Is Psylocke British in the movie?

The Overlord

Mar 10, 2002
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I remember in the comics Psylocke was a white British woman, until Siege Perilous when she was transformed into an Asian woman. Now we know the character is Asian in the film, but she still has the "Elisabeth "Betsy" Braddock" civilain name it seems. So in the movie is her father like a white British man and her mother a Japanese woman or something? What kind of accent will she speak with? What's the deal?
Doesn it even matter? She will be in for a whoppping milla second scene most likely....
I can't tell if Mei is using a noticable accent or not..

If it matters, we won't know since she'll probably only be in the movie for 5 minutes...

She sounds as though she has a US accent in the 7 minute clip that was released. It definately doesn't sound English.
She sounds American IMO

She says "They wanna exterminate us", when she says 'exterminate' I thought it was with an american accent. Anyone else get that?
TNC9852002 said:
I can't tell if Mei is using a noticable accent or not..

If it matters, we won't know since she'll probably only be in the movie for 5 minutes...

from what she said in the new wizard mag,it sounds like she gets more than 5 mins.
Sounds American to me. I wonder if she's going to be anywhere else in the movie.
batboy99 said:
from what she said in the new wizard mag,it sounds like she gets more than 5 mins.
Well, she gets to use her powers. She could well combine them all in one scene as she goes after Angel's father, still clocking less than five minutes.
So I guess she is Asian American in the movie.Of course I wonder how she got the name "Elisabeth "Betsy" Braddock" unless her father was a white guy, because it seems to me a lot of Asians who first came to America were willing to change their given name to something WASP like, but kept their family same (ex: adopting the name James Wong). But I think it was somewhat rare for someone from Asia comming to the US to adopt a full Wasp name, but I guess it isn't impossible either.
The Overlord said:
So I guess she is Asian American in the movie.Of course I wonder how she got the name "Elisabeth "Betsy" Braddock" unless her father was a white guy, because it seems to me a lot of Asians who first came to America were willing to change their given name to something WASP like, but kept their family same (ex: adopting the name James Wong). But I think it was somewhat rare for someone from Asia comming to the US to adopt a full Wasp name, but I guess it isn't impossible either.
I don't think she's ever named in the movie, so that won't be a problem.
It shouldn't surprise us if they screw up ANOTHER character ethnicity.

Pyro isn't Austrailian at all, Storm isn't pure African (Afro American instead) , and Juggernaut gets an English accent. So there's no doubt they'll go full blown Asian American with Psylocke...
I want to believe Mei words to Wizard magazine that this film is her character debut. Is a waste of cool characters just to think that she could die in this one.
She might come in others, Mei said that to the mag, we can hope her being more prominent in a next journey.
DonnyLebeau said:
It shouldn't surprise us if they screw up ANOTHER character ethnicity.

Pyro isn't Austrailian at all, Storm isn't pure African (Afro American instead) , and Juggernaut gets an English accent. So there's no doubt they'll go full blown Asian American with Psylocke...

Please shush :)
DonnyLebeau said:
It shouldn't surprise us if they screw up ANOTHER character ethnicity.

Pyro isn't Austrailian at all, Storm isn't pure African (Afro American instead) , and Juggernaut gets an English accent. So there's no doubt they'll go full blown Asian American with Psylocke...

I like to believe that Pyro was born in Australia but then taken to America when he was just a wee lad. One of my mom's friends was born in Finland, but moved to America when she was just a child. The way she talks, you'd never guess she was an immigrant. Her mom on the otherhand has the accent...
I think Psylocke should at least have about 10 min in this movie. She has very interesting powers. X-men Films told me,

"Even though she has a small role, she has more then a cameo"

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