's unique family tree.

X5 - Main villain, Mr. Sinister. Subplot, introduction to Bishop, Cable, & X-Factor (the team I mentioned in an earlier post). It would be kinda fun to see Forge in the present & the future and Bishop's reaction to seeing Forge in the present. Possible secondary villain, Nimrod.

X6 - Main villain, Apocolypse (and his Four Horsemen). Subplot, Legacy Virus.

For X6 I really wanted the story from "Beyond Good and Evil", but this might work better.
Angamb said:
I'll show you it in images:

The team since the beggining of X4:

Gambit will join it at the end, more Psylocke)

the villains (three sides: brotherhood, Callisto more the morlocks, and Juggernaut by his own):

Avalanche and Emma Frost will be added to them.

Don't know you guys, but for me, this is such a perfect and sufficient cast for next sequel.

Drop Logan and Storm, or the supporting characters like Rogue and Gambit will never be able to get development.
Angamb said:
I'll show you it in images:

The team since the beggining of X4:

Gambit will join it at the end, more Psylocke)

the villains (three sides: brotherhood, Callisto more the morlocks, and Juggernaut by his own):

Avalanche and Emma Frost will be added to them.

Don't know you guys, but for me, this is such a perfect and sufficient cast for next sequel.

To me, those teams look empty without the characters that were there from the start. Jean and Cyclops are my favorite characters. For me, I wouldn't enjoy an X-Men movie without them in it.

And as for the Brotherhood, I would say its time for them to retire. I don't want to see the X Teens vs. the Brotherhood Teens. This shouldn't come off as some teen drama. This is X-Men, not the OC...

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