Is George Lucas a scumbag?


Sep 11, 2001
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I have just read the news that George Lucas plans to release the unaltered original Star Wars trilogy. I am glad that we will get to see the original unaltered movies again, however, George Lucas should have done this a long time ago. He should have done it when he released the special editions on DVD.

No. George Lucas, time and time again, takes advantage of the large fandom that Star Wars has. He has taken this beloved, very American franchise, an American heritage even, and he has continued to rape it again and again for every single penny/dime he can get out of it. He told us we would never see the original unaltered SW trilogy again!! Many people that would have held out for the unaltered versions felt like they had no other choice but to get the "special" editions. And now, alot of those same people will fork out their money for the unaltered trilogy.

It's been, what, decades since people have legally watched the unaltered original SW trilogy??? It's a disgrace! George Lucas has taken advantage of the love many people hold for SW. He took the original trilogy, edited it, put in "improvements", and told us that this is now the official version.

Never before, NEVER, has a director so massively raped his own fan base.
Isn't he already filthy rich?
kainedamo said:
I have just read the news that George Lucas plans to release the unaltered original Star Wars trilogy. I am glad that we will get to see the original unaltered movies again, however, George Lucas should have done this a long time ago. He should have done it when he released the special editions on DVD.

No. George Lucas, time and time again, takes advantage of the large fandom that Star Wars has. He has taken this beloved, very American franchise, an American heritage even, and he has continued to rape it again and again for every single penny/dime he can get out of it. He told us we would never see the original unaltered SW trilogy again!! Many people that would have held out for the unaltered versions felt like they had no other choice but to get the "special" editions. And now, alot of those same people will fork out their money for the unaltered trilogy.

It's been, what, decades since people have legally watched the unaltered original SW trilogy??? It's a disgrace! George Lucas has taken advantage of the love many people hold for SW. He took the original trilogy, edited it, put in "improvements", and told us that this is now the official version.

Never before, NEVER, has a director so massively raped his own fan base.

Its only "rape" (pathetic, btw, to use rape as a description on such a trivial matter) if its forced. I didnt see any made to buy the SE trilogy at gunpoint, and I doubt we will see anyone made to buy the next release at gunpoint.

People really ought to get over themselves about this, IMO.
He's not a scumbag. He's out to make a profit and doing it the best way he knows how to. Most folks would do the same, thinking that money is the solution to all their problems. He may be greedy, but he's not hurting anyone by doing this. Now, if he were torturing folks or mutilating animals, THEN he'ld be a scumbag.
I would describe him as a practising scumbag who has earned the right to act like a scumbag.
tomato/ tamoto...

scumbucket = businessman, if 'fans' had any sense they would recongnize that they are the ones with the power and start demanding that they be treated better by refusing to buy such garbage. Business used to pretend to respect the consumer right up until the point where it realized it doesn't have to anymore.
First off a lot of fans have been clamoring for a theatrical edition on dvd for years.

Secondly it's only going to be available for 4 months.

Third...c'mon Han is going to shoot first.

Lastly, you know you might try and getting out more and enjoying life because from all your threads you just come off as a downer. (i.e. Clerks sucks, boob jobs sucks, Lucas is a scumbag) You seem to like to complain about things. Relax.
to be fair, i prefer the touched up versions, with the original unaltered endings of the rotj.

putting younger versions of anakin in times two is just a disgrace.

I would also like for them to remove the puppet from the original TPM and replace it with a bgi yoda just so timeline wise it makes sense that all the prequels have cgi yoda and all the originals where he featured has him as a puppet.

to answer the question properly, no i don't have reason to believe lucas is a scumbag, no more than anyone who makes dvds or anyone else for that matter
Maybe he was simply tired of all the nerdy whining out there about the original versions being unavailable, and just said "Oh, hell, fine!! :mad: Here's your freakin' Han Solo shooting first!"
I'm one of those that felt the originals should have been included as bonuses with the DVDs when they were first released, and Lucas' announcement this week did kinda irritate me...but I don't think cash was the motivator here. Lucas has more money than he could spend in a hundred lifetimes.
I think what motivated their omission in the first place was ego; Lucas thinks the updated versions should stand as the final, "real" versions and he figured any outcries would diminish once we all saw how "improved" they were.
But yeah, like somebody else said, using the "rape" metaphor here is a little tastless. Technically it's not even "fleecing."
I'm goint to wager a bet alot of newbie Star Wars fans who latched on because of the prequels will be pissing and moaning about how crappy the then cutting edge FX are little comprehending the fact Star Wars came out in the late 70's when computer tech was still in its infancy.
No, hes not a skumbag, fans wanted this for a while...
A lot of ppl will buy them anyway. I think it's a decent idea.
Well im glad he is doing this I always enjoyed the old unchanged movies better. All my friends like the changed movies. So Godzilla is right I heard my friend awhile go getting angry at it for how dumb and idea it is to do this.
Malus said:
Maybe he was simply tired of all the nerdy whining out there about the original versions being unavailable, and just said "Oh, hell, fine!! :mad: Here's your freakin' Han Solo shooting first!"
I'm one of those that felt the originals should have been included as bonuses with the DVDs when they were first released, and Lucas' announcement this week did kinda irritate me...but I don't think cash was the motivator here. Lucas has more money than he could spend in a hundred lifetimes.
I think what motivated their omission in the first place was ego; Lucas thinks the updated versions should stand as the final, "real" versions and he figured any outcries would diminish once we all saw how "improved" they were.
But yeah, like somebody else said, using the "rape" metaphor here is a little tastless. Technically it's not even "fleecing."

Well hoorah for us allegedly "whiny nerds". Thank you for playing devil's advocate here Hitler and acknowledging that being forcefed crap is the way to go. All I have to say is thank God Lucas has come to his senses. I will not bow down and be forced to buy crappy, overbloated versions of a cherished movie that had the gall to give Darth Vader a pansy a** pink lightsaber and took away the edge to the Han Solo character.
Go to and ask this question, they'll gladly gnaw your butt off. :D
Han Solo / Greedo scene is why i'll buy the original.
No, hes not a skumbag, fans wanted this for a while...

Which is exactly my point. Fans have wanted this for ages, and Lucas being the creedy ***** he is, is only doing it now. Now that he's made his millions from the special editions. is a great star wars site...the best one too
Haha...Why are u banned?

I faked my own death. I sensed it was only a matter of time before they banned me permenantly, so I wanted to go out on my terms and not theirs. Their message board is probably the most regulated and restrictive message boards I've used. The first time you get banned, the bannings just don't stop. And then you find that they're adding to the length of time each time, and they have less and less patience with you. You can get banned for as little as having a heated argument.
Batman333 said: is a great star wars site...the best one too

Their messageboards are awfully confusing and too cluttered for my taste though.
It really doesn't matter whether he is or not... I'm his ***** either way. :(

...because not only will I be buying the Origianl Release DVDs, but I'll also be getting me some of those Star Wars Transformers. :O
Angry Sentinel said:
Business used to pretend to respect the consumer right up until the point where it realized it doesn't have to anymore.

Its sad just how true this is.
Angry Sentinel said:
tomato/ tamoto...

scumbucket = businessman, if 'fans' had any sense they would recongnize that they are the ones with the power and start demanding that they be treated better by refusing to buy such garbage. Business used to pretend to respect the consumer right up until the point where it realized it doesn't have to anymore.


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