Injustice: Gods Among Us - Part 4

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That guy who wrote the article b****ing about Aquaman seems like a ******** Marvel fanboy, this coming from someone who prefers Marvel slightly more than DC.

Wow, they clearly cleaned up the character model for Wonder Woman. When I select WW I plan on rocking the New 52 look. Hopefully it will look this nice.
Wonder Woman looks great in that pic! Glad im getting the Red Son, Arkham City, Blackest Night and New 52 skins :)
Wonder Woman looks great in that pic

MUCH better than the earlier rendering of her
Looks like they keep fixing up WW..Which she keeps looking better,In that pic though she looks like she has a HUGE ass on her right side or something weird.

We are already on a 4th thread?I wonder how much we'll get to by the time the game releases,Especially the tons of info coming out between now&April.
Wonder Woman looks great in that pic

MUCH better than the earlier rendering of her

Not surprised. That's generally how models progress over the course of a game's development. All programmers and animators need are rough versions to work with. As such, those are what we see during previews because that's all that has been done with the models so far.

Only towards the end does the art team polish up the final versions of each model and improve texture quality. After all, there's no point doing all that work for something only for it to need to be altered or to not make it into the final product.

Wow, they clearly cleaned up the character model for Wonder Woman. When I select WW I plan on rocking the New 52 look. Hopefully it will look this nice.
Love this look
Prefer the color scheme of the other costume
That Wonder Woman costume is horrid IMO
its a lot better then MANY of the primary costumes in the game IMO
Boon tweeted Professor Zoom is easily his favorite Flash villain


I could see him as a alternate skin for the Flash as he is pretty much just a palette change.
I think that'll be Hal's victory pose, if so its the best one so far!
Once a Green Lantern, always a Green Lantern!

Nice cameo of C'hp. :up:
That Wonder Woman costume is horrid IMO

Yea, I'm not big on the near colorless communist look either but that's easily changed w/ all her alt costumes. I was really talking about the character model, particularly her face. Her face got much criticism as it looked like a man when this game was announced. There has been a noticeable improvement as we now get closer to the release date.
Her face might change, depending on the alternate. Like in her 52 outfit, the face looks a lot better, than her default design.
I think that'll be Hal's victory pose, if so its the best one so far!

I disagree. It's too much, too complex to happen after EVERY victory. Characters should have a standard victory pose, a flawless victory pose and a special victory pose when they win at their own stage.
to each their own I guess, I hope its his victory pose
While she looks better in the face, her body is making no sense to me.
finally pre-ordered the collectors edition,
getting the new 52 dlc skins aswell as the red son dlc, think the bats vs ww statue looks much better than the one for the us can't wait,

also wonder woman looks alot better in that pic above then she has been in recent pics/footage
I was thinking of getting the UK collectors too, but I want to be able to download the DLC when that comes out, also I always regret collectors editions :p
Callin it now, Aquaman will have the best super in the game
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