Justice League Justice League's Source Material, Issues 183-185


Oct 19, 2009
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Mayimbe here.

What’s poppin’ this morning folks?

I’ll tell ya.

Source material because as of this morning, Justice League is still directorless.

You know how Nolan and Goyer went back to Batman comic books like Year One, The Killing Joke, The Long Halloween, No Man’s Land, and Knightfall for their inspiration behind The Dark Knight Trilogy?

Well, according to sources, hot screenwriter Will Beale who got the writing gig for 2015′s Justice League movie, is getting his inspiration from Gerry Conway’s…

Justice League Of America 183-185

Released back in 1980, issues 183-185 were the annual team-up for the Justice League of America and the Justice Society of America.

In a nutshell, plotwise, the three issue arc involves Darkseid planning the destruction of Earth by blasting it with a ray that’ll move Apokolips into the Earth’s place.

Sounds like some Armageddonesque end of the Earth as we know it kind of stakes fit for summer tentpole event film if you ask me.

The three issues were scripted by Gerry Conway with pencils by Puerto Rican superstar and fellow Flushing, NY native George Perez. George if you are reading I still have the comic bags you did back in the day for Mike’s Comic Hut. Also of note, Jim Starlin did two covers. In my opinion, Jim Starlin would later have the HOTTEST run of Batman stories in the late 1980s which consisted of my favorite Batman story Ten Nights Of The Beast, along with The Cult, and of course the death of Jason Todd in A Death In The Family.

Last night I dropped into Midtown Comics for a hot minute to peep the issues collected in trade paperback form in Crisis On Multiple Earths Volume 5.

The trade paperback is worth a look if you want to know more.

Until the next episode boys and girls…

Interesting find.

Perhaps with this news, and Snyder and Nolan being tightlipped about their involvement, maybe they're soliciting potential directors with WB's approval?

Interesting that one of the issues lent itself to one of Superman: The Animated Series final episodes, 'Apokolips Now!'
Interesting that they're going with something this far back. I've never read this story, but I would guess that all of the Justice Society stuff would be cut out, unless they wanted to include a nod to it by referencing an old team of heroes in the 40s banding together.

I always found it funny that the the common language of Apokalips is apparently English with spelling errors.
Just read the summary of the stories-apparently we are dealing with a story where Earths greatest heroes are transported to New Genesis to save it from Apokolips,Its very interesting too say the least and it has so much potential.

Firstly it is drastically different from the the Avengers 1 as the League isnt protecting earth-its protecting another planet entirely.Just thinking of the visuals of the league fighting in a futuristic planet gainat the hordes of apokolips is fapworthy.

Secondly The story has some heroes being transported from parallel universes.So the stry cld incorporate the idea that each hero inhabits a solo universe unto himself and are only united on New genesis by being summoned.They dont have to be in a shared universe for the story to work.Its freaking brilliant.Also introducing a multiverse concept opens the door for a Crisis

...But there is a Downside

Avengers 2 might well take place in space if the Infinity gauntlet rumour is true.If this is true,a Justice league movie willl be called a huge copycat if they follow suit by having an adventure in space.Its amazing that as awesome as this storyline is its the one storyline that worsen their copycat situation.

Assuming Avengers 2 is a space adventure
EDIT:I am now convinced that Marvel deliberately picked Thanos because they somehow knew of DC/WBs plans for a Jl movie.Because Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet storyline is the perfect Cockblock to Darkseid and this storyline
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Same as the JGL rumor, same as Darkseid being the big bad, hell same as this film even being made: I'll believe it when I see it.
That sounds goddamn brilliant. So Nolans Batman OR a rebooted Batman can probably work then? If it's dealing with different universes coming together.

Didnt Whedon say the next Avengers would be smaller scale, more personal?
THis storyline is the best idea for a no-solo movie JL and at the same time cld turn into the worst idea because of avengers 2...and lets not forget GOTG.
Marvel really screwed DC over here and i cant say i blame them. WB better pray to Zod that marvels doesnt plan infinty gantlet with avengers 2 or thy are screwed
That sounds goddamn brilliant. So Nolans Batman OR a rebooted Batman can probably work then? If it's dealing with different universes coming together.

Didnt Whedon say the next Avengers would be smaller scale, more personal?

Damn straight.Though I dont want Nolans Batman though.He stands no chance on New genesis.
But still its a brilliant idea.
Oh and Whedon said Avengers 2 wld be personal but corrected in later interviews that it didnt mean smaller in scale basically he imples that avengers 2 will simply be more emotional.So we really dont know anything
I can care less what fans think or how much this movie makes. As long as it's made and it's good then great. Itll make a lot of money anyway. There will always be a Marvel crowd in this who are saying THEYRE RIPPING IT OFF or regular folks who feel the same...all you have to do is tell them Justice League happened in the comics first and so did Darkseid so screw off.
I can care less what fans think or how much this movie makes. As long as it's made and it's good then great. Itll make a lot of money anyway. There will always be a Marvel crowd in this who are saying THEYRE RIPPING IT OFF or regular folks who feel the same...all you have to do is tell them Justice League happened in the comics first and so did Darkseid so screw off.

