The Dark Knight Rises If you were Christopher Nolan, how would you make the third film in this series?


Aug 13, 2008
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If you were Christopher Nolan, how would you make the third film in this series? Be sure to include characters, themes, plotline, and why you make the movie this (your) way. . .

I have been thinking a lot lately on the next film in this series. I want to know what everyone would do if they were Christopher Nolan. I am not asking you to explain what you think should happen in the next film, I want to know what you would put into it. This is what I would do . . . .

The third Batman movie in this series (if another one is truly needed) should have a theme of redemption. As left off from The Dark Knight, Batman’s image has been destroyed to comply and to save Harvey Dent’s image as Gotham’s White Knight.

Villains for the movie

Mr. Freeze/ The Riddler as the main antagonist(s)
Mr. Freeze is one of Batman’s most tragic villains in his rouge gallery. Mr. Freeze could work well into the theme of redemption. The Riddler could also serve well into this theme.

The Riddler could fit well into Nolan’s realistic take on Batman. I believe that the Riddler’s origins should not be explained, but rarely mentioned (much like the Joker’s). Only one name is given, towards the end: Edward Nigma. Also, have his intentions to basically want to destroy the Government, because of his hatred for it (which is never explained). He is not displayed as a killer, but a cyber-terrorist who hacks into various networks, and shuts them down.

Also, have him download stored files containing information on Gotham City and present this knowledge to the mob. Make him a cyber-terrorist, like I suggested, and this is possible. He leaves riddles/clues on various computers, laptops, and other devices capable of being hacked into, of his next crime. As the film progress, he becomes more dangerous, via his hacking skills.

This would work well, having all major systems, including Wayne Enterprises (maybe) shut down, causing mass chaos. Also, show the Riddler as using a cane.

Actor I prefer/recommend-Crispin Glover, Johnny Depp, Viggo Mortensen (All good actors, who would bring the character to life)

Mr. Freeze can be displayed as ‘realistic’ in Nolan’s Batman universe. Victor Fries could be a Cryogenic expert working for Wayne Enterprises. However, when Wayne Enterprises shuts down Fries’s operations and refuses to fund his further research into developing a cure for his wife Nora, who is currently in the hospital with a rare blood/cancer disease, he steals an experimental exoskeleton suit and a liquid nitrogen compartment from the Weapons Development Department from Wayne Industries, and vows to kill the Board Members of Wayne Corps.

The Gun could be but a simple rod of metal that sprays liquid nitrogen from a compartment located on Freeze’s back. And the suit could resemble Mark II of Iron Man’s armor from the recent movie Iron Man, yet, a bit simplified. Call it an experimental exoskeleton design and you have Mr. Freeze with his suit and gun. Simple, realistic and it could work well.

Actor I prefer/recommend-Eric Bana (I know I am going to get a lot of critical response for this choice, but I stand with it)

Secondary villains

Catwoman/the Penguin/Rupert Thorne/the Black Mask

Catwoman could fit nicely into a film such as this. She could be a vigilante that steps into Batman’s role as a hero amongst Gotham, in the Bat’s absent. She could state her origin to Batman (not shown) and state that her alias was hacked (by the Riddler, unknown to her) and she decided to take the role of vigilante intent on taking down the mob. She uses her traditional bullwhip, along with retractable ‘claws’ on her gloves. She also steals constantly and is an expert at stealth and martial arts. Selina Kyle becomes a friend of Bruce Wayne, but Catwoman becomes the new love interest of Batman.

Actress I prefer/recommend-Rachel Weisz or Kate Beckinsale (Both are beautiful actresses that both know how to kick ass in tights)

The Penguin could also fit very well into this new, more modern age. He could be an English arms dealer, named Oswald Cobblepot, who realizes that Gotham’s government is falling (due to the recent hacks by the Riddler) and begins providing for the arising mob. He supplies to various families, such as the Falcone and Thorne families. He does not have to be shown much, but make him a threat because of what he deals out to the mob. Give him a role about the length of Detective Flass in Batman Begins, although, make him a bit more sinister.

