Comics If YOU Ran The X-Books

Arkady Rossovich

Jul 22, 2005
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Lets say,that by chance Marvel called you and offered you the chance to run any X-Series book,or all the lines.That you was given permission to do anything you wanted,would you?Would you erase the continuity of the past 5-7 years and re-write everything?Would you have done House Of M differently?Would you have changed a certian origin or character slightly?

This is the thread to discuss what YOU would do,if you was given permission to write the X-Books [Uncanny,X-Factor,etc.]:marv:
I'd want to write an Ultimate title.
I'd want to write plain X-Men and hopefully inspire some continuity in the main titles (and possibly fringe) while keeping every title a seperate story. I'd try an enforce a return to the big epic X-Stories of before that I feel were key in developing the characters we know today. Oh, and I'd but a ban on itroducing new X Characters, as there are so many around and barely any of them are fleshed out. (Although MORRISON never had a problem with this....?)

Also I would relegate clairmont to writing retro back story minis that have no effect on continuity what so ever.

Edit: Holy Sh**! Did I just say that I wanted to be Scott Lodbell? Oh My God!What have I done!!??!!
I'd get Morrison back by any means nesessary
Magneto and others are always saying that there is going to be a war between mutants and humans, well why not actually have one? Be it a result of finding out about a mutant being behing HoM or you could set the stage over the next year or so with key incidents that dramatically lower acceptance of mutants until it becomes so bad that a war has actually started between the two. All the while the X-Men are trying their hardest to stop it, or at least those who might predict its coming, possibly Sage who sees it as an inevitablity or Storms team who found another volume of Destiny's diaries while Cyclops team continue their uphill battle for better PR. And once it's started you could have Magneto lead the mutants with X-Men tuning to his side like Collosus, Rogue, Beast and Emma who are all faced with difficult decisions on who to fight with. All mutants will have to go into hiding and they start to gather and form a resistance. And you need a villian so i dunno have someone like Apocolypse or even Magneto behind it all, subtley manipulating all of the events leading up to the Civil War and finish with a very public fight off between them and the X-Men where the whole world accepts the error of its ways or at least have the fighting stop. After which have massive leaps forward in mutant rights with more schools being set up around the country etc.
I can say i wouldn't retcon, but lets say there might be a culling of the herd. One or two major deaths and whole crap load of minor bloodshead. Dead would be dead. Wolvy would be held to one single X-Title and his own monthly. On occasion x-teams would be at odds with each other and not because one team is being mind controlled. The books would be much tighter. I think Scott and Emma are either in Academy running the school or Astonishing as members, but not both. I have a slew of ideas.
I like most of those ideas except I like Scott and Emma in Academy. At least it makes sense, they are headmasters unlike Emma being (and in charge of) Havoks team.
GreatWhiteWhale said:
I'd want to write plain X-Men and hopefully inspire some continuity in the main titles (and possibly fringe) while keeping every title a seperate story. I'd try an enforce a return to the big epic X-Stories of before that I feel were key in developing the characters we know today. Oh, and I'd but a ban on itroducing new X Characters, as there are so many around and barely any of them are fleshed out. (Although MORRISON never had a problem with this....?)

Also I would relegate clairmont to writing retro back story minis that have no effect on continuity what so ever.

Edit: Holy Sh**! Did I just say that I wanted to be Scott Lodbell? Oh My God!What have I done!!??!!

Lobdell rules.I loved his run with Uncanny around the end of the 200s and the beginning on the 300s.His character moments were the greatest and could only be rivaled by Claremont in his prime.
I would take X-men. My cast would be Havok, Iceman, Polaris, Banshee, Silver Samurai, Gambit and Rogue.
1) I would have Iceman undergo training to be a team leader. Build his character and make him more than the typical jokester. He seems to take two steps forward and three back.
2)Polaris would no longer be crazy. You are around the world's greatest telepaths and no one can cure her???? I dont think so.I'd get away from her supposed link to Magneto and explore her link to Zaladane(the dead mistress of the Savage Land)
3)I like Banshee and he'll be the old man of the team that gives advice.
4)Ever since I heard that CC wanted to use him in Uncanny and got turned down this character has intriqued me. There are way too many ninjas so I'd like to offset it with him.I really want to play up how bad@ss this guy is.
5) I really want to bring in another player into the Xavier/Magneto dynamic. someone who aoffers another choice.
6)I love Magik and I'd bring her back but not in the form that we know. Her return is very easy to do too.
If I ran the X-Books I wouldn't have Wolverine in every single title.
I would either do another totally different continuity, in which I wouldn't have to research, re-read and retcon everything...

