Is Anyone Else Getting a Little Tired of The Berlanti DC Shows?

I doubt they could.

Hoechilin's Superman is supposed to be nearly 40. His Lex is already defeated in jail, and outed as a criminal.

He's already long established to the world and in a longterm relationship with Lois.

Basically his hero's journey is long behind him.

It wouldn't make for worthwhile CW adolescent drama.

We also don't really need another cheesy CW DC series. It's getting excessive now.

Respectfully disagree.

I humbly suggest that If all that were true people would have stopped reading Superman, Spider-Man and every other comic years ago - the journey doesn't end after the first adventure.

TDK is arguably the best Batman movie and doesn't require a hero's journey narrative - Batman is established when it starts. It works even if one hasn't seen Batman Begins, as a standalone film.

Plus, flashbacks - have things start in media res and cover important foundation ground with flashbacks.

You're right that we don't need another excessively cheesy series, probably like we don't need another dark, gritty one. However, a Superman series doesn't need to be as cheesy as Supergirl, particularly as he's older than she. while the danger of another cheese fest is really, the small glimpse we've had of Hoechlin's Superman has shown us that awesomeness is also a real possibility.
Never been a fan.

Everything about these teenage CW shows just comes off as cheap and corny. They look like guys playing dress up with costumes from party city.

Plus the 20 episode seasons are a pain to sit through

The Marvel Netflix shows make them even more unwatchable
I'd definitely watch a Superman show with Tyler Hoechilin.
Yeah same that'd be amazing!

I doubt it would happen though.
Instead Greg can turn a super hero INTO a procedural with a set up where he or she has a command center where his/her "team" can bark common sense orders to the titular character whom we are to believe has the sense God gave the average jar of mayo but who instead needs people they trust to tell them simple things like "run" or "fly". The cast will have one older actor to play "the friendly mentor character" another older actor to play "the prickly mentor character", one youthful actor to always spout pop culture references (geeks HATE pop culture references in things cuz they date them... But Greg's characters can get away with it cuz these references flatter the fanboy/girl's ego so...), at least, what...? Two crossed wire romances, a romantic partner from the comics that is played by a lackluster actor/actress so screwing up the canon relationships is a given and every other episode will end with some contemporary adult easy listening/Top 40 Pop song with the supposed "couple" make goo-goo eyes to each other, which BTW was itself a cliche' ending by the time the year 2000 had come around, all to build up to the twist ending which happens EVERY last ten minutes thereby creating a "shocking" moment that you can set your watch to.
By god, you've cracked the code!
Although, I will say the only CW cbtv procedural worth getting into for the procedural among other things is iZombie.
I'll take them any day over yet another NCIS: Random US City from Donald Bellisario or another Chicago Municipal Worker from Dick Wolf.
Or another Marvel superhero that doesn't want to be a superhero that Netflix churns out. If you want to talk about excessive and generic.

Aren't you the same poster that claimed that the Marvel Netflix series 'play it safe' ? LOL.

Respectfully disagree.
I humbly suggest that If all that were true people would have stopped reading Superman, Spider-Man and every other comic years ago - the journey doesn't end after the first adventure.
TDK is arguably the best Batman movie and doesn't require a hero's journey narrative - Batman is established when it starts. It works even if one hasn't seen Batman Begins, as a standalone film.
Plus, flashbacks - have things start in media res and cover important foundation ground with flashbacks.
You're right that we don't need another excessively cheesy series, probably like we don't need another dark, gritty one. However, a Superman series doesn't need to be as cheesy as Supergirl, particularly as he's older than she. while the danger of another cheese fest is really, the small glimpse we've had of Hoechlin's Superman has shown us that awesomeness is also a real possibility.

TDK also featured a young origins Batman during his first months as the caped crusader. A lot of the challenges he faced were part of the hero's journey, and Batman trying to define his place in the world.

Hoechilin's 'Superman' has been active for like 15 years. The world already accepts and cherishes him as Superman. His arch enemy is already in jail and outed as a supervillian. And he already got the girl. Even his Jimmy is now 30-something and his own superhero.

By the formulaic storytelling of Berlanti's CW shows, there's nothing left to really explore with Hoechilin's 'Superman.'

Hoechilin's 'Superman' was intended to be a 2-Dimension character used a prop to develop Kara. That's really it.
Ugh ! Why bother ? Why not just roll out an enjoyable show about ****ing Superman that ties in with the other DC tv shows ?

Does anyone really care that much about the political intrigues on pre-catastrophe Krypton ? Back in the 80's I remember a short (4 issue) limited series "World of Krypton" and that pretty much did the job. I mean there's a reason the Superman comics focus on well.... Superman, rather than the Kents before they found him.
Smallville, while a prequel, worked because it focused on Clark doing super stuff and his journey to becoming Superman - but a series about the Kents before they found him ? Yawn.

What's the fascination with prequels anyway ? How often are prequels even close to as compelling as their original films ? (yes Hobbit and Star Wars, I'm looking at you !). I mean Gotham's not bad but after one season I realised that Gordon was a very boring protagonist and that left us with essentially a Batman show without Batman - so not all that interesting. Sure, Robin Lord Taylor's Penguin is great as is David Masouz as young Bruce and Sean Pertwee's Alfred, but otherwise it doesn't hold my attention.