Actor I prefer/recommend-Alfred Molina (I doubt he would consider playing another villain after Doctor Octopus, but he is still my main choice)

Rupert Thorne could have a role about the same length of time Salvatore Maroni or Carmine Falcone had. A short, but substantial role. Show Thorne as taking total control over the mob. He is in deals with Cobblepot/The Penguin and the Riddler and make it as if he has a desire to control Gotham, and with Gotham’s major systems failing, including the main Government, he nearly succeeds. This way, Gotham reverts back to being ‘controlled by criminality’ making a desire for the Batman to return and redeem himself.

Actor I prefer/recommend-Brain Cox (I read somewhere else that someone recommended him and I agree)

The Black Mask could work as another mob boss. Again, not too much screen time needs to be shown, but enough to establish the fact that the mafia is arising and his intentions are for the worse. He could be made to be a possible hit man or just, as I stated above, another mob boss. As for the mask, it could be a simple metal mask designed to look like a skull, covering facial scarring or for just the purpose to ‘intimidate’ others.

Actor I prefer/recommend-Ray Liotta (I read on another forum that he would play a good Black Mask and I agree)

New Characters

Harvey Bullock/Vicky Vale/Hugo Strange/Others

Harvey Bullock could easily replace Detective Wuertz. He could be displayed as another corrupt cop or a true one. Personally, I believe that he should be a true to cop, and not corrupted because the last few Detectives within Gordon’s unit were all corrupt (i.e. Wuertz, Ramirez, and Flass). This way, Gordon has someone inside of his unit that he can trust. Only a medium amount of screen time needs to be shown, but enough time needs to be shown that he is a different kind of cop, one who does not mind using force to achieve what he wants. Show him attempting to put down the arising mob and all the criminals that are taking Gotham back.

Actor I prefer/recommend-Michael Chiklis (After viewing his performance on the show The Shield, I say that Chiklis would play Bullock very well)

Vicky Vale would fit into a story such as this better than just about anyone. After the death of Rachel, Bruce does not know if he should move on. He cannot forget about Rachel, but Vicky Vale could be that person to replace Dawes. Make her a photographer or a journalist for Gotham City News possibly doing a story on the Batman (much like the original movie Batman) and make her the new love interest of Bruce Wayne. She needs to have a significant amount of screen time to show and press the point that she is becoming Bruce’s new love interest.

Actress I prefer/recommend-Charlie Theron (A good actress who seems that she could easily seduce Bruce and the audience as Vicky Vale)

Hugo Strange could work nicely into this storyline. He could be seen not as a villain, but as someone whose intentions are left unclear throughout the entire movie. Again, this character’s screen time does not have to be that long. But enough time needs to be shown that he is now the head of Arkham Asylum as more and more criminals are being locked up. Also, make Strange become fascinated with the Batman.

Actor I prefer/recommend-Jeff Bridges (Another good actor, although after playing Obadiah Stane in Iron Man, I am not sure if he would want to return to a comic book movie adaptation)

Like the previous two Batman films, new characters are introduced, characters that are solely made up for the movie and serve as purpose to only the movie. Some new characters could include a new Gotham City Judge, named members of the Board at Wayne Enterprises, a new District Attorney, and other mafia/mob bosses. All could fit well into the storyline of Gotham having no true peace and the rise of criminality again, while keeping to the theme of redemption.

Recurring characters

Batman/Bruce Wayne/Alfred Pennyworth/James Gordon/Lucious Fox/other possibilities

Batman in this next film needs to have a strong character development and a strong character arc. Batman should not be used much until later in the film (because he took the blame for Harvey Two-Face’s murders). However, when Batman eventually debuts on screen, make it as if he is struggling between the darker side of his personality and becoming the hero that Gotham needs and deserves after Gotham begins to fall to criminality. He needs to be shown as a hero, a true hero, in order to redeem himself in the eyes of Gotham City. Thus sticking to the overall theme of redemption.

