The Dark Knight Is the Penguin really going to be in TDK


Mar 18, 2006
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How many people really think the Penguin is going to be in TDK, i am almost certian he is not, but i think i saw on two boards today mentioning him

i dunno if PSH is the penguin that would be money, but i'm not even a monsterously huge fan of the character and hated the DeVito version of him

but how they do him (penguin) will make all the difference
I was hoping he would but then didn't Nolan throw out the idea in an interview a while back? He said that there'd be trouble aligning him to the tone of the film and that it might not be 'believable'

Whatever that's gotta be just a flimsy spur of the moment excuse, it can't be the real reason why Nolan doesn't want Penguin anymore. Right now he's one of the most believable villains there is, most of the umbrella and bird stuff is all gone he's just a rich crook.

What boards mentioned Penguin? There's no new info they're just dredging up old stuff no?
Nepenthes said:
What boards mentioned Penguin? There's no new info they're just dredging up old stuff no?

there was just like a side note, like for example..

say we where talking about how nolan was going to make TDK, and some one would be like the joker is going to be dark, and two face twisted, god only knows what he will do with penguin

like nothing major, but something along those lines, of like, the thought is still out there with some people
Penguin isn't that hard to bring into a Batman film. Nolan had something good going, but now he seems to want to flitter it away. Of course he could be tricking us and he actually is still putting Penguin in the picture, but I wouldn't be surprised now if Robin Williams might get a chance to reteam with Nolan after pleading to be able to play someone or anyone in the movie whether it be Penguin or The Ventriloquist or someone else.

But going back to Penguin... you don't have to make him some waddling, rawfish eating monster like Devito played him. He can simply be an upstanding businessman with blackmarket deals who smuggles weapons in from Britain into the U.S. and has set up shop in Gotham, making trades and auctions with the Maronis and Thornes. He can still wear his tophat, or a bowler hat, have a monacle, and look like he could come from the old Victorian era, or simply look like a gangster.

And you could always have it that inspite of some of his sightly features (long nose, a penguin-like walk, no webbed-hands) he is still trying to redeem the Cobblepot name and restore it to glory as seen in the new "Batman" cartoon on Kid's WB.
^ yeah i def agree if he is introduced he needs to be the arms dealer he was in comics
When Nolan was confronted on Philip Seymour Hoffman rumors, he acted like the Penguin is one of those "out there" characters that wouldn't work in his Gotham. I became confused.
Ronny Shade said:
When Nolan was confronted on Philip Seymour Hoffman rumors, he acted like the Penguin is one of those "out there" characters that wouldn't work in his Gotham. I became confused.

Yeah it can't be the real reason Nolan dosn't want him anymore. Hopefully he's just being secretive again.

For the movies at least I like the Iceberg Lounge more than gunsmuggling. Mostly becuase it portrays the socialite as well as the criminal, with more diverse narrative options. The Lounge is a nexus in the criminal underworld where all kind of goings on can happen, and Cobblepot is an information source and facilitator. So he can still do the gun stuff and anything else, but he's a socialite first.
Nepenthes said:
Yeah it can't be the real reason Nolan dosn't want him anymore. Hopefully he's just being secretive again.

For the movies at least I like the Iceberg Lounge more than gunsmuggling. Mostly becuase it portrays the socialite as well as the criminal, with more diverse narrative options. The Lounge is a nexus in the criminal underworld where all kind of goings on can happen, and Cobblepot is an information source and facilitator. So he can still do the gun stuff and anything else, but he's a socialite first.

Yeah, I forgot about the Iceberg Lounge. He could easily make under the table deals and buys with the mob, while trying to be socialite and model citizen. Of course Batman would figure out who's supplying the Maronis and Thornes with weapons and then would bust into the club and beat the living hell out of Penguin's thugs.
L0ngsh0t said:
How many people really think the Penguin is going to be in TDK, i am almost certian he is not, but i think i saw on two boards today mentioning him

i dunno if PSH is the penguin that would be money, but i'm not even a monsterously huge fan of the character and hated the DeVito version of him

but how they do him (penguin) will make all the difference

Hell I not even sure at this point if Harvey Dent is going to be in the movie.

They are still making a Batman sequel, right?
I think it could be done. I like the idea of using Oswald Cobblepot as himself, more than DeVito's monster. With Nolan you never know. We could get a cameo, or nothing at all.
It would be cool if Penguin is in TDK, I didn't really like Burton's version. It was a bit too Gothic for my liking.
Agreed. Burton's version was...I really don't know. I just didn't work for me. I don't care for the Penguin monster look. Never have. I like as he's currently portrayed.
Didn't Nolan say that Penguin was out of the picture? but again Nolan could have him in TDK.
At this point I think anything my be possible, even if Nolan has said "no" to certain characters, you never know. It's still early enough for things to change. Not saying we'll be seeing Penguin, but it may be possible.
^yeah, i'm only decently a fan of the character, i would suppose if he where to be in it, the best thing would be for him to be a supporting villan
I hope he is in the more of smaller supporting role like how Crane was used in BB. Nolan can make it work in his more "grounded in reality" Bat would be great to see him as British arms dealer type with ties to the criminal underworld. The role screams Bob Hoskins all the way!
Guys Dent will not be Two Face in this movie. He is NOT one of the villains. Maroni, Sionis and the Joker are with me.
As far as I know, only the Joker so far is the villian. I am sure there will be more additions, but a of right now, he's the only one "confirmed" by Nolan. Although I would love to see Blask Mask.
Feature Story:Q+A: Christopher Nolan

By matthew Belloni
November 2006, Volume 146, Issue 5

ESQ: The Internet thinks you're casting Philip Seymour Hoffman as the Penguin.

CN: [Laughs.] Not true. I'd be more excited to have Philip Seymour Hoffman in the film than to have the Penguin. There are certain characters that are easier to mesh with the more real take on Batman we're doing. The Penguin would be tricky.
I know I'm alone here, but I found that quote comforting - I'd rather Nolan used characters he felt comfortable with than ones he isn't keen on. For whatever reason, the Penguin doesn't fit the storyline they are working on and I don't want a character shoehorned in for no purpose.
Miranda Fox said:
I know I'm alone here, but I found that quote comforting - I'd rather Nolan used characters he felt comfortable with than ones he isn't keen on. For whatever reason, the Penguin doesn't fit the storyline they are working on and I don't want a character shoehorned in for no purpose.

i agree
Miranda Fox said:
I know I'm alone here, but I found that quote comforting - I'd rather Nolan used characters he felt comfortable with than ones he isn't keen on. For whatever reason, the Penguin doesn't fit the storyline they are working on and I don't want a character shoehorned in for no purpose.

So what you saying is, Nolan should not use the villains that appeared in old franchise? I'm little confused:huh:
^I don't think she's saying that at all . . . she's just saying she doens't want any characters forced in a la X-Men 3 . . . . and that if Nolan doesn't feel a certain character fits in the story/theme, why throw him in there . . .
although it is a bit strange of Nolan to say the Penguin wouldn't fit into his 'real world' setting . . . he can be pulled off more realistically than most Batman characters . . . .I'm thinking he may be altogether unfamiliar w/ the Penguin outside of the film version . . . .

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