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I'm SO pissed right now...

Little update for everyone on this. Was planning to call the police and report the event today, as I had a woman and two others who were there and who planned to vouch for me as a witness, because I realized that not only can I get him a verbal assault charge (like he got Super Dooper. Iiiirony!), and an attempted assault charge (maybe) but I can also get him on violation of one of the main rules that they assign to former child molesters, which is you aren't allowed to be alone with a child. I'm not sure if that's the complete rule, but something like that.
But, I'm told later in the day that he was taken to Millwood Hospital (that's like our Arkham Asylum over here.). I asked the guy how he knew (guy who was one of the witnesses told me all this), he said that the police took him away late in the night. It was for the results of a lie detector they gave him earlier this week on the rape, combined with the DNA results they got from the knife he supposedly "penetrated" her with (apparently, he didn't just use the knife to threaten her with, if you get my meaning, and I'd rather not go any farther). So, I asked how he knew that the guy was going to Millwood, and what he told me just confirmed my beliefs and thoughts on this guy. The guy (Justin), said that since he was bi-polar, he could just get himself checked in there.
Now, keep in mind, this is only hearsay (albeit from several people - I asked some other people around the complex, and yeah, they did take him away), and I don't know if that excuse would work. But, either way, he's gone. Hopefully, for a while.
Wow. Justice was served with the power of 100 raging bulls.
so I guess getting you cokes back might've ended badly
If he would have carried a hammer like I suggested, that wouldn't have been an issue. :o
Okay, so. I walk to the apartment complex across the street. This is just about maybe ten-fifteen minutes ago. They have a fence that encloses three of the four sides, a big red wooden one. On the fourth side, it's open space. You're allowed to walk in and go as you please, which kind of negates the purpose for a fence, but I digress.
As you enter the open space, which is a parking lot, there's one of those dingy little apartment laundry-mats, and on the side is a coke machine, where I frequently get cokes. So, tonight, there's this big gathering of old shabbymen, sitting in lawn chairs and on the cement wall by the laundry-mat. You know, fat, bald, they taulk lak the-is, and they love the NASCAR.
There's this one ******* who I've had problems with two times prior, and as soon as I walk past, I don't even give them a glance, he just starts talking just **** about the two prior incidents. "That one little mothu-****er, I told his ass I said, "You wanna be sittin' your ass up in jail," and stuff like that. I don't pay any attention, but I keep going, and I get two cokes for my brother and I.
And, as I walk past again, I hear him say something to the effect of, "as a matter 'a fact, he's gon' hafta start walkin' down t' the goddamn store to get his ****-in' cokes. HEY, **** HEAD!"
I ignore him, and keep walking. "HEY!" I put my hand up in a little wave, and soon I'm back on the way to the house. Then I hear him again, "HEY, MOTHER-****ER!" He's following me, this 200 lb hick, and yelling, "HEY!"
I know that if I ignore him, he'll keep bothering me, so I turn around, and keep in mind on both prior occasions I've been nothing but polite to this guy, and go, "Yes?"
So, he gets up in my face and just starts talking about my attitude, and can I read the 'no trespassing' signs on the fence (keep in mind, I came in the correct way. I've checked with the apartment managers about this before), and do I want to sit my ass in jail.
I tell him I haven't done anything illegal. I came in the correct way, I bought my cokes, and I left. This pisses him off something fierce. He yells "DO YOU KNOW WHO THOSE ****-IN' COKES ARE FOR, BOY?"
I say, "no, who?" I've checked, and non-residents can, in fact, buy cokes from said coke machine, but anyhow.
I tell him.
I tell him I'd rather avoid a violent confrontation, if that's possible. I have no reason to fight him, plus he has at least sixty pounds on me. He could eat me. He just looks at me for a second, then he goes, "Alright. Alright. THEM's ****-IN' COKES -" YOINK go the cokes - "ARE FOR RESEE-DENTS ONLY."
And then he waddle runs back the way he came. I just sort of stand there for a second, flabber-gasted. Did I just get coke-robbed?
Then I turn and walk away, and as I do, I can hear one of his buddies go, "Hey, what happened? What'd you do?"
"Kid said he was gonna whoop my ass, so I took his cokes."

I Kid You Not. What the hell, man? First thing in the morning I'm going to the apartment manager about that guy. I've got witnesses to the other two times.

hobo should have whooped his ass.

bigger doesn't necessarrily mean tougher.
The thing about big guys is they usually will get winded quickly.
Little update for everyone on this. Was planning to call the police and report the event today, as I had a woman and two others who were there and who planned to vouch for me as a witness, because I realized that not only can I get him a verbal assault charge (like he got Super Dooper. Iiiirony!), and an attempted assault charge (maybe) but I can also get him on violation of one of the main rules that they assign to former child molesters, which is you aren't allowed to be alone with a child. I'm not sure if that's the complete rule, but something like that.
But, I'm told later in the day that he was taken to Millwood Hospital (that's like our Arkham Asylum over here.). I asked the guy how he knew (guy who was one of the witnesses told me all this), he said that the police took him away late in the night. It was for the results of a lie detector they gave him earlier this week on the rape, combined with the DNA results they got from the knife he supposedly "penetrated" her with (apparently, he didn't just use the knife to threaten her with, if you get my meaning, and I'd rather not go any farther). So, I asked how he knew that the guy was going to Millwood, and what he told me just confirmed my beliefs and thoughts on this guy. The guy (Justin), said that since he was bi-polar, he could just get himself checked in there.
Now, keep in mind, this is only hearsay (albeit from several people - I asked some other people around the complex, and yeah, they did take him away), and I don't know if that excuse would work. But, either way, he's gone. Hopefully, for a while.