Bruce Wayne in the next film also needs to have a strong story arc. Bruce Wayne needs to be shown as suffering from the thoughts of losing Rachel, which he blames on himself. To make the story a bit more tragic and compelling, make it as if Bruce has decided not to be Batman (until he realizes that Batman is needed) and that the Joker winning was inevitable. Also, introduce a love triangle into Bruce’s life to show that he is moving on, through difficulty. Have Catwoman the love interest of Batman and Vicky Vale the new love interest to Bruce Wayne.

Alfred needs to have a significant amount more of screen time in this film. Alfred needs to be portrayed as more of a fatherly figure to Bruce that he is in the comics. BB did a good job expressing this, but TDK left Alfred out in many situations where he could have been used. Make Alfred a more “main character” and have him advise and help Bruce/Batman through his overall struggle to achieve redemption.

James Gordon in this next film needs to remain loyal to the GCPD but also have a secret trust in the Batman. Possibly secret meetings between the two or maybe even have Gordon lose faith and trust in the Batman as criminality rises and almost becomes uncontrollable for the police. Gordon needs to be shown as a leader (Commissioner) and make decisions that could affect his entire unit.

Lucious Fox could play a role in this third film that is about as long as his role in TDK. Enough time to, in some way, help Batman and provide state-of-the-art technology and weapons for him. New designs on technology need to be created and Fox could easily explain the technological terms for the exoskeleton suit and the liquid nitrogen gun that Mr. Freeze dons. Also, with Fox being head of the Board of Directors at Wayne Enterprise, have the facility hacked by the Riddler and Fox targeted by Mr. Freeze. Either way, it could work out.

Other characters, such as Gordon’s family, Detective Ramirez, Mayor Garcia and others could briefly appear in some manner that they did in TDK. And if Nolan decides so, maybe even Harvey Dent/Two-Face will make a small appearance (not too sure on this).

The main theme of this movie (and an obvious choice in my opinion) could be redemption and making the right choice. Mr. Freeze could fit easily into this theme, providing the tragic character arc for the film. Also, with the Riddler, Batman could be pushed even farther beyond his limits. Catwoman could serve as the love interest of Batman and Vicky Vale the love interest of Bruce Wayne. Also, with the arising threat of the Riddler and Mr. Freeze and the mafia (and new crime lords) Batman realizes that he is truly needed and someone redeems himself in the eye of the public.

Something needs to pressure Batman to return. The Riddler’s hacking attacks, the threat of Mr. Freeze, the interest in Catwoman, the need to halt the arising mafia, and to redeem himself. All are aspects that should be taken into consideration.

Tell me what you think and tell me what you would do.
Love your ideas Heretocomment27

Batman III


Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Not a villain, but a cat burglar who also operates as vigilante. She steals from the mob, specially from the Falcone family, who killed her best friend Holly after she heard valuable information. After her death, Selina formed a bond with doctor Leslie Thompkins, who helped her every time she could. She gains Batman's attention after he finds her stealing from Sofia Falcone's penthouse and giving the jewels to Leslie outside the window of her room. He is against her methods but knows that she is doing good, on a line that he could never cross.
Meets Bruce at Rachel's [BLACKOUT]grave[/BLACKOUT] while she visits Holly, and they encounter again at a charity party, and keep dating while they feel very attracted to each other. While Batman and Catwoman encounter again and again and flirt with each other, she kisses him and thery both fall in love as the story continues. They reveal each other identities at the climax of the movie. Her costume would be an amalgam between her newest costume (Darwin Cooke's design) and Batman's TDK costume. She should be played by Marion Cotillard (La Vie en Rose, Love me if You Dare) or Eliza Dushku (Buffy, Jay and Silent Bob)

Edward Nashton/The Riddler
A cop killer who has murdered near the half of Gordon's people, he leaves a riddle on the chest of his victim, for Batman to solve it and find the way to his next victim. At the end of the film he would discover Batman's secret identity, with the help of a mysterious man known as Mysteries (Reese) who talks with him via telephone. We don't know much about his origin, just that he loves making and solving riddles. His costume would be a green coat, a shirt, green pants and the question mark tie. He should be played by David Tennant (Dr. Who)

