Religious Symbolism and Imagery in FF:ROTSS


Badass Cloud
Mar 5, 2003
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There was always going to be some religious symbolism and imagery in this movie with many in the comic book world thinking that SS is a christ metaphor. There wasnt that much of course, there were a couple of crucifix poses from SS, Galactus was often referred to as 'He' and SS stated that Galactus is known by many name's (as is God). Plus there is the fact that SS was performing 'miracles' throughout the movie with the anomaly's and the fact that he brought Sue back to life after she died.

Now, many people complained about the religious undertones, etc in the likes of Superman Returns and The Chronicles Of Narnia, but i actually thought it added a certain gravitas to the events in those movies, but in ROTSS i dont quite feel the same. It didnt seem to add to the movie as much IMO, other than the end when SS brings Sue back to life and then confronts Galactus.

What do other people think about the religious symbolism and imagery in the movie, do people think it was too much, too little, just right, etc. Go ahead and discuss and of course point out more symbolism and imagery that i may have missed.

And please, lets keep this civil and intellegent please.
it's really hard to do a film about the world ending ni seven days or so and all this freaky stuff occurring without a religious slight take to everything.
it's really hard to do a film about the world ending ni seven days or so and all this freaky stuff occurring without a religious slight take to everything.

Well yes, as i said in the first post, it was expected that religious imagery, etc would be in the movie, i was asking what people thought of it.

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