Sir, you have had a brush with pure evil... and survived.

I applaud you

So, I went back over there, not to call his bluff, but because I had to give somebody back their keys that they left over at my house. I know, I'm like a glutton for punishment. I get stopped on the way by a security guard, who gives me a big speech in a heavy Jamaican accent that basically boils down to a good point: Why didn't I call the cops? I mean, I've thought about it. The guy pressed verbal assault charges against Super Dooper. I've got as much right if not more to press charges against him, and get his ass at least a petty fine.
The security guard also said something really odd. He goes, "I mean I am in 'de middle of all 'dis kay-oes (chaos. I'm not making fun of the guy, this is how he talks). I'm not a polis' force, I am not the police. You guys you come to me, but I'm not 'de polis' force." Then later, he says, "I am, you know, 'de polis' enforcement of this apartment complex."
So, I'm gonna wait.

Didn't I tell you to call the cops on the night the whole thing happened? :whatever:

Okay, so. I walk to the apartment complex across the street. This is just about maybe ten-fifteen minutes ago. They have a fence that encloses three of the four sides, a big red wooden one. On the fourth side, it's open space. You're allowed to walk in and go as you please, which kind of negates the purpose for a fence, but I digress.
As you enter the open space, which is a parking lot, there's one of those dingy little apartment laundry-mats, and on the side is a coke machine, where I frequently get cokes. So, tonight, there's this big gathering of old shabbymen, sitting in lawn chairs and on the cement wall by the laundry-mat. You know, fat, bald, they taulk lak the-is, and they love the NASCAR.
There's this one ******* who I've had problems with two times prior, and as soon as I walk past, I don't even give them a glance, he just starts talking just **** about the two prior incidents. "That one little mothu-****er, I told his ass I said, "You wanna be sittin' your ass up in jail," and stuff like that. I don't pay any attention, but I keep going, and I get two cokes for my brother and I.
And, as I walk past again, I hear him say something to the effect of, "as a matter 'a fact, he's gon' hafta start walkin' down t' the goddamn store to get his ****-in' cokes. HEY, **** HEAD!"
I ignore him, and keep walking. "HEY!" I put my hand up in a little wave, and soon I'm back on the way to the house. Then I hear him again, "HEY, MOTHER-****ER!" He's following me, this 200 lb hick, and yelling, "HEY!"
I know that if I ignore him, he'll keep bothering me, so I turn around, and keep in mind on both prior occasions I've been nothing but polite to this guy, and go, "Yes?"
So, he gets up in my face and just starts talking about my attitude, and can I read the 'no trespassing' signs on the fence (keep in mind, I came in the correct way. I've checked with the apartment managers about this before), and do I want to sit my ass in jail.
I tell him I haven't done anything illegal. I came in the correct way, I bought my cokes, and I left. This pisses him off something fierce. He yells "DO YOU KNOW WHO THOSE ****-IN' COKES ARE FOR, BOY?"
I say, "no, who?" I've checked, and non-residents can, in fact, buy cokes from said coke machine, but anyhow.
I tell him.
I tell him I'd rather avoid a violent confrontation, if that's possible. I have no reason to fight him, plus he has at least sixty pounds on me. He could eat me. He just looks at me for a second, then he goes, "Alright. Alright. THEM's ****-IN' COKES -" YOINK go the cokes - "ARE FOR RESEE-DENTS ONLY."
And then he waddle runs back the way he came. I just sort of stand there for a second, flabber-gasted. Did I just get coke-robbed?
Then I turn and walk away, and as I do, I can hear one of his buddies go, "Hey, what happened? What'd you do?"
"Kid said he was gonna whoop my ass, so I took his cokes."

I Kid You Not. What the hell, man? First thing in the morning I'm going to the apartment manager about that guy. I've got witnesses to the other two times.

You gonna take that from him??? I'd can him in the family jewels, pushed him, and pour the coke on his face and said: "Here's your coke back mutha ****a"

If one of his friends started chasing me I'd book' er
Little update for everyone on this. Was planning to call the police and report the event today, as I had a woman and two others who were there and who planned to vouch for me as a witness, because I realized that not only can I get him a verbal assault charge (like he got Super Dooper. Iiiirony!), and an attempted assault charge (maybe) but I can also get him on violation of one of the main rules that they assign to former child molesters, which is you aren't allowed to be alone with a child. I'm not sure if that's the complete rule, but something like that.
But, I'm told later in the day that he was taken to Millwood Hospital (that's like our Arkham Asylum over here.). I asked the guy how he knew (guy who was one of the witnesses told me all this), he said that the police took him away late in the night. It was for the results of a lie detector they gave him earlier this week on the rape, combined with the DNA results they got from the knife he supposedly "penetrated" her with (apparently, he didn't just use the knife to threaten her with, if you get my meaning, and I'd rather not go any farther). So, I asked how he knew that the guy was going to Millwood, and what he told me just confirmed my beliefs and thoughts on this guy. The guy (Justin), said that since he was bi-polar, he could just get himself checked in there.
Now, keep in mind, this is only hearsay (albeit from several people - I asked some other people around the complex, and yeah, they did take him away), and I don't know if that excuse would work. But, either way, he's gone. Hopefully, for a while.

You said he's a child molester? Then I'd teethgrind him after I canned him
You're a little late, Symbiote- the man's already been tailored for his straitjacket.

EDIT: I see no reason why to avoid taking Jag's advice- you keep guys like this off the streets by giving as much information of their wrongdoing the first time around as possible.
Damn right. I'm just waiting for someone to find an open window, so we can loot his apartment. Sigh.
The bastards! :eek:

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