New Supporting Characters

Det. Harvey Bullock
Gordon's new right hand, he is a good cop but dislikes Batman and supports the hunt for his head :oldrazz:, but as the film continues he realizes that Batman's doing good and even helps him to scape from the police several times. Played by James Gandolfini (The Sopranos)

Det. Renee Montoya
She replaces Ramirez and gains fastly a place in Gordon's heart. Played by Michelle Rodriguez

Dr. Leslie Thompkins
When Bruce's parents died Alfed had to fly to London to solve family problems for about a year. And the young Bruce Wayne received the care of a beautiful woman called Leslie Thompkins. She vanished away and appears in this movie, but as a friend of Selina Kyle. Played by Helen Mirren (The Queen)

Main Characters

Bruce Wayne/Batman
He's been hunted by the police for about three months, but continues recieving information from Gordon via e-mail. After Rachel's [BLACKOUT]death[/BLACKOUT] Bruce decides to give a new chance to love and begins dating a mysterious woman known as Selina Kyle, while Batman has to confront two headaches, a cop killer who leaves riddler for him to solve and stop the next murder and a female cat-burglar who makes him hessitate with his mission

He's still there to help Bruce but feels like he keeps Batman to punish himself. He wants Bruce to make a family with Selina

As the police comissioner he has more problems that he ever imagined. He has to hunt his best friend as his family is breaking down, Barbara has took the kids and go living with her mother to Metropolis
If I were Nolan, I would write a script, hire some actors and camera guys, shoot the thing, send it off to get some CGI, then put it on a reel and send it to theatres.
If I were Nolan, I would write a script, hire some actors and camera guys, shoot the thing, send it off to get some CGI, then put it on a reel and send it to theatres.

Oh come on. :whatever: Be creative. What would you put in?
If I were Nolan and this was going to be my last Batman Film. I'd kill Bruce Wayne/Batman. There would be no other challenge greater than that. Everything else in the Film World of Superhero's has been done. All the plots have been washed and re-washed over and over again. I hear the whole Redemption aspect, but Batman Returns took care of that in 20 minutes.

I'm not a big Comic Book Guy but I stumbled upon Alan Moore's Rambling (I'm not a Comic Guy so I'm not even sure if it was legit, anyways) I came across his purposal for "Twilight of the Superheroes." Moore spoke how Comic Book Characters could never reach their true status of Modern Myth/Legend due to their opened endedness brought on by their commercialisim.

Just reading that it rung so true with Batman. Nolan and his people always talk to how to make the next Batman Unique/Different from anything that you've seen before. I'm sorry but if Batman is just Redeemed at the end of Part 3 then he is no where of a different place than he was than at the end of Batman Begins.

If I were Nolan and I wanted to do something Special that had never been done before...Kill Batman and make it stick.

This is my basic idea of what Mr. Freeze should look like. All respect goes to the artist Valor1387. An amazing drawing it is. The suit is basically just as I imagined it. It is perfectly realistic (If you think about Batman's current suit, the two are almost exactly alike) and it is an exoskeleton/armor design. A plausible explanation could be that it is a military grade testing fiber armor suit that was designed specifically for intense conditions.

However, there are a few flaws. I suggest removing the glass dome and possibly removing the glasses from Mr. Freeze himself. Add three miniature tanks of liquid nitrogen to his back and instead of using an actual 'gun' for his 'freeze gun' replace it with a pressure washer sprayer that looks like this.

As for the Riddler, I LOVE joshwmc's design. It is perfect and fits the theme amazingly. With glasses, a can, and a nice fitting, green tux.

Check this out, and do not forget to check out his entire page full of amazing manips.


As for Catwoman, I also prefer joshwmc's take. A leather suit, bullwhip, a mask and maybe goggles.


All are as I imagined.

