If a girl hit me, I'd hit back.


Mar 13, 2006
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I'm tired of so many hypocrits. "Sexism is bad!" "Women should be able to play in sports!" "Women should be president" Etcetera.

Then those same people later say "Don't hit a girl." Hypocrit. So your saying its ok to hit a guy, but not a girl? That's crap. If you want equal rights for everyone, then everything should apply.

If a girl hit me I would so hit back. Why? Well, why should she have the right to hit me and I could not hit her back? If you guys want equal rights then that should be part of it to.
It just ain't right . . . nothing stopping you from restraining the beeeyitch and shakin the hell outta her, though . . .
Don't Bobby Brown dat beeyitch!
You'll be rethinking that move after she calls the cops and get's you arrested.
If you hit a woman, then you're a friggin' ***** and hopefully get anally raped by a grey whale while swimming in the ocean. On the other hand if a women hits you, then you're reflexes are slow and you probably deserved it.
In the words of Chris Rock: I'll NEVER hit a woman...but I'll shake the s**t out of one! :o
Well if a smaller guy hit you,then you would hit them back,so why not.:D
I'm a girl and I agree. If I hit a guy, I would expect a hit back. Don't take that crap guys. Those girls think they can get away with it just because they're girls, they don't think they would get hit back. They need to know that the Earth doesn't revolve around them and they don't rule anything. So don't start meaningless battles that you can't finish.
Eh, that's kind of a tough question. But i've known of guys who have had their faces scratches off and well, they've just been beaten up. All because they wouldn't fight back or do anything about it.
No, your being sexist. Your saying women have the right to say they are equal all they want YET if a girl hits you with the intention of hurting you, its not alright to hit back? Hypocrit.

Equal rights, equal fights.
if it happens, good luck. You better hope there are witnesses in your favor when you do it. If she hits you first, you can hit her back. If you take the hit and don't do anything, you're turning into a female saint. That's what my history teacher always says.
If a girl hit me, Id ignore it and tell her to knock it off, if she continued, I'd warn her, and then if she continued, I'd try and take her down without hurting her......or sumfin'
If a girl hit me I'd kick her in the nuts ><
It's good knowing you can beat up atleast 50% of the world's population.
I would never hit a woman, but if she's built like Chyna, then that'd be a completely different story.
MajinShenron said:
I'm tired of so many hypocrits. "Sexism is bad!" "Women should be able to play in sports!" "Women should be president" Etcetera.

Then those same people later say "Don't hit a girl." Hypocrit. So your saying its ok to hit a guy, but not a girl? That's crap. If you want equal rights for everyone, then everything should apply.

If a girl hit me I would so hit back. Why? Well, why should she have the right to hit me and I could not hit her back? If you guys want equal rights then that should be part of it to.

if a girl hit you, then you probably served it, based on you views, here.
That's a touchy subject, this is why I don't date guys too much bigger than me. It has to be a fair fight, but I'm pretty strong. So good luck!!:mad:
Admiral_N8 said:
If a girl hit me I'd kick her in the nuts ><
Good luck with that.

I don't think I could punch a girl but probabily a slap as a last resort.
I worked with this guy who was getting beat the **** up by his old lady. He'd show up with black eyes and he would be so withdrawn the morning after. Normally he was the sweetest guy, he kind of reminds you of eeyore and he did a great impression of him too. In his case he should of tagged me to go in and introduce my foot to her ***.

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