It doesnt matter what comic fans think but it really matters what the general audience think.They might decide not to go to see a "ripoff" when they already have seen the real thing-"Avengers 2".This is really frustrating as this is the best storyline for a JL with no solos-Will Beall has to be a genius to come up with this.
Really surprised that WB could be deciding to go offworld from the get-go. It will be a lot to take in.

If they do go this way I just wonder what will be the look of the film, and will they treat it as this JLA adventure with no big introductions of each hero on Earth.

The story has some heroes being transported from parallel universes.So the stry cld incorporate the idea that each hero inhabits a solo universe unto himself and are only united on New genesis by being summoned.They dont have to be in a shared universe for the story to work.Its freaking brilliant.Also introducing a multiverse concept opens the door for a Crisis

Interesting. A multiverse could be a great way to solve that problem. Unless they're just finding the easiest way to not deal with a story set on Earth because they don't know what the solo movies will be about. So once they get to the solo movies then they can set them back on Earth with all their own separate stories. Who knows what WB are doing, or even if they have that much of a plan set out.

I am going to try to read these issues asap.
Really surprised that WB could be deciding to go offworld from the get-go. It will be a lot to take in.

If they do go this way I just wonder what will be the look of the film, and will they treat it as this JLA adventure with no big introductions of each hero on Earth.

Interesting. A multiverse could be a great way to solve that problem. Unless they're just finding the easiest way to not deal with a story set on Earth because they don't know what the solo movies will be about. So once they get to the solo movies then they can set them back on Earth with all their own separate stories. Who knows what WB are doing, or even if they have that much of a plan set out.

I am going to try to read these issues asap.
Very interesting indeed.
It has been argued that using Darkseid in the first movie is stupid beacuse they cant top him unless they do Crisis in the second movie.Well if they go with the multiverse route in this story they are pretty set to use any Crisis storyline in sequels.My guess is JL2 will have Antimonitor as the villain and JL3 will have Darkseid return in a Final crisis like storyline.
It doesnt matter what comic fans think but it really matters what the general audience think.They might decide not to go to see a "ripoff" when they already have seen the real thing-"Avengers 2".This is really frustrating as this is the best storyline for a JL with no solos-Will Beall has to be a genius to come up with this.

I don't see big deal with two team-up movies. Do you think that most people would prefer to see another Avengers movie or the first installment of the Justice League. I see them both succeeding.

When it comes to the story, I'm not crazy about the selection. I'd prefer it to be more grounded to Earth. I really want to see a living universe for all of these characters, but I don't want to see inter-dimensional elements. That's just my preference, so I don't fault anyone for wanting this story. It's unique, but not my cup o' tea. I'd still see it though. ;)
I don't see big deal with two team-up movies. Do you think that most people would prefer to see another Avengers movie or the first installment of the Justice League. I see them both succeeding.

When it comes to the story, I'm not crazy about the selection. I'd prefer it to be more grounded to Earth. I really want to see a living universe for all of these characters, but I don't want to see inter-dimensional elements. That's just my preference, so I don't fault anyone for wanting this story. It's unique, but not my cup o' tea. I'd still see it though. ;)

Its not just that its two teamup movies. Its two teamup movies with a very similar villain and a very similar storyline.Its almost like releasing Raimis spiderman and Tasm the same year. Exagerrating of course but you get my piont
EDIT:and they dont have to go with a multiverse approach-story works just as well in a singular universe
Like I said in the other thread, it's a good story, but will definitely need some modification, also I'd like to see some of Rock of Ages and Final Crisis incorporated, maybe even a little bit of Justice League NEW 52.
It has been argued that using Darkseid in the first movie is stupid beacuse they cant top him unless they do Crisis in the second movie.Well if they go with the multiverse route in this story they are pretty set to use any Crisis storyline in sequels.My guess is JL2 will have Antimonitor as the villain and JL3 will have Darkseid return in a Final crisis like storyline.

I am curious as to how big and complex WB would be willing to go.

And curious how Latino Review seem to be getting a lot of info. now for this (unless they're being led astray of course.)

WB would want the JL movies to all be large scale. And the solo movies would be pretty large scale as well, so why not go all out for a JLA movie right away, to set the standard for a teamup movie compared with a solo movie.

But if they would want to use a Crisis storyline they would have to have a shared universe onscreen. I mean, these superheroes would have to deal with each other on (our) Earth as well.
elmayimbe has the outline. I think he's leaking out these details bit by bit as he sees fit.
I am curious as to how big and complex WB would be willing to go.