Great job everyone!
I know that I should have added this into the title but, add photos of characters as you would like to see them in the next film, if you want. Like I did with Mr. Freeze, the Riddler and Catwoman.
Title: The Dark Knight Returns


Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne / Batman
Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth
Casey Affleck as Edward Nigma/The Riddler
William Hurt as Dr. Hugo Strange
Brian Cox as Rupert Thorne
Ray Stevenson as Bane
Gary Oldman as James Gordon
Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox
Nestor Carbonell as Mayor Anthony Garcia
Cillian Murphy cameos as Johnathan Crane/Scarecrow
Monique Curnen as Detective Anna Ramirez
Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent / Two-Face (flashback)
Heath Ledger as The Joker (flashback)

Theme: Regret, Secrets, Escalation, Fear


One year after the tragic death of the former District Attorney Harvey Dent, Gotham still holds his image at an all time high. A year into the job and Gordan has been more committed to his job more than ever, sometimes not even coming home. Gordan is attempting to finish the job Harvey tried to accomplish, but is still weeding out the good and bad in his police squad. He has continuous meetings with the Mayor discussing the possibly outcomes, the Mayor tells him with the mob dead their next problem is the Batman. This hits Gordan hard, now he has to tell the police of Gotham to shot on sight or attempt to bring Batman into custody. Bruce Wayne has finally returned to the new rebuilt Wayne Manor, and with the assistance of Fox he has gotten a new Tumbler (smoother and less rough around the edges). Bruce spends most of his time at Wayne Corp. trying to catch up on what he's been missing, while in the night he attempts to take down the remaining drug dealers and thugs.

Meanwhile Rupert Throne one of the last remaining mob leaders of Gotham talks to one of his good friends who tells him what has to be done so the mob can get control of things once again. Though it goes against Throne's belief to hirer freaks for the assistance in mob work, since it was the ultimate reason they lost their power in the first place due to the Joker. He calls upon hired assassin Bane to bring down the Batman since unlike the Joker he takes from the highest bidder.

During numerous attempts to take down Batman (he gets a few bullet wounds and dog bites) cops continue to fail. Reporters are questioning cops if they can even do their job claiming Harvey Dent shouldn't of had to be the one to do it for them. When Gordan goes back to his office an envelope is sitting on his desk with a question mark written in ink on its cover. The letter reads "To end you must first begin. Your old friend has now become your greatest foe. To continue the game you only need hop over the rainbow." Gordan doesn't understand whats going on. During the cops next confrontation with Batman, Gordan decides to accompany them. While the cops seem busy Gordan gives Batman the letter figuring he could do more with it than him.

Through deep investigation and more of Alfred's wise jokes, Bruce discovers the rainbow signifies a bridge. And to end you must begin signifies Arkham Asylum. Batman tells Gordan the information he's gathered and Gordan heads to Arkham Asylum. The new head of Arkham is lead psychiatrist Dr. Hugo Strange, him and Gordan discuss the current security at Arkham and Hugo even gives him a tour of the cells. Crane can be seen in one of the holding cells cowarding in a corner. Hugo Strange just shakes his head and calls them pathetic, stating all criminals are the same. Becoming engulfed with fear and desperation.
Closerframe, that is an interesting story. Nice work. There were a few things that I would have changed, but thats me. Anyways, good work, I like it.
Closerframe, that is an interesting story. Nice work. There were a few things that I would have changed, but thats me. Anyways, good work, I like it.

Thanks I have more in mine, pertaining to the whole Two-Face flashback and Batman visiting Rachel's grave, I just didn't feel like writing it all. I will later.
Ok. Write it whenever you want. Mine is done. I wrote everything I think should be included.
Batman/Bruce Wayne: Emotionally detached, motivated, self-sufficient. No love interest, but he hates himself for the events of not just TDK, but BB as well. He's angrier, stronger and smaret than seen before. He hates being Batman, but wouldn't think for an instance to stop.

Commisioner Gordon: Graceful, responsible. His friendship with Batman is strong, and they help each other in every which way. He feels guilt about what happened to Harvey, but tries his best to forget and stay at the task at hand, with new villians filling Gotham.

Riddler: Zodiac meets John Doe. Makes his victims solve his riddles to decide their fates. Accomplice of Oswald Cobblepott. Ruthless, uses his cane to beat and mangle people.