Or I'd take things forward and develop things the way they should have been developed, in which case I'd have to research, re-read and retcon everything!
I'd say it's time to make the X-Men a truly international organization.

Having three teams of X-Men (each with Wolverine on it) all holing up in the same mansion is problematic. If they want to spread their message across the world, perhaps they should set themselves up across the world.

I liked the idea of the X-Corporation, and I'd like for it to become more active than just a dumping ground for limbo muties.

I'd put a team of X-Men in China, to cover mainland Asia. This team would be Storm's team, minus Nightcrawler, 'cause I'd put him with the home team. So... we'd have Storm and Psylocke on this team, then we'd add Iceman, Sunfire, and Neal Shaara to finish up the lineup. Yes, I'd ditch Bishop and Rachel altogether. I'm a bit sick of people from bleak and dark futures where everybody you know and love is dead, and blah blah blah. To hell with future people!

Then our second team will be in mainland Europe. This one'll be Havok's team, with Gambit, Polaris, Rogue, and Angel. Put 'em in Paris or something, since you've got your London-centric Excalibur part trois over there doing their own thing. Of course, they'll have to run afoul of Dr. Doom at some point.

And then I'd leave Astonishing as is, focusing on the home team, but I'd add Nightcrawler to the cast because him, Kitty, Colossus and Wolverine deserve to be all on the same team again. Plus I like Nightcrawler, so I'd want him on a book I like.
Cyclops said:
I'd say it's time to make the X-Men a truly international organization.

Having three teams of X-Men (each with Wolverine on it) all holing up in the same mansion is problematic. If they want to spread their message across the world, perhaps they should set themselves up across the world.

I liked the idea of the X-Corporation, and I'd like for it to become more active than just a dumping ground for limbo muties.

I'd put a team of X-Men in China, to cover mainland Asia. This team would be Storm's team, minus Nightcrawler, 'cause I'd put him with the home team. So... we'd have Storm and Psylocke on this team, then we'd add Iceman, Sunfire, and Neal Shaara to finish up the lineup. Yes, I'd ditch Bishop and Rachel altogether. I'm a bit sick of people from bleak and dark futures where everybody you know and love is dead, and blah blah blah. To hell with future people!

Then our second team will be in mainland Europe. This one'll be Havok's team, with Gambit, Polaris, Rogue, and Angel. Put 'em in Paris or something, since you've got your London-centric Excalibur part trois over there doing their own thing. Of course, they'll have to run afoul of Dr. Doom at some point.

And then I'd leave Astonishing as is, focusing on the home team, but I'd add Nightcrawler to the cast because him, Kitty, Colossus and Wolverine deserve to be all on the same team again. Plus I like Nightcrawler, so I'd want him on a book I like.

I mostly agree...except We need Bishop. he is my favorite and bleak future or not I want him. besides we need a brotha on ther team. lol
I can't stand Bishop. I just can't. Maybe it's just that he's been written poorly the last few years, or had a totally inexplicable personality shift (most likely due to poor writing), or maybe it's just he's such a cliche in the X-World, but I do not like Bishop. I'd toss him on the China team if I had to use him.

But like I said, if it was up to me, there'd be no more Bishop.
I agree that Bishop..and Storm have both been written poorly..ESPECIALLY when a certain writer makes them speak ghetto slang when they never did before
i think Bishop is fine as a cop in District X. he's found his niche, imo.
Well jean would come back in fieryness.And SCott would stay wiith Emma, there would be disagreements with some of the old-school X-Men about where to take them which would cause a division of three teams, still under the X-Men banner though.

X-Men Red would Be Jean as leader, with Havok, Marrow, Chamber, Jubilee and Colossus. (The darker violent X-Men book, Jean sees the future of mutant/human relations as being through "The Children")

X-Men Gold would be Angel as leader, with Iceman, Gambit, Rogue, Sage and Nightcrawler (The soap drama book I suppose, except with pivotal action stories, Angel's goal is the "Charitable rescue of mutantkind")

X-Men Blue would be Cyclops as leader, with Emma, Beast, Wolverine, Kitty and Banshee. (Same old Astonishing, clever Mix of both Drama and Comedy, the flagship title for continuity advancement. Cyclops goal is "Increase good mutant PR".