And curious how Latino Review seem to be getting a lot of info. now for this (unless they're being led astray of course.)
Mybe WB is leaking it for buzz....or it cld just be WB leaking flase info to lead Marvel and fans astray

But if they would want to use a Crisis storyline they would have to have a shared universe onscreen. I mean, these superheroes would have to deal with each other on (our) Earth as well.
Not sure I follow.A Crisis storyline ideally takes place across a multiverse.If the movie happens well be seeing stuff going down acrooss the individual universes of this movie
It doesnt matter what comic fans think but it really matters what the general audience think.They might decide not to go to see a "ripoff" when they already have seen the real thing-"Avengers 2".This is really frustrating as this is the best storyline for a JL with no solos-Will Beall has to be a genius to come up with this.

I don't think that general audiences are not unfamiliar with the Justice League brand (nor with a villain like Darkseid for that matter). Keep in mind that a large number of folks (not being comic-book fans) will be young enough to have experienced the Justice league as a cartoon series back in the late 1990's early part of the turn of the century, as well as the series, "Smallville" which ran for 10 seasons over the last decade and featured some of the characters (although re-imagined) that will be in this film. The general audience (excluding serious comic book fans) will not be too familiar with a character like Thanos, but will be more inclined to know a character like Darkseid.

It would also depend on how well this story line is being sold and how they promote the characters. If they make a good effort explaining the origins of the character and differentiate him from Marvel's version, it should become apparent that the Marvel character would be the true "knock-off". Irrespective of all of this, the producers need to focus on the casting and the storyline, and not be afraid to feature characters like Superman and Batman in the picture. They are going to be key in hooking this picture.
Not sure I follow.A Crisis storyline ideally takes place across a multiverse.If the movie happens well be seeing stuff going down acrooss the individual universes of this movie

I mean, to tell a multiverse storyline like any of the Crisis stories, there has to be a shared universe onscreen. That's necessary before going off into a multiverse storyline.

Anyway, the multiverse may be considered too confusing to introduce as a concept straight way to audiences for a first JL movie.
I don't think that general audiences are not unfamiliar with the Justice League brand (nor with a villain like Darkseid for that matter). Keep in mind that a large number of folks (not being comic-book fans) will be young enough to have experienced the Justice league as a cartoon series back in the late 1990's early part of the turn of the century, as well as the series, "Smallville" which ran for 10 seasons over the last decade and featured some of the characters (although re-imagined) that will be in this film. The general audience (excluding serious comic book fans) will not be too familiar with a character like Thanos, but will be more inclined to know a character like Darkseid.

It would also depend on how well this story line is being sold and how they promote the characters. If they make a good effort explaining the origins of the character and differentiate him from Marvel's version, it should become apparent that the Marvel character would be the true "knock-off". Irrespective of all of this, the producers need to focus on the casting and the storyline, and not be afraid to feature characters like Superman and Batman in the picture. They are going to be key in hooking this picture.

All this doesnt matter if they go ahead with a villain and storyline remniscient of Avengers 2 it wld look like they are copying avengers story.Wherea if they had a different villain and story itd be a different story
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I mean, to tell a multiverse storyline like any of the Crisis stories, there has to be a shared universe onscreen. That's necessary before going off into a multiverse storyline.

Anyway, the multiverse may be considered too confusing to introduce as a concept straight way to audiences for a first JL movie.

Hmm maybe....but the ONE did it so i think it can be done.Introduce the concept same way the One movie did with each hero being on parallel earths and they are grand.

Of course they cld just go with a shared universe but theyd better have the universe properly mapped out
Its not just that its two teamup movies. Its two teamup movies with a very similar villain and a very similar storyline.Its almost like releasing Raimis spiderman and Tasm the same year. Exagerrating of course but you get my piont
EDIT:and they dont have to go with a multiverse approach-story works just as well in a singular universe

I do see the similarities, but at the end of the day people aren't going to see the villain, they want to see Batman and Superman together. Spider-man may be the only other superhero that almost every member of the general audience is that familiar with. That would be some event.

Marvel did a great job in introducing four albeit moderatly popular heroes and putting out a great series, but I don't think that we'll ever consider Iron-Man's popularity to be on equal ground to Superman and Batman to the general audience. Essentially, people have different reasons to see these movies.
I do see the similarities, but at the end of the day people aren't going to see the villain, they want to see Batman and Superman together. Spider-man may be the only other superhero that almost every member of the general audience is that familiar with. That would be some event.

Marvel did a great job in introducing four albeit moderatly popular heroes and putting out a great series, but I don't think that we'll ever consider Iron-Man's popularity to be on equal ground to Superman and Batman to the general audience. Essentially, people have different reasons to see these movies.

Basically you are saying the audience wont care about the story as long as it has Btaman and superman in it.
Thats not true-Batman and Robin as well as Superman returns proves this.
Just having Bats and supes is not enough

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