Just a question


trademarks us miserable
Oct 31, 2007
Reaction score
ive been reading alot of the topics on this board, and it seems like MOST of the people who post here wont go see a movie based upon some schmucks review of it?

does anyone here actually not care and go see movies just cause they THINK they will be good and not check out reviews, just a question
I only read reviews when I have a moral uncertainty regarding the content of a film. Otherwise, I make my decision by the trailers, most of the time.
ive been reading alot of the topics on this board, and it seems like MOST of the people who post here wont go see a movie based upon some schmucks review of it?

does anyone here actually not care and go see movies just cause they THINK they will be good and not check out reviews, just a question

I rarely ever check reviews, when I do, it's because I don't know anything about the movie. I normally ask for friends opinions first though and read the summaries. I normally disagree with reviews anyway.
I find myself go after reviews more and more these days. And after this summer with crap like Spider-Man 3 I will definitely only see big summer block busters if they get good reviews. I'm done with uninspired sequels and stuff like that
I wouldn't say MOST people here do that.
The trailer is usually what decides if I will go see it or not. After that I base it off of what I know about the writer, director, cast, etc. Then whatever my like minded friends tell me about the movie.

Reviews will only make me see a movie I wasn't planning on seeing.
Critics tend to be morons with nothing in common with my tastes, so I generally choose for myself.
does anyone here actually not care and go see movies just cause they THINK they will be good and not check out reviews, just a question
I do. I usually read the reviews after the movie. I see a movie if I, myself think it's gonna be good. I don't listen others opinions.

For example I wasn't gonna see Die Hard 4 in theaters 'cause I thought it would suck. Then everyone here and there were praising how fcking good it was, and I was like fck, maybe I'm wrong. Went to see it and it did blow. Gonna stick my own mind.

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