John Byrne

God, why all of The Byrne hate? He's got different views, mans not the anti-christ or anything. I'm going to go read some of his FF, or the Last Galactus Story, screw you guys. :o :D
some people just walk all over their own tongues
I think there's some merit in some of the things John Byrne stated. But to drag Chris Reeves into this when his accident was clearly not something he chose to do, that's a little absurd.
I don't think there's any merit in what Bryne saying, and I'm an open-minded guy I actually defended the Maddox article, but there something fundamentally different between this and Maddox. Maddox's site is to offend and to touch our darkest sides of humor(I actually laugh pretty hard at the MK picture of Reeves even after he died), while this deuche bag is seriously.

It is certainly true that we have an unfortunate habit of making "heroes" out of people who fell from grace -- alcoholism, drug abuse, prostitution, white collar crime -- and "fought their way back" rather than those who never fell in the first place.

Let's examine who John Bryne is first before we get to what he said, simple a JOKE in comicdom. He hasn't written or drawn anything of notoriety in the past 20 years, and most of his stuff was written out of continuity. It's quite sad the man still gets work. So he obviously struggling for any publicity, so he tries to take it from others. Now on to what he says, EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE makes ****ing mistakes some bigger than others, it's very easy to fall into all the above catagories and if someone "fights their way back or on to better things" they deserve our respect since they are heros. It's very easy to no fall into those "catagories", I know because I don't do any drugs/alcoholism so me getting a job and following my dream isn't that heroic but to the junkee or hooker that seems far away, so **** John Byrne :)

Christopher Reeves, NOTHING HEROIC about what he did? People this is the stupidest ****ing thing I've ever read, it would of been very easy to curl in a ball and shun the world. But he moved on, and if people can't see how amazing they are, then it probably means that there failures at life who are too bitter to see the amazing things people do:hellboy: and again

**** John Bryne :)
Movies205 said:
He hasn't written or drawn anything of notoriety in the past 20 years, and most of his stuff was written out of continuity.

Not true, and since when has continuity ever mattered? Some of the best comic stories of all time take place out of "continuity". The Last Galactus story by Byrne is literally up there with Watchmen.

I could care less what the man says. Almost everything said, in one way or another, has merit. It's all circumstancial. The events that have shaped your life, what surrounds you, how you were brought up. It's kind of hypocrital to point the finger and literally butcher the man because of what he's said. He's open, and has views more extreme then most people. I honestly don't ever even check into his personal life until I hear people complaining, which is quite often. Bah, I just think people need to mellow out a bit.
I don't see anything wrong with what Byrne said. However the reeves thing was like WTF, where'd that come from.
Mr. X said:
Not true, and since when has continuity ever mattered? Some of the best comic stories of all time take place out of "continuity". The Last Galactus story by Byrne is literally up there with Watchmen.

I could care less what the man says. Almost everything said, in one way or another, has merit. It's all circumstancial. The events that have shaped your life, what surrounds you, how you were brought up. It's kind of hypocrital to point the finger and literally butcher the man because of what he's said. He's open, and has views more extreme then most people. I honestly don't ever even check into his personal life until I hear people complaining, which is quite often. Bah, I just think people need to mellow out a bit.

No that a cop-out :) You have the right to say what ever the hell you want what you don't have is the right to say whatever you want and not be called on it. And I don't mean being arrested or anything but words are a power-ful thing. and if he going make accusations like that, then he better expect people to disagree and also agree. It comes with "having an opinion" or would you rather us all be mindless sheep that just talk out of our ass but never exchange discourse at fear of hurting another's feelings?
Byrne has been a stuck-up, bigoted, dumbass for a while. Because, you know, the only way to do comics is his way. He should be SHOT for that Christopher Reeve comment. Can't wait till he dies, and see what everyone says about him.
Well he made a very astute observation on his boards here...

This shows a remarkable degree of naivity about
comics and fandom, if true. There are certain things
which are eternal: If two people are in love, a loud
segment of fandom will demand they get married. If
they get married, a loud segment of fandom will
demand they have a kid. If they have a kid, a loud
segment of fandom will complain that the kid is not
aging "normally". Etc, etc.

Give someone a mortal disease and a loud
segment of fandom will demand that person die.
And they will demand it over, and over, and over, and
over. . . Until the person dies. Then they will say the
death was a sales gimmick and utterly unnecessary.

And I think this is very true so he not a total waste :)
Movies205 said:
No that a cop-out :) You have the right to say what ever the hell you want what you don't have is the right to say whatever you want and not be called on it. And I don't mean being arrested or anything but words are a power-ful thing. and if he going make accusations like that, then he better expect people to disagree and also agree. It comes with "having an opinion" or would you rather us all be mindless sheep that just talk out of our ass but never exchange discourse at fear of hurting another's feelings?

