Comics Is Superman's costume too tight?

Miss Webb

Apr 4, 2004
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I mean really, sometimes you gotta wonder...doesnt he get self conscious about every detail showing like that? But then the briefs seem to be fairly solid and concealing. It would be like wearing underoos in public, seems to me.
No, it's the same as rugby players, you don't want people grabbing hold of the loose fabric etc. As for the cape in this matter..... :(
Superman's got nothing to be ashamed of. He's built like a brick s**thouse. :up:
I'm not complaining about that issue. :D

When Byrne was re-envisioning the character, he had the perfect explanation.

The costume wasn't Kryptonian .. it was made of very earthly materials. It was the fact that Clark had a very thin aura around him that made him and anything within a few milimeters of his skin invulnerable. Like a very tight force-field. Therefore, having his costume very tight helped protect it. It's why Bryne had all those great shots of Supes in battle with his cape torn but the body of the costume intact.

Byrne was and probably still is a great idea man. His writing may not be up to Alan Moore level but his ideas are solidly thought out.

Not like Waid who has an inflated opinion of his own ability to come up with solid concepts for these things.

And really, how the hell could a peice of cloth benefit from solar radiation? It's laughable.
Birthright was a horrible story...the only good thing about it is that it ended...
When Byrne was re-envisioning the character, he had the perfect explanation.

The costume wasn't Kryptonian .. it was made of very earthly materials. It was the fact that Clark had a very thin aura around him that made him and anything within a few milimeters of his skin invulnerable. Like a very tight force-field. Therefore, having his costume very tight helped protect it. It's why Bryne had all those great shots of Supes in battle with his cape torn but the body of the costume intact.

Byrne was and probably still is a great idea man. His writing may not be up to Alan Moore level but his ideas are solidly thought out.
I'm total agreement with every line of your post. Byrne got it right.

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