Bishop would join X-Factor, Storm run to the professor and try and wake up universal support, Polaris would run to Magneto and seek comfort (X/Storm and Mags/Polaris would be fringe characters) and Rachel and Psylocke would go to Excalibur.

Course there would have to be some epic stories thrown in there, I don't know about the whole future predictions/alternative universe/space stuff, that stuff is hard to get right, but it could be done. I know i'd want to see some decent character arcs, and dig into the charcters, I envision big big changes for Iceman.
I'd also like to see some good male Bonding between Iceman, Angel, Beast, maybe Wolvie Nightcrawler and Gambit. I mean these guys are OLD OLD team-mates, and pretty much best-friends. Plus they've been manipulated so many times I imagine they would want to take comfort in the people they can trust.

Also I was thinkng relationship between Bobby and Sage. Hah, go figure, I'm a nutcase.
good teams man except you should havewolverine finally get with jean, now that cyclops is with emma.
I never really liked that Dynamic, I don't think wolverine is a 'relationship' kinda guy anyway, I think his relationships work best when they're tragedies from his past. I definetely don't think he should hook up with storm, although I can see a young japanese girl crashing at the mansion who logan uses for comfort but not much more.

I think it would be a great scene if Cyclops and Emma and Beast are discussing something and all of a suddent this girl comes down stair in a dressing gown opens the fridge drinks some milk, says hi and then goes back to bed.

But yeah, Logan is a loner, and Jean is something a little more than the average mutant so 'with great power comes great responsibility' I think she would have a mission that wouldn't make time for romance, especially seeing romance has defined the majority of her character in the past. I would like to see her be something new, independant.
cyclops should also become independet. he has always had a girlfriend or wife so no one the real him.
true, and I feel the same about Collosus, distancing him from Kitty encourages personal development.

However I feel they Cyclops/Emma dynamic is interesting enough to merit their continue coupling, I mean is SHE becoming the leader? Is she just using him for his status? Is he using her as a leaning post? I think more than Jean, Scott *Needs* someone to keep him stable. On his own he may be an interesting character, but I think he would be more intersting with Emma. Especially if Banshee is in there, who I would say Emma would depend on and feel more comfortable in a social situation than with Scott.

Same with Gambit and Rogue, I love these two as a couple. And while pretty much everything has been done with them that can be done, and I can think of half a dozen cool directions to take both Gambit and Rogue in seperately, I like them together. I think there is real love there, and real tragedy, real humour, real enjoyment.

On Sage and Iceman, well I think it's about time a new solid romance developed. I mean the only real major believable relationships have been Jean/emma/Scott Kitty/Piort and Gambit/Rogue, all the others have either faded into obscurity or seemed force. I think both these characters are different enough to provide an interesting dynamic, and that whole 'opposites' attract thing could work, also I think it's about time Bobby had a real romance, I mean he is so under-utilized it's not funny, and he has been one of the mainstays of the X-Men from the very beginning. I can think of alot of things that could be done with these two.
1. Get New Writers (Bye bye CC)
2. Give each team and squad a defined goal and purpose (X-Men and Uncanny). I would keep the team stable and stop the revovling door of coming and going members.

X-MEN: Cyclops, Emma, Beast, Angel, Iceman, Havok and Polaris.

(kinda like the first 7 X-Men, with Emma taking Jean's place)

UNCANNY: Storm, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Kitty, Colossus, Psylocke and Gambit.

I’d have Rogue leave Gambit. I think her character needs a break, and it would be nice to see Gambit as a free and single man. Maybe mix it up with Storm or Psylocke.

I would send Bishop off to be the main trainer/instructor for the New X-Men/Mutants. I think it would be great to see him training the “future” generation of X-Men.

3. Develop new villians.
4. Keep the school environment and the new mutants angle.
5. Only allow for one splitter group that actually has a real purpose and goal not to be haning with the X-Men and following Xaviers mission (Like old-school X-Force).
littlemissvixen like all your ideas, especiaaly bishop as a teacher for future x-men since he is from the future.

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