When Thread Manager closed the old one, it didn't make a new one for some reason. The old one is
here. Please post your pictures and thoughts!
While I don't have any pics to post right now, I do have a little rant regarding my least favorite tattoos...
Neck Tattoos!
First off, let me say, I am pro-tattoo! I love them! I have several myself, and would love to get lots more! I also enjoy checking out the ink other people have. However, I have a huge problem with tattoos on the neck!
Let me elaborate. I understand that there are people who are heavily tattooed and have gotten tattoos on their necks/throats. These are not the people I have an issue with. It's the young people who have maybe 2-3 tattoos and have shrewdly placed them on their neck! (or hands) I cannot figure out why they choose this location. One, it looks very low class, and two, you can't cover it up with anything shy of a turtleneck. Seeing as how many employers frown on tattoos, you can see why this is an odd choice of placement.
I see two young women on a fairly regular basis who have names tattooed on their necks. One works at a gas station, and has "Andrew" on her neck, while the other works at Wendy's, with, I kid you not, "Tony Romo" on hers! It just makes me wonder, why? I mean, I would hope "Andrew" is someone VERY special to the one girl, but "Tony Romo"? Seriously? Part of me wants to see these ladies when they're 65-70 to see how those names look!
Anyway, that's my rant. Bottom line, if you're going to get a tattoo, you really need to think it through.