Exclusive: 'Pushing Daisies' creator Bryan Fuller says he might return to 'Heroes'
Nov 6, 2008, 07:54 PM | by Lynette Rice
Categories: TV Ratings
In the wake of coexecutive producers Jeph Loeb and Jesse Alexander getting fired from Heroes, online fans have been crying out for former Heroes writer (and Pushing Daisies creator) Bryan Fuller to rejoin the show. Apparently, somebody is listening. Fuller told EW.com that he's open to a comeback. "I am exclusive to Daisies through the delivery of the 13th episode of our 13-episode order, which will be mid-January," says Fuller. "If Daisies isn't picked up by then, I will definitely be going back to play with my friends at Heroes."
It seems unlikely that ABC will pick up more episodes of the critically-beloved Daisies; the show is currently ranked at No. 64 and attracts a mere 6.14 million viewers. NBC-Universal could score major points with its ever-impatient fans if the network rehired Fuller, who not only wrote for Heroes in its first season but was responsible for "Company Man" — an episode widely hailed as the series' best single hour (the episode's unusual single-character focus is frequently cited as the model the series should follow going forward).
An insider tells EW that it's unlikely Alexander and Loeb — who, by many accounts, have served as defacto show runners whenever creator Tim Kring was preoccupied with other aspects of the show's complicated production schedule — will be replaced this season. If Fuller were to rejoin Heroes, it would likely be as a consultant since his value as a show creator is big in Hollywood. Besides Daisies, Fuller is responsible for creating Dead Like Me for Showtime and the critically-beloved Wonderfalls for Fox. Stay tuned. (Michael Ausiello contributed to this report)