

Dont cry, my dear
Jun 6, 2003
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so, i tried to find a thread for just interviews, couldnt, so maybe we can use this thread for every new interview we get from now on?

to start off, i've get scans of the EMPIRE interviews.



i have to say, with this inerview and from what i've heard from someone else, LL sounds like a guy who went the extra mile for TIH, same with Norton :up:... well done Frenchie.
Oh thank you for posting this interview. There is not much new info, but... the bit about Thunderbolt Ross just got me giddy as a school girl

0 to 100 in no time? I'm in.
I got the magazine this morning, is a good interview, didn't really tell us much new. One part I'm skeptical about it 'Hulks face will be Ed Nortons face, and the Abomination will have Tim Roths face.' This little part has given me mixed emotions.
With Leterrier style of action and Nortons great acting ability and writing skills, this film has success written all over it. :bh:

Transporter 1&2 and Unleashed/Danny the Dog are so underrated.
William Hurt's eyes freak me right the **** out.
Thanks for enlarging that Sava, now I can read it. (Old age thing)

He even calls himself Frenchie. LOL. I like the guy already.
I also like that he’s already saying “Director’s cut.” MORE HULK!!! His comment “Ang Who?” cut’s to my soul. It gives me hope. Sorry guys. Also he says “His nickname is Thunderbolt Ross for a reason.” That sounds very promising to me. I’m a little concerned with the “Hulk’s face is Ed’s face.” I hope this doesn’t mean that The Hulk will look like Ed but rather, Ed’s expressions, while wearing the motion cap suit, will be the Hulk’s expressions. All in all reading this sure pumps up my level of excitement. Now if we can just get to March 17 and see what all the hype is about.
Enthusiasm is a good thing............still to many ???? with this film. Just can't get a feel for this thing.............maybe that's another one of Marvel's goals: "if they can't see it way ahead of time, they can't really form an opinion or become bias with the direction we chose until the film's actually released."

There's still something about this film that feels very....."off". I'm not getting that "leapt of the comicbook on to the big screen" feeling and that's not good.
Thanks for enlarging that Sava, now I can read it. (Old age thing)

He even calls himself Frenchie. LOL. I like the guy already.
I also like that he’s already saying “Director’s cut.” MORE HULK!!! His comment “Ang Who?” cut’s to my soul. It gives me hope. Sorry guys. Also he says “His nickname is Thunderbolt Ross for a reason.” That sounds very promising to me. I’m a little concerned with the “Hulk’s face is Ed’s face.” I hope this doesn’t mean that The Hulk will look like Ed but rather, Ed’s expressions, while wearing the motion cap suit, will be the Hulk’s expressions. All in all reading this sure pumps up my level of excitement. Now if we can just get to March 17 and see what all the hype is about.

Bite your tounge! You mean the 14th.... maybe 7th.... I hope :oldrazz:
Thanks Sava for posting.
I liked what they said about Emil Blonsky. I’m glad he will be a well developed character in the movie. Is it me, or does he seem more like the Emil Blonsky from the comics? His name should be Emil Blonsky like in the comics.
maybe that's another one of Marvel's goals: "if they can't see it way ahead of time, they can't really form an opinion or become bias with the direction we chose until the film's actually released."

Yeah, I am sick of the "They're making another one?" reply. However, like you said, you can't hate what you don't know the only negative buzz is the tiny comic book readin' demographic at SHH and other sites. The masses don't hopefully they'll be blown away when they do know.

I have no problem waiting if that ends up being the result (which is probably Marvel/Universal's plan).

Yeah, I'd love to see two trailers by now and a buttload of pics, but if the marketing strategy pays off, it will be worth it tenfold.

Interesting tidbit, though. One of my first grade students came up to me a week or two ago and said, "Did you know they're making a Hulk movie?"
I was blown away that he knew.
Of course, you'd have to see my classroom to know why the kid might bring up such a query:
Click HERE
Interesting tidbit, though. One of my first grade students came up to me a week or two ago and said, "Did you know they're making a Hulk movie?"
I was blown away that he knew.
Of course, you'd have to see my classroom to know why the kid might bring up such a query:
Click HERE

Boy I wish you were one of my teachers when I was a kid. Heck, I'd love it if one of my teachers had a room like that in High School!
Oh thank you for posting this interview. There is not much new info, but... the bit about Thunderbolt Ross just got me giddy as a school girl

0 to 100 in no time? I'm in.

That's the part that struck me too.
Thanks for enlarging that Sava, now I can read it. (Old age thing)

He even calls himself Frenchie. LOL. I like the guy already.
I also like that he’s already saying “Director’s cut.” MORE HULK!!! His comment “Ang Who?” cut’s to my soul. It gives me hope. Sorry guys. Also he says “His nickname is Thunderbolt Ross for a reason.” That sounds very promising to me. I’m a little concerned with the “Hulk’s face is Ed’s face.” I hope this doesn’t mean that The Hulk will look like Ed but rather, Ed’s expressions, while wearing the motion cap suit, will be the Hulk’s expressions. All in all reading this sure pumps up my level of excitement. Now if we can just get to March 17 and see what all the hype is about.

I think he means that because Norton and Roth are doing the motion camera moves and expressions for the characters they are playing, the CGI's expressions will be by all intent and purposes, them.
I think he means that because Norton and Roth are doing the motion camera moves and expressions for the characters they are playing, the CGI's expressions will be by all intent and purposes, them.

Then LL has already shown a greater understanding of the characters than Ang Lee.
Yeah, I am sick of the "They're making another one?" reply. However, like you said, you can't hate what you don't know the only negative buzz is the tiny comic book readin' demographic at SHH and other sites. The masses don't hopefully they'll be blown away when they do know.

I have no problem waiting if that ends up being the result (which is probably Marvel/Universal's plan).

Yeah, I'd love to see two trailers by now and a buttload of pics, but if the marketing strategy pays off, it will be worth it tenfold.

Interesting tidbit, though. One of my first grade students came up to me a week or two ago and said, "Did you know they're making a Hulk movie?"
I was blown away that he knew.
Of course, you'd have to see my classroom to know why the kid might bring up such a query:
Click HERE

You are WAY out of control with that room, dude!

I do agree with your point about the promotion of this film. I think Marvel's strategy is the way to go. The general public really is clueless to this movie. When I do tell people about this film I usually get the eyeroll accompanied by "Another one?". It's better to wait until you have a spot on trailer to hit the audience over the head with just a few months before the release rather than start getting the word out too early without anything impressive to show for it. This way people won't be able to form any negative preconceptions. They won't have time to!!
All I have to say is, this trailer better be amazing to accomplish what they are trying to do.
I haven't been really following the developments with this movie... somone just fill me in real quick... I for one think its too soon for a reboot... but it does say that Hulk opens up on the run in this movie in South America... what are they exactly doing? Are they taking tid bits from Lee here and there or not? I also read that they'll redo the origin through flashbacks... is that true or are we stuck entirely with Ang Lee's origin...
No problem guys :up:

I haven't been really following the developments with this movie... somone just fill me in real quick... I for one think its too soon for a reboot... but it does say that Hulk opens up on the run in this movie in South America... what are they exactly doing? Are they taking tid bits from Lee here and there or not? I also read that they'll redo the origin through flashbacks... is that true or are we stuck entirely with Ang Lee's origin...

totally new version of Hulk, they just arent starting from A, thats all. New origin, nothing to do with Ang's Hulk.
I think he means that because Norton and Roth are doing the motion camera moves and expressions for the characters they are playing, the CGI's expressions will be by all intent and purposes, them.

That's what I think as well but you never can tell.

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