I've had arguements with people over this personal niggle before, and don't feel like getting into it again. It goes in circles. At the very least, I have since abandoned WIZARD, and am so surprised by how much I don't miss getting it that I wish I'd dumped it maybe a year ago and saved myself more cash and space. I mean, unlike a comic, a Wizard issue is totally worthless and may as well be multch.
Imagine if MIRAMAX had no end of promos of some brand new HITCHCOCK film, fully scripted by the man before his death and whatnot, that was now dusted off and being made according to his personal notes and even some test footage for today's audience...and then when you walk into the theatre, you see a screen that says, "SUCKERS! We made the whole thing up with the permission of the estate. We have your money now, you may as well watch our movie now. Zort!"
Would you ever trust MIRAMAX again? And would you rush to their films the same way again? I know I wouldn't.
The comic market is a cottage industry that is sheltered and small, and in that way more intimate than, say, APPLE COMPUTERS. So when a big company outright LIES to sell something, it feels more personal. It's a point that Joe Q seems to completely not understand as he baits people in practically every interview he has ever given. And it is why they are always caught by surprise by any backlash. Yes, all companies basically lie to sell something. But with comics we like to believe something different. So you either play the game or shatter illusions, and people react poorly to shattered illusions. None of us liked learning that Santa wasn't real, or that life stinks, or justice is an illusion. Heck, that may be why many of us like comics.
I had some intregity and I vowed never to pay anything to read a Sentry solo comic. If he happens to be in a team book or back up story, hey, whatever. And from what I have read so far I haven't felt I denied myself much. I'm sure Sentry could be great in the right hands like any character, but to me he represents Lies, and Flaws Becoming a Character, not a character who happens who have flaws.