"It's Clobberin' Time!" - The Ben "Thing" Grimm Thread

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Mr. Dent

Aug 8, 2012
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Discuss our favorite hero with a heart of rock.
I'm not opposed to an entirely/almost entirely CGI Ben. And also maybe one whose skin structure changes after battles and over time. The same way skin cells are constantly changing.

In this regard the actor doesnt even need to be huge. stocky maybe, chiseled sure. But definitely not huge.
It will be Intresting to see If they go with CGI Thing and have whoever cast as human Ben do voice of thing and also do motion capture for thing.

Is Michael Madsen too old?

Or for that matter, I saw someone somewhere suggest Adam Baldwin. I like it.

They need to do him right and just go the Hulk route, all CGI.
The CGI for the Hulk in the Avengers was perfectly fine in my eyes. It looks a lot better than a suit.

No doubt about it. And considering the other three characters aren't exactly cgi-heavy, the biggest focus\efforts should placed be on the Thing.
My pick for Ben would be either Adam Baldwin or Ben Browder.
Bring back michael chicklis or whatever his name was. lol. He was a pretty good thing
He was, but it's time for a new actor to play Thing. He definitely needs to be full-CGI this time too.
great suggestion he has that rugged handsome look and he is quite the bad ass


I once read someone refer to him as all those things as well as a friendly teddy bear quality all of which is Ben Grimm in a nutshell
No doubt about it. And considering the other three characters aren't exactly cgi-heavy, the biggest focus\efforts should placed be on the Thing.

They aren't?!?!

Any time the Johnny is the Torch, any time Reed does something "fantastic", etc....

Josh Whedon said they only had two Hulk sequences in THE AVENGERS because that was all they could afford - and that was on a $220 million budget! Is Fox going to put that kind of money into the FF reboot? I doubt it.

You don't even get that much screen time with Iron Man in any IM movie - and those have bigger budgets than any FF film has had. Assuming they do not make the mistake of retelling the origin, the Thing needs to be on screen all the time - that's a tall order for a modest budget film if he's all CGI.
Yep. However much you might want it, and all-CGI Thing is simply not happening, not at a quality any of you guys would actually want to see.

In a perfect world, they'd get Guillermo Del Toro on the project; nobody can do practical costuming like he does. The Thing would be tougher than Hellboy, true, but I think he'd be up to the challenge of making it both practical and good.
Yep. However much you might want it, and all-CGI Thing is simply not happening, not at a quality any of you guys would actually want to see.

In a perfect world, they'd get Guillermo Del Toro on the project; nobody can do practical costuming like he does. The Thing would be tougher than Hellboy, true, but I think he'd be up to the challenge of making it both practical and good.

you do realize that Spectral Motion, the company who did most of the creatures for HB and HB2 did the Thing for FF/FF2...

GdT said he was offered the first FF ~ pity he did not take it...
If it was a voice only role I'd suggest James Gandolfini. Unfortunately Gandolfini couldn't pull off human Grimm.
what type of ben grim should we get

younger very handsome looking

or older brute
They aren't?!?!

Any time the Johnny is the Torch, any time Reed does something "fantastic", etc....

Josh Whedon said they only had two Hulk sequences in THE AVENGERS because that was all they could afford - and that was on a $220 million budget! Is Fox going to put that kind of money into the FF reboot? I doubt it.

You don't even get that much screen time with Iron Man in any IM movie - and those have bigger budgets than any FF film has had. Assuming they do not make the mistake of retelling the origin, the Thing needs to be on screen all the time - that's a tall order for a modest budget film if he's all CGI.

I agree. I don't want to be seeing Ben constantly changing back and forth between his human form and his Thing form, and spending most of the time in his human form just to save on costs. Unlike Hulk, who can be Banner and then Hulk out (and part of the fun is seeing him Hulk out), Ben is always the Thing unless he gets cured.

Having a CG Thing the whole time throughout the film will eat into the budget. Fox are bound to then either limit his screentime as the Thing to a few short appearances, or have Johnny, Reed and Sue not using their powers a whole lot.

I think they need to make a practical suit, but it has to look a whole lot better than the previous FF movies. They should look at the Marvel Legends figures for reference on how his face should look. Even the rocks on some of these look better than the suit they made:


Now they don't have to use the practical suit all the time. He can be partly mo-capped like Iron Man's suit it, especially when flexibility is needed. But the Thing suit should still exist and not be a completely animated or CGI character.
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