Im board so I want to head down to Miami tonight


2010 & 2018 SHHFFL Champion
May 23, 2004
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I want to head to Miami,fl , but im in San Diago what is the quickest route via amtrak, as I have a 1 month pass for it and im bored and I want to go there.
You're board??? Can I post on you?? :eek:
ARGH! Now that song is in my head!
lol, yes you may, since I have nothing to do, but serously, Ive spend the whole of the last couple of weeks touring america , now I want to go to Miami.
Kaleb said:
I want to head to Miami,fl , but im in San Diago what is the quickest route via amtrak, as I have a 1 month pass for it and im board and I want to go there.

There's a lot of fit boards out in Miami tonight :up:

I might try and pick some up.
Kaleb said:
lol, yes you may, since I have nothing to do, but serously, Ive spend the whole of the last couple of weeks touring america , now I want to go to Miami.
You want to be a surf board?
dammit im bored!!
I'm so confused.:confused:

I'd say rest up before the journey, you're going to need it.
tzarinna said:
I'm so confused.:confused:

I'd say rest up before the journey, you're going to need it.
I know , 2 weeks ago I spend 70hrs on a train :(
Kaleb said:
dammit im bored!!

You could always head down to Miami tonight? :O
Iceman/Psylocke said:
You could always head down to Miami tonight? :O
I want to , but I dont want to go thru Chicago . via train :(
Kaleb said:
I want to , but I dont want to go thru Chicago . via train :(

Why not?

As long as you're armed you should be ok.
Iceman/Psylocke said:
Why not?

As long as you're armed you should be ok.
I dont want to be on another train for 60+ hrs again :(
Kaleb said:
I dont want to be on another train for 60+ hrs again :(

Does it take that long? :eek::(

I see your point finally. :(
The train system in the US needs some work. How but switching between train and bus and back again. It'll take some major corodinating. I love to travel but that is the one thing that kills me.
Iceman/Psylocke said:
Does it take that long? :eek::(

I see your point finally. :(
it took me 75+ hrs to get from Boston to Seattle :(
well I finally arived in miami last night , im going to the beach later on today, Im only here for a couple of days then its off to New York , but God that was an aweful train ride , and you know what pisses me off more, is the fact that ive now missed 2 weeks of 24 and lost, and will most likely miss the following episodes next week .
Kaleb said:
it took me 75+ hrs to get from Boston to Seattle :(

The US is too big. :O
Why do you have a month long pass for the trains, and how can you take a full month off of work/school/whatever else.
He's a professional trainspotter and never went to school judging by his posts.

So I decided to go up to New York, im currently staying in New Jersey now (south Orange to be exact) anway Time square is full of freaks , this weekend I was walking thru it and These black ppl were preaching about how the white man is the devil, this was after Id went to see the Da Vinci code , which had a whole lot of old protestors outside the cinema at Loews theatre protesting against this movie.

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