So, in short, not excited about Krypton.

Krypton is even worse than that, really. Its not even focusing on Jor-El and other people of his generation, where we actually have seen them and might conceivably care about their story. Its a further generation back, composed of people nobody has ever even heard of. It'd be like making a show about Jonathon Kent's father and how he grows up during the Depression.
Never been a fan.

Everything about these teenage CW shows just comes off as cheap and corny. They look like guys playing dress up with costumes from party city.

Plus the 20 episode seasons are a pain to sit through

The Marvel Netflix shows make them even more unwatchable

Yeah, I'm not a fan of any of the tv shows. I like to check out the look of the characters but I find them all pretty cheesy.
Actually, Gotham is one show I can sit through an episode and mostly enjoy it. But it's not must see tv for me.
Krypton is even worse than that, really. Its not even focusing on Jor-El and other people of his generation, where we actually have seen them and might conceivably care about their story. Its a further generation back, composed of people nobody has ever even heard of. It'd be like making a show about Jonathon Kent's father and how he grows up during the Depression.

Yeah, I was really surprised they were doing a show like this. There's so many characters in comics that they can't possibly use them all, or want to in the movies. There's gotta be better ideas.
Actually, Gotham is one show I can sit through an episode and mostly enjoy it. But it's not must see tv for me.

I have not bothered with Gotham this season since they brought back Fish. I know she "left" as of now but she can come back at any given time & apparently can not stay dead so I stopped watching Gotham after that finale last season
TDK also featured a young origins Batman during his first months as the caped crusader. A lot of the challenges he faced were part of the hero's journey, and Batman trying to define his place in the world.

Hoechilin's 'Superman' has been active for like 15 years. The world already accepts and cherishes him as Superman. His arch enemy is already in jail and outed as a supervillian. And he already got the girl. Even his Jimmy is now 30-something and his own superhero.

By the formulaic storytelling of Berlanti's CW shows, there's nothing left to really explore with Hoechilin's 'Superman.'

Hoechilin's 'Superman' was intended to be a 2-Dimension character used a prop to develop Kara. That's really it.

Again, I don't see the problem. Right now Superman in the comics is busy being the world's greatest Dad, and is more popular than he's been in ages. There are always adventures left for him to undertake.

You are right that a Superman show would be a departure from the Berlanti formula that Flash and Supergirl have used - and Arrow to a lesser extent.
That could only be a good thing.
I don't think that Flash was ever consistently amazing, let alone good. Mediocrity has been their game since episode two.
The first season of The Flash was genuinely good. Some dumb moments here and there, but it worked. Season 2 was hit and miss, with the finale being a huge miss. I haven't bothered with season 3, but I might check it out...
Sounds like porn to me. If gratuitous sex and violence, degrading of women for the sake of titillation is considered taking chances then no wonder people can't appreciate the warm and loving coming out story line of Alex Danvers on Supergirl.

Yeah, it must be the warmth radiating from it that people dislike.
I finished iZombie season 2 this week. I find it very uneven. Overall I enjoyed it, I'm happy I watched it, but it's not among the best shows I've watched. I wouldn't recommend it to people as there are other shows I'd recommend first, such as Roman Empire: Reign of Blood, Sense8, and Stranger Things. I rate it as a good show, not a great one.

In terms of "Marvel vs DC !!!!!!!!!!", I'll take iZombie above Agents of Shield, but below Daredevil. I'm still glad I've watched it though, it's funny, and it's different. There's also good eye candy in the form of Ally Michalka. One of the most beautiful women on TV for sure.

I'm not sure what I'll watch next. I have not watched any of Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, Gotham, Constantine, Jessica Jones, or Luke Cage. I'm leaning toward Jessica Jones. I hear that it's smart.
I'm not sure what I'll watch next. I have not watched any of Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, Gotham, Constantine, Jessica Jones, or Luke Cage. I'm leaning toward Jessica Jones. I hear that it's smart.

Jessica Jones is by far the best show on that list. I gave up on Gotham very quickly. Arrow, Flash, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow all inhibit the same cheesy, leather costume world. I enjoyed Luke Cage but it's definitely the least interesting MCU Netflix show. Constantine I haven't seen.
It's the warmth radiating from it that people like. It was very well received in the LGBT community.

“Representation matters,” reads the tweet from a comic book shop clerk in Fort Wayne, Indiana, who goes by the handle @sapphicgeek. Her name is Mary and she wrote that to sum up the incredible impact
of the out and positive lesbian relationship TV’s Supergirl is having.
It's the warmth radiating from it that people like. It was very well received in the LGBT community.

“Representation matters,” reads the tweet from a comic book shop clerk in Fort Wayne, Indiana, who goes by the handle @sapphicgeek. Her name is Mary and she wrote that to sum up the incredible impact
of the out and positive lesbian relationship TV’s Supergirl is having.

I think CW handled the sub plot with class from the episodes I saw this year.
The second half of the first season of Flash was amazing! That's that.

Yeah once episode 9 kicked in where they revealed harrison as reverse flash the second half was awesome. Season 1 is still the best overall but season 3 is close behind. Season 2 was a step back.

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