Penguin: Legitimate business man. Runs the Iceberg Lounge. Accomplice of Riddler. Bruce, unwittingly, helps open his Iceberg Lounge. Riddler and him put a bid on Batman's true identity with the criminal underworld.

Bane: South American hitman, works for Penguin. Thinks that beating Batman will give him pride. No super-strength, but uses steroids, and works out non-stop.

Carmine Falcone: Released from Arkham for good behavior, tries to take back his empire. Criminal rival of the Penguin.

Two-Face: Was put away in Arkham by Batman and Gordon, under the name Roman Sionis. Escapes Arkham, wears a black wooden mask, under the moniker "Black Mask" Put a price on Gordon and Batman's head. Black Mask's identity isn't revealed until the 3rd act. Pits all of Gotham's criminals against each other.

Those are my 2 cents.:brucebat:
TheDarkKnight08, very interesting. I like it. Alot of people want Bane, I see, but, so far, I am the only one who wants Mr. Freeze. LOL.
Your welcome. And I think that Mr. Freeze could work perfectly, IMO.

I imagine him as this aging genius. Pale white, red glasses. Hypothermic. Needs a breathing tank. Kinda like a clean up guy for the big baddies. Takes them, puts them in freezers, eliminates any trace of DNA. He snaps at one point, after his boss cuts his funding. He can't pay the hospital bills, due to his wife being in a coma. So, he strikes back at them, builds some mechinism to keep his tank on. Uses liquid nitrogen to torture and kills anyone in his way.

That's just me, though.:brucebat:
There is nothing wrong with trying. I was thinking about sending my ideas (that I wrote above) and some concept art that I have been working on for a while to Warner Bros. and then possibly to Nolan. Who knows, are stuff might get read. LOL.
There is nothing wrong with trying. I was thinking about sending my ideas (that I wrote above) and some concept art that I have been working on for a while to Warner Bros. and then possibly to Nolan. Who knows, are stuff might get read. LOL.

Godspeed. :grin:
I'd call it Shadow of the Bat

It would be about facing your inner demons

Tahlia Al Ghul - Femme Fatale / Represents the League of Shadows, ready to avenge her father's death and finish what he started, which was to destroy Gotham.

Penguin - Mob boss who seizes the opportunity to take over Gotham's underbelly.

Two-Face - The reason the League of Shadows is back and on Batman's tale. Much like the Scarecrow was on the League's payroll, so is Two-Face as he discovers how to take Gotham down for good. He also plots to destroy Batman by making him fall in love with Tahlia only to find out she is going to kill him. Sweet revenge for a lover scorned as Two-Face makes Batman pay like he did when Rachel Dawes died.

Batman always has a balancing act to perform because at every choice lies an unexpected outcome. If he fixes something here, something else will rear it's ugly head over there. Can he continue to strike fear in the hearts of his foes and have them not react to it. I think that question was answered in TDK with the Joker. Can he continue to take on a persona that is deeper and darker and bigger than himself and still come out on the other side? That remains to be seen...

Are you truly redeemed if you don't forgive yourself?
I'd call it Shadow of the Bat

It would be about facing your inner demons

Tahlia Al Ghul - Femme Fatale / Represents the League of Shadows, ready to avenge her father's death and finish what he started, which was to destroy Gotham.

Penguin - Mob boss who seizes the opportunity to take over Gotham's underbelly.

Two-Face - The reason the League of Shadows is back and on Batman's tale. Much like the Scarecrow was on the League's payroll, so is Two-Face as he discovers how to take Gotham down for good. He also plots to destroy Batman by making him fall in love with Tahlia only to find out she is going to kill him. Sweet revenge for a lover scorned as Two-Face makes Batman pay like he did when Rachel Dawes died.

Batman always has a balancing act to perform because at every choice lies an unexpected outcome. If he fixes something here, something else will rear it's ugly head over there. Can he continue to strike fear in the hearts of his foes and have them not react to it. I think that question was answered in TDK with the Joker. Can he continue to take on a persona that is deeper and darker and bigger than himself and still come out on the other side? That remains to be seen...

Are you truly redeemed if you don't forgive yourself?

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