so im headed out


Apr 9, 2003
Reaction score
whats up hype.
im leaving the boards today.had not really into doing anything,(retired from eating and work to) right now since my girl friends in the arms of a 30 year old(shes 18) so thats going to occupy my time.when i find him ill let you all know.thanks for the thought-dont ever stop fighting for what you love,if it kills you,atleast you wont have to see it go.
since my girl friends in the arms of a 30 year old(shes 18) so thats going to occupy my time.

**** her, just move on man. 18 year old girls don't know what they want to begin with.
What in the Blue Hell? :huh:

I couldn't even comprehend that post, man. Except the fact that we 30 year olds still got it. :o
**** her, just move on man. 18 year old girls don't know what they want to begin with.
I'd imagine the aforementioned 30-year old has that department covered.
Shouldn't we be proper and help this guy.

Or has everyone taken the stance of 'if you're gonna post your personal ****, it's fair game, ****er!"

what are you doing going out with an 18 yr old anyway, go out with someone your own age ya pervert....
Shouldn't we be proper and help this guy.

Or has everyone taken the stance of 'if you're gonna post your personal ****, it's fair game, ****er!"


I dunno. It sounds like he has a pretty clearly defined plan: find the guy banging his girlfriend and kill him. How are we supposed to help him? Hold the guy's arms behind his back while he shanks him? :huh:

I dunno. It sounds like he has a pretty clearly defined plan: find the guy banging his girlfriend and kill him. How are we supposed to help him? Hold the guy's arms behind his back while he shanks him? :huh:


I just thought any words of encouragement or wisdom.

But what the 'blue hell' am I thinking? This is the HYPE!

9 out of 10 posts are sarcastic as hell.
I just thought any words of encouragement or wisdom.

But what the 'blue hell' am I thinking? This is the HYPE!

9 out of 10 posts are sarcastic as hell.

Only time heals a broken heart. CorpusBlack offered him some pretty wise advice.

You're basically attempting to bare your personal feelings to a website of guys from age 11-111. It's not going to be unbiased.
Shouldn't we be proper and help this guy.

Or has everyone taken the stance of 'if you're gonna post your personal ****, it's fair game, ****er!"

If you'd like to offer help or a sympathetic ear (or monitor :confused:), feel free to, but there's hardly a steadfast rule in favor of it. The bolded part of your response is exactly the issue. If a someone wants to elicit advice that is solely useful and sincere on a personal matter, they should target those close to them. When you reveal the situation to a relatively unknown and disinterested population base (such as a forum predicated on the amalgam of comic books and movies), being in receipt of responses that are jovial, condescending or sarcastic in nature, along with whatever 'helpful' responses, should hardly come as a surprise. It's a mixed bag.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more pressing matters to attend to; such as lamenting over the Joker wearing make-up and determining exactly what is going on with the Silver Surfer film. :joker: :ss:
If you'd like to offer help or a sympathetic ear (or monitor :confused:), feel free to, but there's hardly a steadfast rule in favor of it. The bolded part of your response is exactly the issue. If a someone wants to elicit advice that is solely useful and sincere on a personal matter, they should target those close to them. When you reveal the situation to a relatively unknown and disinterested population base (such as a forum predicated on the amalgam of comic books and movies), being in receipt of responses that are jovial, condescending or sarcastic in nature, along with whatever 'helpful' responses, should hardly come as a surprise. It's a mixed bag.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more pressing matters to attend to; such as lamenting over the Joker wearing make-up and determining exactly what is going on with the Silver Surfer film. :joker: :ss:

Just stating the obvious, MJ.

Sociologically, I would like to believe when another 'man' is down - we would help he or she pick up the pieces.

But - alas - you are correct. If this was me - outside of some previous post, and more leaned towards the comical - I would not have posted it.

However - at least it's not a 'what do I do' thread. Those always make me laugh.

In the thread makers defense - blogging does help. With that said - frienship, on both sides of the internet - helps as well.

When I hit a bad spot - some people here knew what was up, and stating facts, thoughts, sarcasm, and what not. But it was my 'standings' on the issue that got me through it - that and friends I can 'see.'

For example, Jag knew what was up, and gave very similar advice, thought, etc - but MrvlKnight21, my bestfriend, was the one I leaned on - in the real world.

Sure Jag had some sarcasm littered in his posts - but my point - had he and I not had some sort of 'friendship,' he would have been differetnt towards me. I think.

This entire thread reminds me of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.

In the end, the man lived in his head and allowed the outside world to define who he was. The story revolved around the theme of 'a love he will never speak to - or know.'

My thoughts on Prufrock and the thread maker - get out in the world and do something: have a drink, hang with friends, get back in the game, etc.

Although, it would be nice - and awkward - to see this place embrace a poster and help, sociologically speaking. But the truth is - we have our own problems and friends to deal with and 'soundboard' off of.

I hold many posers in high esteem, and would take his or her advice to heart, had it been forthcoming. However, Mrvlknght21 is the guy I go to, speak with, 'soundboard' off of, etc.

Oh well.

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