You're the guy saying "**** John Byrne" with a little cheery smiliey.

I also didn't say people don't have the right to call him on things, I said, and I quote, I coulden't care less", one way or another. I just don't think the man needs to be made out as the anti-christ. Got anything better to do then worry about what other people say all the time? Not saying any of you around her do that exactly, but the point still stands. If the man wasn't famous, no one would pay him any heed.

It's the same thing with Reeves. Sure the man made strives and did good things, but there are millions of people in this world with problems just as bad if not worse that no one cares less about. Go visit an old persons home and talk to the neglected, visit a burn center. Just because somebody has the money and center stage doesen't mean he's god. God knows I've struggled through enough bull**** in my life, as I'm sure almost everyone in this world has. I mean bad things. We don't get on a podium, we don't get to preach and have everything put under a microscope. I just don't like how some things, the differencheation.

I have noticed that people have begun referring to
Christopher Reeve as a "hero". I do not wish to take
away one iota of the courage he must have needed
not to wake up screaming every single day, but the
hard truth is there was nothing "heroic" in what
happened to him, or how he dealt with it. In fact, as
far as how he dealt with it, he didn't even have a
choice. We could imagine he spent every hour of
every day (when not in front of the cameras) begging
family members to simply kill him and get it over with
-- but none of them did, so he had no choice but to
deal with each day as it came.*

Heroism, I believe, involves choice.
*Not in any way suggesting this is what was
happening, just in case there are those who are
paralyzed from the neck up who might be
reading these words. . .

You gotta be ****in kiddin me, I mean, days after the man dies, you say this. For the record, he's done more for others than you ever will. I hope John Byrne is raped by a bear.
already a thread, and although his comments about reeve are wrong, i agree with his other comments.
The guy who relayed these Byrne posts to Millar's board is a very strange person. He appears to have some kind of agenda against Byrne, as he has this habit of going around to various message boards, hoping to rally people to his cause. Knowing that Byrne is not shy with his opinions, this person silently lurks his board on a regular basis, waiting for him to say anything that could be percieved in the least bit as being offensive or unpopular, so that he can relay it to other Byrne-bashers on the net. Apparently, he's been doing this for several years. Maybe he's just an annoying internet troublemaker with nothing else to do in his life, or some sad, lonely person with a grudge, who hopes to hurt Byrne's career in some way or another. What kind of person does things like this? And why would anyone even bother to take him seriously? It's mind-boggling.
I remember growing up in the 80's and byrne was the world to me.
I started reading comics after his x-men run but I picked up an issue of
alpha flight and was totally hooked. the art was amazing and not only that
it was well written as well.
I then went on hunt to collect everything byrne ever drew
alpha flight
rog 2000
marvel team up
his art along with terry austin was the best I had ever seen the lines were tight
and the inks were crisp, even when byrne went on to ink his own work the art was still amazing.
then after his superman run (still my favorite ever superman run)
his art went absolutely to the dogs, the art is terrible it looks like he draws his
comics in about 5 minutes flat and then inks with painter's brush.
It's a very sad decline for one of my heroes of the comic world
I avoid anything byrne does now (or try to)
the spider-man reboot
the jla run
doom patrol
compare and contrast the artwork...what's a good example, I know the issue of the x-men where wolverine takes out the hellfire club with the lastest issue of doom patrol. you wouldn't believe it is drawn by the same person.
maybe byrne is just bored with comics and it is just more or less a job to him now.
You hit it on the head.

But he had a great run though

Try 2112 A Byrne book the way you like em
The man is able to do 3-4 comics a month while everyone else struggles to just do 1 :o I dont' know his art but maybe that has something to do with it :o
I don't think he really cares about the industry anymore.
He "tweaked" himself for the milliniem as Brian Michael Bendis.
I still like John Byrne.

Art wise.

He just does comic art in a way that makes me remember the "good ole days".

Yeah okay, the Chapter One thing was crap. But someone has done something similar since then and got all kinds of awards for the same s***ty concept.

But his JLA run & his Doom Patrol are pretty good.

And 2112 and Next Men kicked ass.

His Alpha Flight and She-Hulk were my personal favorites.

And actually his Namor was pretty good too.

I just wish he could mend with Marvel and do something good with some characters that I really love.
I think he and Chris Claremont sold their souls back in the '70's for talent. The catch was that, as time went on, their skills would considerably dull until they were no more. Byrne's just getting by based on his old stuff, but he knows his talents gone, leaving the bitter, cynical shadow of a man that exists to... Oh... wait. That's Gambit. Heh, sorry. :cyclops:
First you have it.

Then you lose it.

Then it's gone.

Beautifully ****ing illustrated.
Just dont say "Supes" or "Bats" around him cause he'll bite your head off. Its happened before and it'll happen again.

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