if you had the ability to see the future...


Dec 8, 2005
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would you use it to your advantage or try to change tragic events?if you didnt,would you feel morally responsible?
hmm interesting...but i was wondering...what if what you saw about the future came about because of the direction you chose when u saw the future...its mind blowing!!!!
I wouldn't do anything about it, and I wouldn't use it. If you know the future then your path is set, since I believe things will happen inevitably. Without knowing what's to come you're free.
I wouldn't try to stop tragic things and get into the whole Final Destination thing.
I would try to avoid petty things and somehow win the lottery then go on a vision quest finding the meaning to life since i never need to work?:) :o
GoldenAgeHero said:
would you use it to your advantage or try to change tragic events?if you didnt,would you feel morally responsible?
Ummmmm, both. And, yes.
How do I answer this with out sounding like a loon.

I once went into a trance during a study group and stated someone was going to die and that night, may have been around the time of my trance one of our classmates(16,healthy,athelete) fell out of the bnk bed, had a heart attack and died.

I wouldn't want to control anything, too much reponsibility.

*mind the drunk typing, please*
this kind of thing entirely depends on the specifics of the power. How FAR can you see? How MUCH can you see? Are you actually able to change events, or are they inevitable? are there consequences for changing them? etc
I can see the future...if the person IMing me doesn't give up his identity I'll block him. :o

Other than that...I wouldn't change the future. :)
tzarinna said:
How do I answer this with out sounding like a loon.

I once went into a trance during a study group and stated someone was going to die and that night, may have been around the time of my trance one of our classmates(16,healthy,athelete) fell out of the bnk bed, had a heart attack and died.

I wouldn't want to control anything, too much reponsibility.

*mind the drunk typing, please*
is that true?? cuz thats kinda creepy if it is.
Elijya said:
this kind of thing entirely depends on the specifics of the power. How FAR can you see? How MUCH can you see? Are you actually able to change events, or are they inevitable? are there consequences for changing them? etc

10 years into the future, anything you want to know or focuses on.
The Runaway said:
is that true?? cuz thats kinda creepy if it is.

Yes it is, I had a really hard time at the funeral.:(
tzarinna said:
Yes it is, I had a really hard time at the funeral.:(
i can imagine...that sucks...remind me not to hangout with while u study though.
Master Chief said:
I wouldn't do anything about it, and I wouldn't use it. If you know the future then your path is set, since I believe things will happen inevitably. Without knowing what's to come you're free.

I agree! I wouldn't want to see the future. If suddenly i had a vision of the future, that would be a different thing. But given the choice, I would choose not to. My life is good. If i chose to see the future and saw good things, thatd be nice. But if i saw any bad things, any at all, i would be constantly in fear of those things happening. I would become paranoid and depressed and stop living life in the moment as it should be lived.
I probably wouldn't use it to change tragic events, because other people's troubles makes me feel better.

However, I would buy stock that would go through the roof.
Or just get the winning numbers in the 9 figure lottery.
I'd probably use it for myself at first. Like win the lottery real quick. Then use my powers to nail a couple really hot, famous celebrities...also using my millions won in the lottery to seal the deal.

Then I'd eventually use it for good and eventually become an outcast because of my gift...then I'll start an institute for gifted youngsters and real life will imitate fiction.


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