Legends Is the Force ever completelly explained?


All Mighty
Feb 11, 2011
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With this i mean as a battle system, does any story ever go in depth as to how the force works, the length to how things like controling object or any special kind of abilities inside the force only certain kinds of people can get?

The films extablish that force sensitive beings can sence other force sensitive being if trained enough, besides their lightsaber skills the Jedi have superhuman resistence and increased reflexes above normal humans, with the gesture of their hands they can create force push's and control object to their will. The Sith have the Jedi's skills and are also able to force choke and create lightning with their hands.

By using using force choke Darth Vader seems to be creating an invisible force hand, with this in mind wouldn't he also be able to create other invisible things with the force, like a force spear, an invisible force preson controled by the user, or even a giant force punch?

The next thing is lightning, if they can create this, would they be able to create other things like fire or water? And since lightsabers are made up of some force powered crystal wouldn't someone be able to create a weaker spear ray together with the powers of lightning? I'm not sure if this has been shown anywhere else but in the cover of Dawn of the Jedi they seem be able to creat power light balls (DBZ style), those powers could be quite usefull.

The last is the power to control objects, they probable don't work on the human body but does it have a range or maximum of weight? When two force users fight each other do they spark any kind of power to their surroundings that enables each other to use the oponent's clothes to choke them to death?

These are just some questions, maybe they have been answered in the EU, or maybe they haven't, either way i think this is something i think should have been explored as they're the basic rules of fights between force powered individuals.
Even magic has rules
I think the force is useless without ambiguous, spiritual context.

So keeping it unexplained phenomena is the only way to go.
I don't think we need to know how it works, but knowing the rules for certain things and how much you can do with the force is another thing. With the Jedi having to study the force i'm sure many would be able to create some interesting tricks.
I think they've already explained the Force much more than they ever should have. I liked it better as a nebulous, ethereal, life force that bound together all living things... that was cosmic.

A blood disease that affects only a lucky few? Mmmm, not so much..
I think they've already explained the Force much more than they ever should have. I liked it better as a nebulous, ethereal, life force that bound together all living things... that was cosmic.

A blood disease that affects only a lucky few? Mmmm, not so much..
That's what i meant when i said we shouldn't know what makes it happen, i'm interested to know how it can work, its limitations and how certain powers like lightning can be handled, and if you can create other kinds of offensive or defensive powers.

One of my favorite power systems in fiction is called Nen, like Star Wars it keeps the mysticism, However it is also very complex and with it you're able to explain different abilities.
I'd prefer not to know how it works, but to see a variety of philosophies on how it works. We've seen the Jedi and we've seen the Sith - two differing philosophies on the Force. What about someone who tries to use the Dark Side for good? Or someone who doesn't believe in the Light / Dark distinction? Keeping it mysterious could allow for new conflicts and story possibilities.
The EU touches on those questions, especially during the Vong War. All very interesting.
The Force doesn't run out, but a Force-user's mental endurance could. So if a Jedi lifts an object it has so many variables involved, the availability of the Force not being one of them since it is Infinite. How much belief does Luke, for instance, have that he can lift an X-Wing out of a bog as easily as he can a stone? How long can his mind endure the kind of concentration it takes to focus onnthe task at hand?

Outside of video game mechanics, there's no Force meter/mana well type deal. The Force is all things so IT has no real limitations. All limitations are in the mind.

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