Larry Hama Interview!

I wonder how much Hama got paid to see all that :p .

God I hate these IESB guys. First day of filming, how did he see everyone "come to life" already?

Hama seemed a little uncomfortable there.

I also hate Golden Apple too.
The film is an ensemble.

Therefore, I think he saw most. Duke, Snake Eyes and many more would been on the set.

And I like IESB. I may not agree with their opinion (have they ever had one?), but they have a nice track record.
I read a interview with Larry Hama in Toyfare back in 1997, and he's not afraid to pull any punches, whether talking about Hasbro, the cartoon makers, or anything (he's had the balls to maintain all these years that Duke is one of his least favorite characters). So I trust his optimism.
So what, that's a magazine interview.

He didn't really seem to know what to say in that question, meaning I'm guessing everyone wasn't there on the first day of filming.
So what, that's a magazine interview.

He didn't really seem to know what to say in that question, meaning I'm guessing everyone wasn't there on the first day of filming.

I'm sure the question was more broader in aspect.

More like: "what's it like to see everyone come to life?"

And I believe, since he's a creative consultant, they've shown him every character's outfit for every stage.
I'm sure the question was more broader in aspect.

More like: "what's it like to see everyone come to life?"

And I believe, since he's a creative consultant, they've shown him every character's outfit for every stage.

It came off like a rather premature, dumb question to me. Its not like they are done with shooting or well into shooting when that happened.
Well, he literally is seeing his creating come to life. I think you guys are making too big a deal out of it.

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